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Barbara Palvin


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Ya, I can see she learns to be not only kind and sweet , but direct as well. I love when she left at the end , even when those people were still asking her questions . She just showed that she was short of time for people who don't even know her name. It's a pitty she was not like that with another great interviewers of "Stupidfamouspeople" or smthg. but she has progress :)

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Is this for her Cosmo shoot? I need more :woot:

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I just feel incredibly sorry for Barbara and I feel this entire idiotic miserable Justin/Selena/Barbara/Lil Twist/Kristof/VS epic drama was poorly handled by her modelling agency IMG ...what they should have done the very first 24 hours after this whole drama exploded bigtime and the story was breaking worldwide...everywhere ....when just one blurry candid pic emerged of Barbara with Justin and later THAT photo that Lil Twist tweeted and Selena retweeted emerged was, they should have immediately hired some brilliant kick-ass PR firm and released a carefully written professional press release to all the media outlets in the world explaining exactly what happened and how there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happening between Barbara and Justin Bieber.....but IMG did NOTHING so all poor poor Barbara could do and basically knew what to do was simply offer a meek weak one sentence statement of denial on her Twitter page and just hope to heaven and back that it all just disappears soon into thin air....of course it didn't just disappear and now after more than 3 months since November's VSFS 2012 it is still hounding her , trending worldwide on Twitter and if they still continue to do nothing about it will haunt her for the rest of her modelling/acting career.....

I mean look at Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson...they have been living together and happily told the whole entire world that they were completely in love for like 5+ years and their releationship was the stuff of modern legend and then BHAM she cheated on him with her Snow White director...a married family man with two very small children...there were all these long-lense crazy embarrasing pap photo evidence of the two secret lovers hugging and kissing and cavorting in her car in the middle of nowhere....and then Kristen immediately issued a grovelling press release on the People Magazine no less within the first 24 hours after the story made headlines where she sincerely and humbly apologized to Rob and basically the whole entire world and the public just lapped it up ....they forgave her...even the hardcore TwiHards ....Rob forgave her and now as far as we know everything is all nice and rosy with the world.....

This Bieber matter should have been handled by professionals in a professional manner too....to the world Barbara may not be a star or a famous celebrity but Justin IS no matter who denies it and so is Selena to a lesser degree .....PLUS Justin and Selena fans are little monstrous demons and the words these little pre-teens and teens call Barbara are just shocking....just so horrid....the ones I can publish are...slut...whore....famewhore....bitch....the other woman....home wrecker...I mean come on.......the rest are even worse...much much worse...

Barbara did nothing wrong....her crime if at all was taking a single decent picture with him while backstage before the VS fashion show and then going to watch a Broadway show the next day with a group of people incl her sister Anita Palvin...the gossip sites called her " a mysterious woman" but I have seen her face before and recognize her...it is Anita....Cara Delevigne snapped a photo of Bieber too while dressed in her pink VS robe and tweeted it..but NOTHING happened for her....the malicious gossip bloggers only went for Barbara's blood and Boy are they thirsty !!!!!!!Vampires.....

It is still not too late to turn this matter around....IMG hire the best PR firm and offer a press release and also have Barbara appear on some respectable talk show where she can expain the entire situation to the public...then they can make up their minds about who to assign blame.....it is not too late ...there is still hope for Barbara.....

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