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Doutzen Kroes


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That is great news

I hope/guess its for the cover (she pretty much only pose for german vogue covers)

Yeah, she mostly doesn't do just editorials for Vogue (unless it's for US, Italian or Paris Vogue) But it could be for the 30th anniversary (oct. this year) of German Vogue. Mabey they will have a lot of covers like 5 years ago with a lot of different models on their cover. But either way I'm just glad she works with Weber again. It has been such a long time...

And on the L'oreal commercial. I haven't seen a L'oreal commercial with Doutzen in it on the Dutch tv in quite a long time. It's about time they come up with some new if you ask me.

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I've always liked her December cover of German Vogue by Alexi Lubomirski (she looked heavenly in white) and it's great she's working with Bruce again (apparently their anniversary issue). I really do hope they do give her a cover as well for their anniversary but there's a chance they might not give it to her because they usually bring in German models for their most special issues.

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30th anniversary of German vogue?

That would be really cool and a honour ofcourse too

Bruce Weber photos are really beautiful ... Im really looking forward to see the German vogue shoot


I saw yesterday the loreal commercial for the shampoo


I hope glossy glossy will appear on dutch tv soon too



The new Calvin Klein billboard on Houston St. and Lafayette St. has lost its racy orgy scene, but not it's sex appeal. /www.nydailynews.com

Calvin Klein has turned down the heat a tad in SoHo - replacing a giant orgy-themed ad with a dripping-wet model in a string bikini.

Even though the replacement still shows plenty of skin, New Yorkers were more comfortable with it.

"I think it's a good thing," said Rae Vermeulen, 36, who lives a few blocks from the billboard at E. Houston and Lafayette Sts.

"The old one bothered people. It was a little too explicit with the threesome," she said. "You didn't even notice the jeans as much as what was going on with the people."

The original showed a very young topless woman atop a shirtless male while kissing another man. Below them, a guy with his shirt and jeans unbuttoned appeared to be passed out.

As the Daily News reported last week, passersby thought the content crossed the line for public display. The new lady in red seemed to pass muster, though.

"This is a lot better than the full blatant threesome they had before," said public relations specialist Rebecca Edmondson, 29, who passes the billboard daily.

"I do like the bathing suit on her. It's cute!"

Adolfa Arena, 48, a dog walker in the area, said the ad was effective without being provocative.

"I think this one is brilliant," he said. "It's the beginning of summer, so it works out perfectly."

Told of the complaints last week, Calvin Klein officials had defended the ad, saying the intent was to create "a very sexy" campaign.

The firm had no immediate comment Tuesday on why it yanked the ad - but gas station manager Shohel Mohammed, 29, who works across the street, was glad to see it go.

"Customers used to come in all the time and say that it's too much," he said. "I'm glad they decided to change it."

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Well its nothing really special

Its a HQ pic with a lot of peolpe from the MET party (including Doutzen with Oluchi Onweagba and Anna Vyalitsyna)


BTW: What kind of plan ?

Now she's in Brazil it would be a great opportunity for her agency to find some good work in brazil .. like a vogue cover with a ed + interview :D

(I would be nice to have a vogue cover from Brazil in her vogue list)

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She's already had three Vogue covers this year and it'll be great to see the list added more :hehe:!

Usually most models do get paid the most when they land campaigns and if C&A wanted her as an ambassador for their seasonal line, I'm sure they got her "bread very well buttered". She's also got the Tiffany's campaign we also can look forward to (just forgot when haha)

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