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The "What Are You Thinking About Right Now?" PIP


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14 hours ago, Stormbringer said:


You're putting up Christmas decorations on Nov 1st????? O.O
Btw... this spring here is a scam. 
Except for the allergies... oh, those showed up and were particularly killer this year :banghead: 

100% going up Nov 1st. Summer cheats me out of a proper Autumn, I'm going to take all the Winter/Holidays I can.

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On 10/25/2023 at 12:25 PM, Enrico_sw said:


And there is lots of antisemitism in the left.


The left has a binary view of the world and they consider that Arabs are eternal victims (which is not only simplistic, but really stupid).


In the US most of the antisemitism-jewish financial conspiracies (Eg. Soros) is in the right, including in libertarian circles.   


The Anti-Israel stance is more from the left and is more 'peacenik', based on disliking the criminal and incompetent US foreign policy plus recognition of Israeli crimes and the Jewish lobbying.  There are many US political science academics that are Anti-Israel, that's partly why their students protested in campuses.


Israeli war crimes - Wikipedia  




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The tiktok algorithm is still mysterious to me.


half-naked women who show their goods have giant success on it but if you say the word 'sexual' or sex in your PG rated video it gets flagged by the AI as violating community guidelines...


I made one educational tiktok on 'trading' and my account immediately got shadowbanned for 24 hrs.

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Just now, Enrico_sw said:

As for the Western platform, I'm not sure why they love s*xualising women so much. Is it for the money, is it for other motives, is it for both?


What I'm sure of is that "modernity" is more degrading to women than any other periods before. The fact that twitch thots or OnlyFans are mainstream phenomena is mind-blowing. Even ten years ago, nobody would've believed it.


The more we embrace the neo-feminist movement, the more women are treated like products and tools for corporations. Some seem to earn money, but I'm not sure that Twitch Thot's mental health is better after they sell their bodies all day...

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On 11/2/2023 at 6:36 AM, Cult Icon said:


In the US most of the antisemitism-jewish financial conspiracies (Eg. Soros) is in the right, including in libertarian circles.   


The Anti-Israel stance is more from the left and is more 'peacenik', based on disliking the criminal and incompetent US foreign policy plus recognition of Israeli crimes and the Jewish lobbying.  There are many US political science academics that are Anti-Israel, that's partly why their students protested in campuses.



It seems there are some differences between the politics in the USA and France (even if I'm sure that they are influencing each other).


When I was a student, my economics teacher was a traditional leftist and he's the one who first told me about Soros... and he was very virulent against him, but just because of his money.


It seems that nowadays a lot of young leftists (at least in France, but I think it's similar in the US) have been "diverted" by billionaires to societal issues (the woke movement).


So, even if there are still some economic claims in leftist movements, younglings are more and more preoccupied by societal issues: they judge you on the basis of your gender, your s*xual orientation, skin color, etc.  Clearly, this is the "evaluation grid" they use on the Middle East conflict.

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