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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I see Leo got some very bad press lately for flying from Cannes to NY and back to Cannes. As much I love Leo I have to admit it wasn't the smartest move of him - especially because he never get tired calling himself an environmentalist. Ouch Leo :/



The actor’s rep tells Us, “He was asked to speak at both Riverkeeper and amfAR events, but the only way to attend the two fundraisers was to hitch a ride with flights that were already planned. Leo helped both events raise millions, donated his own funds, auctioned off his house and had speaking roles in both programs.”




Thanks ALL for the updates :smile:


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Noticed on Instagram just now that some have reposted pix and short  clip from Leo's long ago encounter with KoKo the Gorilla


I love her interaction with him, so sweet :heart:












  Concerning news of Leo's back and forth flights ,his rep did issue a statement





  The actor’s rep tells Us, “He was asked to speak at both Riverkeeper and amfAR events, but the only way to attend the two fundraisers was to hitch a ride with flights that were already planned. Leo helped both events raise millions, donated his own funds, auctioned off his house and had speaking roles in both programs.” 


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^Yeah I saw this comment. But I'm not sure if that made something better at this point :Angel: I hope he can learn from this and maybe will handle a future similiar situation better/differently. I'm afraid this time he lost much of his credibility because it's really everywhere in press all over the world :sad:


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2 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

^Yeah I saw this comment. But I'm not sure if that made something better at this point :Angel: I hope he can learn from this and maybe will handle a future similiar situation better/differently. I'm afraid this time he lost much of his credibility because it's really everywhere in press all over the world :sad:


This is one of the things I disagree with Leo. He does many many things right and I understand that for someone in his position and with so many important commitments to attend in such a short time is almost impossible not to fly back and fort in a matter of hours or days. He is one person after all and can't cut himself in little pieces to please everybody. But yeah, he needs to find another way to make it work. Maybe is an organization problem, his team will have to work harder in the future to help him there. I'm sure this is not something Leo likes to do but again he needs to find another way. If we had this conversation with him it would probably last a long time and still we would agree he could do better and also this is beyond his hands. When you try to do everything and juggle so many things one of them will slip through your fingers.

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^true. :yes: it's a difficult situation when you have commitments requiring you to be in different places in such a short time. I doubt Leo himself wanted to go back to NY, but if he didn't it would look bad. So I was actually glad when I saw he did show up. (Apart of me was expecting him to cancel and I was expecting to hear people crriticizing him for cancelling) Before NY, he was in Cannes attending and contributing to the heart fund gala and attending business meetings and then he came back to Cannes for AMFAR which he had a major part in. Sure he can improve in certain areas, but I don't really think it's possible to be a 100% perfect environmentalist at all times, certain situations arise  and you need to enjoy life too and I never hear Leo telling others they need to be perfect at all times either. He does more good than bad, but for the media he can do a million good things but when a negative situation arises they will give that the most attention. Negative stuff catches the attention of people more than positive things does, unfortunately. Also, a lot of people resent celebs for having a bigger voice than the rest of us, there's a lot of climate change deniers too, so I think some people want to try to shut up celebs and they jump at any chance possible, but Leo will never shut up about it. Like I said he can improve in areas, there's always room for improvement no matter who you are (although again I don't agree that he needs to be perfect)  but I never question his genuineness on the matter.... there's been interviews of Leo when he was a kid and he's always had a strong interest in environmental matters.

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Fash I couldn't agree more with you, you cannot be %100 perfect and people need to understand that. Leo cannot and doesn't need to be perfect, he is doing his best. He'll find the way to improve the areas that can be improved like he always does


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I think most of you probably had seen this video on youtube, but I'm posting because it's too cute when Leo see his mother behind him.  :wub6yh2cm:  And we can also see Leo's German cousin, Ulrich Indenbirken (if I'm not mistaken this is his name) and I remember in the article posted some months ago his cousin saying that he went to one of the premires of Inception.







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10 hours ago, FashionDream said:

^true. :yes: it's a difficult situation when you have commitments requiring you to be in different places in such a short time. I doubt Leo himself wanted to go back to NY, but if he didn't it would look bad. So I was actually glad when I saw he did show up. (Apart of me was expecting him to cancel and I was expecting to hear people crriticizing him for cancelling) Before NY, he was in Cannes attending and contributing to the heart fund gala and attending business meetings and then he came back to Cannes for AMFAR which he had a major part in. Sure he can improve in certain areas, but I don't really think it's possible to be a 100% perfect environmentalist at all times, certain situations arise  and you need to enjoy life too and I never hear Leo telling others they need to be perfect at all times either. He does more good than bad, but for the media he can do a million good things but when a negative situation arises they will give that the most attention. Negative stuff catches the attention of people more than positive things does, unfortunately. Also, a lot of people resent celebs for having a bigger voice than the rest of us, there's a lot of climate change deniers too, so I think some people want to try to shut up celebs and they jump at any chance possible, but Leo will never shut up about it. Like I said he can improve in areas, there's always room for improvement no matter who you are (although again I don't agree that he needs to be perfect)  but I never question his genuineness on the matter.... there's been interviews of Leo when he was a kid and he's always had a strong interest in environmental matters.

VERY WELL SAID,Fash :PinkCouture2:


THANK YOU dear Leo fans for the updates :flower:

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22 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

^Yeah I saw this comment. But I'm not sure if that made something better at this point :Angel: I hope he can learn from this and maybe will handle a future similiar situation better/differently. I'm afraid this time he lost much of his credibility because it's really everywhere in press all over the world :sad:


I agree with you on this one. This occasion I may have given him a pass because he seemingly had some work or some meetings but come on Leo. You could have accepted the award via satellite or something. I mean flying private to pick up an environmental achievement award only to fly right back private hours later? He knows as well as everyone else it didn't need to be that way and there were much better alternatives that would be good for the environment if he was willing.  Plus his flying to Vegas a couple weeks ago for a party only to fly back a day later. I mean come on thats just terrible for the environment and he knows it. 


Leo can throw all the money he wants at environmental causes but at the end of the day money means nothing if your not willing to act. I know he isn't perfect and flying private is necessary for his job at points. But come on Leo. We've seen you fly across the country for a party only to fly back the next day. And lets not even talk about the Sony Email leaks and what that said about his private jet usage  :banghead: 


I agree with you I hope he learns from this bad press. 

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