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4 minutes ago, Stromboli1 said:

Russia is a paper tiger, it's the Chinese bots that deserve the credit.


Good point. I disagree with people who say you have to beat China (or some variation). China already won.


Of course, it's more complicated than that, but the simple version is quicker and easier.   :smile:

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The Russian space team in the 50s-70s was much more efficient than the US team. They had less funds (really less) and yet with the lead of Korolev (a guy that was nearly beaten to death in the Gulag... and lost half of his teeth - thanks Communism :rolleyes: - before leading the team) they managed to put together a really good program.


Their approach had bigger cojones :nicole: They didn't do tests, they just launched the rockets and then they corrected the mistakes. Their engines were the best in the world for decades.


With a little more money, Russia would've been to the Moon.

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9 minutes ago, jkjk said:

Good point. I disagree with people who say you have to beat China (or some variation). China already won.


Of course, it's more complicated than that, but the simple version is quicker and easier.   :smile:


The only chance for the CCP to be taken down is from within.......... like us, but our people are freer than they are.

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26 minutes ago, Stromboli1 said:


Russia is a paper tiger, it's the Chinese bots that deserve the credit.


Russian bots are a chimera that CNN reporters use to fuel the nightmares that Hollywood planted in their brains with 60s-90s movies.


The CCP has the world's factories and they hold the global financial system by the balls. All the disgusting oligopolies (like Disney, NBA, etc.) want the CCP's money (Disney is ready to betray all their PC principles for the Chinese market). The CCP controls its social media, but I don't see evidence that the CCP use bots on Western social media. :idk:

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3 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

The Russian space team in the 50s-70s was much more efficient than the US team.


There is a story about this, maybe it's true or maybe it's one of those stories that is told so many times people assume it's true.


The US spent large amounts of money to make a pen that could write in space because regular pens didn't work without gravity.


The USSR used pencils.   :smile:


3 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

With a little more money, Russia would've been to the Moon.


Maybe so. I think it was assumed by most countries of the West that the USSR had significant resources, and most were surprised when the USSR fell and it was discovered they didn't.

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5 minutes ago, jkjk said:

Maybe so. I think it was assumed by most countries of the West that the USSR had significant resources, and most were surprised when the USSR fell and it was discovered they didn't.


Yes, the USSR was very good at manipulating statistics. Very few people knew the economical reality in the USSR, including the citizens themselves. They were told that life was a nightmare outside the USSR. "Foreign observers" were carefully monitored and were only allowed to see showcases (also, many foreign observers were supporters of the communist party, so they saw what they wanted to see).

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Russian leaders (particularly Stalin) were also very good at leveraging their political assets. There's a famous historian here that said that Stalin was the most efficient leader of the 20th century, in terms of international relations (he was awful with his population and his economics were a nightmare, but he was a negotiation genius).

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1 hour ago, Enrico_sw said:

Russian bots are a chimera that CNN reporters use to fuel the nightmares that Hollywood planted in their brains with 60s-90s movies.


The CCP has the world's factories and they hold the global financial system by the balls. All the disgusting oligopolies (like Disney, NBA, etc.) want the CCP's money (Disney is ready to betray all their PC principles for the Chinese market). The CCP controls its social media, but I don't see evidence that the CCP use bots on Western social media. :idk:



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Don't know about the space program but Russian military technology has a "just good enough" practical, bare bones feel to it that the extremely expensive, complicated, maintenance intensive, and over-designed US super weapons tends to lack.    Interestingly enough US military design philosophy was more similar to the Russian in WW2- cost efficient- and started to deviate as the military industrial complex started to complicate itself.  Developing countries like to adopt Russian technologies as it is a lot cheaper than trying to copy Lockheed Martin.


eg. Soviet T-34 and US M-4 Sherman, both very cost efficient albeit crude designs.  Just "good enough", almost a disposable quality.




German Tiger II- very cost inefficient, maintenance heavy, and complicated world-beater.   Factor inputs and pricing put it at approx. 2-3 fighter aircraft per unit. Each one is very valuable.  Basically the US is more along these lines today.



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2 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:


Elon Musk's team worked with Hollywood to design the spacesuit. It's actually a pretty good suit, it's the color that makes it ugly. Former suits were orange, which is a very visible color that you can easily spot, when for example an astronaut is lost in the ocean.


Gagarin's SK-1 spacesuit was nice. This guy had balls. He went to space at a time when nobody knew what it was, many thought that he was gonna die.




hmmph , still don't like the suit.  come to think of it they look like the suits worn by the crew in the film Interstellar.  I didn't like those either.




Style is very important, and it's nuanced and cost efficient way to promote space travel and military forces.  I would chose a design that is very strong "wow!" "cool!" factor, that can make ordinary people look very prestigious and superhuman.

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1 hour ago, Cult Icon said:


hmmph , still don't like the suit.  come to think of it they look like the suits worn by the crew in the film Interstellar.  I didn't like those either.

Style is very important, and it's nuanced and cost efficient way to promote space travel and military forces.  I would chose a design that is very strong "wow!" "cool!" factor, that can make ordinary people look very prestigious and superhuman.

I was chatting with Hubs on Saturday before the launch. I mentioned how the Space X suits look like Asimo the robot mated with an Apple store’s interior. 

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the harddrive of my home PC has failed with a boot error.  Normally I would try to salvage the data of this old, decade old PC but COVID has shut everything down.  Now to use my desktop with its inferior videocard.

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1 hour ago, CandleVixen said:

I was chatting with Hubs on Saturday before the launch. I mentioned how the Space X suits look like Asimo the robot mated with an Apple store’s interior. 



the whole show had tacky visuals and outfits- very kid friendly and probably aimed at them

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11 hours ago, Stromboli1 said:

Timberlake, Chrissy Tiegen, Steve Carrell, and Biden are morons.


Funny how overprivileged citizens like Timberlake speak of freedom from their multi-million dollar mansions. These people are against violence in some cases, but promote violence when it fits their narrative (which is easy to say when you live in affluent areas). There are several cognitive dissonances that are hard to understand. :ermm:


Have they heard of something called "reason" which allows to be both against police violence and against looting/robbing? Too many celebs have the IQ of an oyster.

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6 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

Funny how overprivileged citizens like Timberlake speak of freedom from their multi-million dollar mansions. These people are against violence in some cases, but promote violence when it fits their narrative (which is easy to say when you live in affluent areas). There are several cognitive dissonances that are hard to understand. :ermm:


Have they heard of something called "reason" which allows to be both against police violence and against looting/robbing? Too many celebs have the IQ of an oyster.


People are tired of the hypocrisy of celebrities and politicians. 

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17 minutes ago, Stromboli1 said:


People are tired of the hypocrisy of celebrities and politicians. 


I have an advice for celebs. If they actually know how to read, here's something they should consider reading: https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm


Especially this sentence: "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred" and this one: "We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence".

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