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Sara Sampaio


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I'm not one to usually comment on the drama on Sara's thread (because honestly, this has happened so many times but I just stay in my lane and update my site) but let's not resort to name calling or passive aggressive shots. 

I know we're all frustrated, and confused about the weird start to fashion month. I know there's things Sara could do to improve - but we have zero control over that. She's achieved so much over the past few years and it's been nice watching her really make a name out there. Please remember that she's human too and we don't know what it's like for anyone in the fashion industry. 

I agree with multiple points made on here, and I hope she realizes there's a lot she could do to improve. 

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8 minutes ago, sarasampaios said:

I'm not one to usually comment on the drama on Sara's thread (because honestly, this has happened so many times but I just stay in my lane and update my site) but let's not resort to name calling or passive aggressive shots. 

I know we're all frustrated, and confused about the weird start to fashion month. I know there's things Sara could do to improve - but we have zero control over that. She's achieved so much over the past few years and it's been nice watching her really make a name out there. Please remember that she's human too and we don't know what it's like for anyone in the fashion industry. 

I agree with multiple points made on here, and I hope she realizes there's a lot she could do to improve. 

I love your site btw!!

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Being a fan, to me, doesn't mean to blindly follow and accept everything. 

Heck, I LOVE my partner, but I don't take every shit that comes my way. 

sometimes the other person is wrong. 

That doesn't mean we love them any less. 


I am sure it sucks to read this. ( for Sara)


As far as changing, I think she changed when she started to date Oliver. someone check the timeline, but I do feel it was that period that changed Sara from a more outgoing, always happy, positive, had this cool, great energy vibe around her, to a more serious, more down Sara...

I feel she got hurt by a lot of stuff and she saw some people taking a side that it was not hers. 


I also believe she hardly ever lets things go. Especially dumb Portuguese news. she most often than not replies to it, drawing more attention to that. 

I wish she would let it go and I do wonder how she would handle dealing with the press and the harsh headlines real famous, A-list stars, have to deal with

( she deals better with dailymail stuff than Portuguese crap. Maybe it hits closer to home and it annoys her that friends and relatives will believe that? whereas sometimes they don't read dailymail??))



I have no idea if she keeps friends or not. I don't follow many models to this extent so I don't know how long their friendship lasts with other models. 

I am sure it's hard. To be friends AND competitors are the same time. 

At least, as far as I know, Sara isn't commenting on social media like Irina was regarding her. 


As far as not working more with her. I don't know how often it is for models to ALWAYS work with a brand years after year. They often look for new faces, etc, don't they? Unless you are a big Hollywood star you do a campaign or two and then they move along


Until I hear that she is losing jobs because stylist and photographers refuse to work with her, I don't believe she is hard to work with. 

I think she might be a bit spoiled and complaints and sulks and such. But I really do not see Sara as this huge b*tch, like Naomi Campbell, for instance. 


I am sure this crap is more normal than we think. Modelling is a catfight and I feel Sara before was very naive. I think she sees it for what it is and she dislikes how it works. 


And I GET all the excuses and justifications you all give as to why she didn't go/booked/hangs on, etc. I get all of that. But as other's said: she wants a lot, so a lot will be expected/required of her. 

Fans as well. 


I am and will be a fan. This all is from a place of love and concern. nothing else. 

when I don't care, I don't even bother.

Please see it for what it is. 


If Sara is reading this, she should read it as a "we know you have it in you. We know you can make it. We support you. Take your break, but take that risk as well. And suck it up. This is only a phase, not your whole life. Smile and hug those b*tches. They are your stepping stones to the top. we will be there waiting" 


This is what we all mean. No one is saying she sucks or she is failing at life. 

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7 minutes ago, Englund said:


If Sara is reading this, she should read it as a "we know you have it in you. We know you can make it. We support you. Take your break, but take that risk as well. And suck it up. This is only a phase, not your whole life. Smile and hug those b*tches. They are your stepping stones to the top. we will be there waiting" 



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Here's a reminder of Sara's last season so I guess we can use this to see how she fares this time around. No Tory Burch, but Grace Elizabeth didn't walk it either and they were both in the campaign together for spring and walked last season so my guess is the new casting director made some changes. 


