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Emily Didonato


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Perhaps she didn't have the "right" walk for them? They saw hundreds of woman, so as much as they might of loved Emily, if her walk was off or someone else came in who worked better for the show, ya gotta go with them.

I was looking over pics from the show, and emily didn't fit the "prototype". In fact for a show like that, Doutzen, Bar, or any of the more commerial models simply would of stuck out like a sore thumb. lol

Emily looks healthy and the others in the show.... not so much.

Healthy but trim body vs. Emaciated crack addicted looking person... slightly or overtly looking androgynous woman... ish.... person... uber skinny ... doesn't look normal. Kinda scares Prettyphile.... who's now typing in 3rd person! and is of the fail :(

Emily won.

The brand doesn't suit her imo. I'd love to see her in something like Rock & Republic or Rosa Cha. Something that fits her! o.o

This upsets me, why cant they just let her do at least one show to see how she does on the runway and in the clothes. I like her more than the standard sickly thin runway model. <_< I wish they would just put in in some show even if it isnt much of a show or a big designer. I just want to see what she can do. I swear the modeling buisness nowadays isnt what it used to be. :blink:

...By the way, she looks gorgous in the new pics up there, big thanks for whoever got them and broght them here. :wave: :laugh:

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^^^:no: but look how her face has changed shape!

I don't get it! The current HF show aesthetic is grotesque. What is her agency trying to achieve? If she is forced to starve herself just so she can walk a few HF shows, then she shouldn't be doing them. She doesn't NEED to be part of that circus!! :angry:

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This girl is so stunning! I love her cover! I do not like her Victoria's Secret Swimwear pictures but I do like the other ones! I see her Maybelline pictures in magazines and I hope to see some commercials! I wonder if Christy has given Emily any modeling tips? :whistle:

^^^:no: but look how her face has changed shape!

I don't get it! The current HF show aesthetic is grotesque. What is her agency trying to achieve? If she is forced to starve herself just so she can walk a few HF shows, then she shouldn't be doing them. She doesn't NEED to be part of that circus!! :angry:

It might just be the make-up. ;)

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Ok something for you all to think about.... *hugs*

One... it's NY fashion week, and I can promise you 90% of models are prone to lose 5-10 pounds several weeks before the shows start. Being as small as possible helps newer models book jobs easier... hell, a lot of veterans also go through the weight drop last minute. Just look at Miranda & Alessandra who always drop a good 5 pounds before walking in something major.

Size 4 is large for the majority of designers, so drop those last ten pounds and squeeze your ass into a size 2, or even better a size 0. *stares*

Emily is booked for VS and Maybelline! Neither of which want someone that looks like a refugee from a 3rd world hunger camp. That being said, right now Emily is ok. She's giving the designers what they want in hopes of booking more jobs.... high fashion thin. I highly... highly doubt Emily will remain looking at thin as she does after Fashion Week is over. If she continues to remain uber tiny after the shows then we all have something to stare at.

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if so many people thinks it's ok to drop that amount of weight in a few days for the fashion week, then i'm very worried. what kind of world is this? seriously, i think it's very sad. Emily wasn't even fat or curvy, she was already very skinny, the proof:


this was a perfect body <_<

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I am pretty certain that she only dropped about 10 pounds...that's no big deal Nanda.

It's fashion week...it's how it works. You are in the wrong forum to complain about us liking skinny girls.

Don't get me wrong. I think she looks better the other way. But this is what models do...they knew that when they started.

Emily has booked enough high paying HUGE jobs that she could have said no to this and been fine. She CHOSE to walk. It was her call. Not ours.

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no orphelia, i know i'm in the right forum. there are models that aren't that thin and did/do well in the catwalks. Isabeli, Daria, Doutzen... they were never that skinny. if be skinny like this is the fashion trend, it's because a lot of people think it's ok. i'm a skinny girl, so don't think it hurts me to see super skinny girls because i feel bad about myself. i only feel bad for them. it's true emily chose to be like this, like a lot of models do.but they only do it because they think if they don't they won't be able to work and they are scared of it. those are super young girls, so don't expect a wise decision from them. they will choose to lose wait for the job. it could change, fashion is cyclic. i was just hoping that a beautiful girl like emily could break trough all that, but apperantly not.

this is a big discussion and people has different opinions about weight and fashion. lets leave this talk and keep it about Emily. actually i won't post again until i see the healthy pics again, 'cause right now this thread only makes me sad.

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