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Sara Sampaio


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Good message in this from Sara I think:


Victoria’s Secret Angel Sara Sampaio Wants You to Know Her Life Isn’t Perfect

I’m in an industry where we’re just constantly compared to other people and being booked by the way we look. So it’s very hard not to fall into that pattern of comparison. Sometimes, we judge our lives based on what other people are posting. And it can be hard to disconnect from that. That’s something I particularly struggled with a year or two ago. And that’s why now I’m just really working on my self-care and knowing my worth. Everyone is here for a reason. Everyone has their place. And once you start talking about it, you quickly realize that basically everyone suffers from it. Talking to other people about it definitely helps.


Remember that what everyone’s posting isn’t real. My life isn’t perfect or whatever you see on Instagram. You’re only seeing one part that I feel comfortable showing. I’ve also just distanced myself from it all in general. If it wasn’t for my job, I probably wouldn’t be on it. But it is still part of my job and I do enjoy certain aspects of it. But you really have to find a balance. Like when I’m on vacation, I really try not to be on my phone for half of it. Just trying to disconnect and not worry if I have a picture posted to Instagram. I have amazing days and when it comes to the end of it, I’m like ‘shit, I had the best day of my life and I didn’t take any pictures because I wasn’t worried about that.’ And that’s…nice. It’s more special if it’s just yours.



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1 hour ago, pamp_lusa said:

Everyone had ugly outfits last year, and the one before, not just Sara, the models look like Christmas trees with way too much on them, they need to edit down a bit imo. Sara looks especially good in simpler/smaller outfits, red, blue or yellow preferably


Gurl, Sara's outfits won by far the ugliest of that year! Not even saying that because she's my fave, it's just the truth :rofl:

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