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Natalia Vodianova


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Natalia Vodianova’s appearance shocked everybody · 2010-06-01 20:48

Natalia Vodianova’s gown became the main theme under discussion last weekend. The supermodel attended Silver Kalash Awards ceremony in Moscow. Natalia, who always looked perfect, now shocked the public with her long green dress and gymshoes. She added plastic beads and Louis Vuitton black bag to her gown. Moreover, Natalia looked sad and tired; she had dark shadows beneath her eyes. By the way, the supermodel didn’t take the invitation card and the security didn’t recognize the star. The guards didn’t want to let her go in. Fortunately, the assistants hurried to correct the mistake.

The reason of the transformation is unknown. She possibly gave a rest to her feet, Russian “Express-gazeta” reports. May be, bad weather in Moscow influenced Natalia Vodianova’s mood and appearance. It is also said that the change was due to some tiff with husband Justin Portman. The supermodel visited the events without lord last time.



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Natalia Vodianova’s appearance shocked everybody · 2010-06-01 20:48

Natalia Vodianova’s gown became the main theme under discussion last weekend. The supermodel attended Silver Kalash Awards ceremony in Moscow. Natalia, who always looked perfect, now shocked the public with her long green dress and gymshoes. She added plastic beads and Louis Vuitton black bag to her gown. Moreover, Natalia looked sad and tired; she had dark shadows beneath her eyes. By the way, the supermodel didn’t take the invitation card and the security didn’t recognize the star. The guards didn’t want to let her go in. Fortunately, the assistants hurried to correct the mistake.

The reason of the transformation is unknown. She possibly gave a rest to her feet, Russian “Express-gazeta” reports. May be, bad weather in Moscow influenced Natalia Vodianova’s mood and appearance. It is also said that the change was due to some tiff with husband Justin Portman. The supermodel visited the events without lord last time.


This note is the original (is the same, copy and paste, but mentioned that had blisters)

Наталья Водянова махнула рукой на свой внешний вид

Опубликовано 31 Мая 2010г.

В Москве модель щеголяла в вечернем платье и в кедах

Наряд Натальи Водяновой, появившейся в минувшие выходные на церемонии вручения премии «Серебряная калоша», стал одним из самых обсуждаемых этим вечером. Правда, на этот раз супермодель не столько восхитила, сколько разочаровала гостей церемонии своим внешним видом. Больше всего публику поразило странное сочетание длинного зеленого платья и кед. Да и сама Наташа выглядела грустной и уставшей, с темными кругами под глазами.

Неизвестно, что послужило причиной такой резкой смены имиджа всегда стильной и ухоженной манекенщицы. Возможно, дело в том, что Водянова собралась дать отдых нежным ножкам, решив, что и без туфель на каблуках будет выглядеть великолепно. Тем более, что Наталья заметно прихрамывала, а из-под задников кед отчетливо виднелись кровавые мозоли. Но и остальная часть ее наряда выглядела так же нелепо, как кеды бутылочного цвета. Странное длинное зеленое платье Водянова дополнила пластиковыми бусами и черной сумкой от Louis Vuitton. Выглядело все настолько неудачно, что окружающие даже не признали в эпатажной девушке мировую знаменитость.

Даже охранники на входе поначалу категорически отказались пускать в зал забывшую приглашение модель. Наталья долго топталась у входа, пока ассистенты не спохватились и не провели ее внутрь. Правда, и после этого кислое выражение лица Водяновой не изменилось. Возможно, виной неважного настроения была плохая московская погода, а может быть - Поговаривают, что модель, которая в последнее время постоянно появляется на светских мероприятиях без мужа, По слухам, отношения парочки испортились после рождения третьего ребенка. Правда, все слухи об охлаждении чувств звездная пара решительно опровергает.

post-36396-1275966675_thumb.jpg post-36396-1275966690_thumb.jpg


I liked as it looks, ok, she was not a elegant dress, but he was naturally beautiful, also the event is not formal, are fun prizes.