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Her voice is not very pleasant and nobody wants to work with whiny wet-blankets so, unless she's uber talented, I don't fancy her chances in Hollywood, it's all about being well connected in Tinsel town. As far as modeling, if she continues to cast disdain towards the industry,  the industry will repay in kind, I feel like she's burning her bridges maybe a little bit..so shut up about acting, stop whinging about stuff on social media, tweeting about "anxiety", bite your tongue, put a smile on and soldier on. More importantly, stay humble

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4 hours ago, pamp_lusa said:

Her voice is not very pleasant and nobody wants to work with whiny wet-blankets so, unless she's uber talented, I don't fancy her chances in Hollywood, it's all about being well connected in Tinsel town. As far as modeling, if she continues to cast disdain towards the industry,  the industry will repay in kind, I feel like she's burning her bridges maybe a little bit..so shut up about acting, stop whinging about stuff on social media, tweeting about "anxiety", bite your tongue, put a smile on and soldier on. More importantly, stay humble

Exactly!! I couldn't of said it better. I definitely feel like she forgot the last part, being  humble... I'm not saying she has to be innocent and do everything everyone wants her to do/be, but fame definitely seems to have gotten to her head and I don't want to imagine what she'd be like if she ever got famous as an actress :/ 

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1 hour ago, 3500 said:

Ok so I know about the weirdness with Taylor and the Irina situation but what happened with Sara and Stella?

Irina and Stella are very close, and I don't think anyone really knows what happend between the 3 of them, but I'm guessing because of whatever happend, Stella is definitely on Irina's side, thus creating tension whenever she and Sara had to shoot I guess. I don't think they were ever close to begin with though...


 I can't remember anymore though if it was Irina or Stella who left weird comments on Sara's instagram, so if someone could clarify that...? :p 

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@pamp_lusa  I think that's a bit harsh. She does need to work on her speech (better pronunciation, she can shrill a bit at times...), but I am not sure if she is as bad as you put it, Maybe she is. Maybe she isn't. 

I personally don't see it as bad. 

She likes to moan. Yes. I guess more than most other models I follow. But I follow very few. 

It never comes off as grateful when one is always complaining about flights and call times, etc. However if anything, Sara is very open. Personally, I rather take those moans than the never ending slutty selfies from most on K klan. would I take less moaning? YES, please. She would come off as more professional, more grateful, as being pleased and happy for the work to come, etc. 

I bet the people that need to be there EARLIER: make up artists, light guys, etc, also hate it, and she would strongly dislike if all they do was moan. 

My advice is moaning away. all she wants. to her heart desire. 

But don't post those. 

Force a smile and post: yeah, exciting/fun work day ahead. 

She can complain now and then. But do it a little less. And always, always, keep a humble, grateful aura. Good things will come easier and it's better to be a pleasure to work with because people see how tired she ALSO is, but she- too- is making an effort to make THEIR day a great one. 

Again, this isn't even directly at Sara. Just overall how I feel we all should behave in a professional setting. 

At home, I complain and curse my co-workers and bosses like a sailor. At the workplace: I am all smiles and acting like I would spend all my days there if possible. 

And no, I don't give Sara a pass here. IF you work in a marketing set - like she does - and you are the face /seller - you do NOT get to express your annoying/frustration. Sorry. you do not. 

But Like I said: I haven't heard anyone - aside from some models that we ASSUME aren't her biggest fans, since Oliver, complain or set a rumor out that she was anything but a pleasure to work with. 

So unless anyone has recipes, lets not us create ones. 

like I said: I don't think she is satan ;)

However we are all entitled to our opinions and yours is as valid as mine, no matter how we don't think alike. 


Those China Elle pics are among one of my favorites. 

I usually like when she smiles. But I don't even care that they pick most pics of her frowning. 

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who needs enemies, when you have fans like this!
So she fell in love, and doesn't spend so much time with her friends, well that's really strange! It happened to me also, we must be soul mates :smile:
She shows (some) of her real fealings in social media, like being tired, fealling alone in a long work trip or hurt for some coment she read online. Thats probably one of the keys to her sucess, but it shore opens space for some sucker punches! Some people just dont deserve to know so much about it.

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