I like her shoes, I'm going to buy some the same, possibly also in use in a dress.

about your dark circles, she is entitled to be not perfect always, I think she likes not to be always beautiful, with this idea of no longer being Cinderella, you may be want to wear clothing inappropriate from time to time ahhhaha

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Magazine "Marie Claire" U.S. is preparing a special edition about supermodels who are mothers. The purpose of the magazine is to rais money for St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis, USA.

The special edition will be photographed by supermodel Helena Christensen in New York and will feature big names such as Angela Lindvall, Karen Elson, Bianca Balti, Natalia Vodianova, Karolina Kurkova, Isabeli Fontana and Helena herself, who will produce a self portrait.

There will be also a film session that will be displayed during the launch of the publication, during a charity dinner at the Milk Studios, in New York.

gente.ig.com.br via journalist Gabriel Ruas/ isafontana_fan fotolog

Thanks a lot to FRANCY ITALY (Y) who published the info on Isabeli's tread.

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Cool, but would be easier just to ask them to "share" some of their money not to make children wait

Dude, you love to complain about EVERYTHING right? :blink: ... There's going to be new pictures of Natalia & many others, just be happy for that >.<

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Cool, but would be easier just to ask them to "share" some of their money not to make children wait

Dude, you love to complain about EVERYTHING right? :blink: ... There's going to be new pictures of Natalia & many others, just be happy for that >.<

-I'm not dude.

-Yeah,so what? I haven't seen anything cool about NV recently. So i complain.

-I have nothing against ur opnion. So leave me alone. This is my opinion&respect it as well, as i respect yours. I've said it 10000 times.

-I'll be happy if i see something good&interesting in those new wonderful shots.


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Cool, but would be easier just to ask them to "share" some of their money not to make children wait

Dude, you love to complain about EVERYTHING right? :blink: ... There's going to be new pictures of Natalia & many others, just be happy for that >.<

-I'm not dude.

-Yeah,so what? I haven't seen anything cool about NV recently. So i complain.

-I have nothing against ur opnion. So leave me alone. This is my opinion&respect it as well, as i respect yours. I've said it 10000 times.

-I'll be happy if i see something good&interesting in those new wonderful shots.


You complain about the lack of pictures ... But you read that there are going to be new pics in Marie Claire & you still complaining ...

It makes SO much sense :blink: ... I'll leave you alone sweetie


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Cool, but would be easier just to ask them to "share" some of their money not to make children wait

Dude, you love to complain about EVERYTHING right? :blink: ... There's going to be new pictures of Natalia & many others, just be happy for that >.<

-I'm not dude.

-Yeah,so what? I haven't seen anything cool about NV recently. So i complain.

-I have nothing against ur opnion. So leave me alone. This is my opinion&respect it as well, as i respect yours. I've said it 10000 times.

-I'll be happy if i see something good&interesting in those new wonderful shots.


You complain about the lack of pictures ... But you read that there are going to be new pics in Marie Claire & you still complaining ...

It makes SO much sense :blink: ... I'll leave you alone sweetie


U have no one to talk to? Jeez. I'd tell u what i think, but i just do not want to be banned. :whistle:

So I ignore u&ur blablabla.

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Essa só o Glamurama sabe: a Forum acaba de fechar um contrato com a supermodelo russa Natalia Vodianova para estrelar a nova campanha de verão 2011. As fotos serão feitas nos próximos dias em Nova York pela badalada dupla de fotógrafos Mert & Marcus, os mesmos que fizeram o comentado editorial com Mandonna para a revista Interview, no mês passado


This only Glamurama know: the Forum has just signed a contract with Russian supermodel Natalia Vodianova to star in new campaign of summer 2011. The photos will be made in coming days in New York by trendy photographer duo Mert & Marcus, who did the same with the editorial commented Mandonna for Interview magazine, last month.

source: glamurama.uol.com.br


the mark is Brazilian, possibly referring to www.forum.com.br (although I'm not quite sure)

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This only Glamurama know: the Forum has just signed a contract with Russian supermodel Natalia Vodianova to star in new campaign of summer 2011. The photos will be made in coming days in New York by trendy photographer duo Mert & Marcus, who did the same with the editorial commented Mandonna for Interview magazine, last month.

Good news! Love it when she works with Mert and Marcus.

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