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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Yeah, I think the pressure would be much higher on Leo for being such a known actor playing an icon like Sinatra than for a not well known actor. And I also think another biopic on Leo's career is too much, he played a lot of real characters and I would like to see him trying different roles in his career. But he's the owner of his career and he can do whatever he wants, who Am I to say what he can do or what he should do? Just a fan's opinion. ;)

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Re: Sinatra dicussion

In interviews, not only,, has Marty always said that the singing will be dubbed /lip sync, but , Marty has ,also, said that different actors will play Sinatra at different ages in his life.

Personally, I think if the film ever does come to be, I don't think it will be happening anytime soon.

Nice set pix from SI


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If you’ve ever read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Jazz Age classic The Great Gatsby wishing you’d scored an invitation to one of the titular character’s legendary parties (and who hasn’t?), Baz Luhrmann’s lavish adaptation—in 3-D!—will be like a dream come true. The famously iconoclastic writer-producer-director (Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge) has concocted an operatic version of 1920s New York full to bursting with fast cars and feather-boa-bedecked flappers. Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jay Gatsby is cocktail-cool in crisp white suits, and Carey Mulligan—as the tragic hero’s idealized, longed-for love, Daisy Buchanan—is a gleaming, blond-bobbed vision in rhinestones and fur. Lest devoted Fitzgerald fans fear that this profusion of eye candy might obscure the finely wrought themes of passion, loss, and the incorruptibility of dreams that render Gatsby such a timeless tale, Mulligan has comforting words: “Baz has a real love for the novel and the characters,” she says, “so we really came together as a cast to try to tell the story as faithfully as possible.” Opening day is December 25; our champagne is already on ice. —April Long


loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee that pic of gooooooooooooooorgeous Gatsby & his Daisy :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I wish the release date was still the December 25,2012 :cry2:

anyways,thanks 4 da fantastic GG still :clap:

also,thanks a million 2 everyone here who shared latest updates!!!!!!!!!

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I would like to see leo play sinatra for the historical aspect of it, to see how he portrays his life, because I agree, its gonna be a little weird to see leo singing, even if its just lipsyncing. But either way, I also don't think the project will happen for a long time :) so I guess we'll see when the time comes :)

Thanks Ox for the great comments from the bollywood actor playing alongside leo in gatsby!

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i'm asking out of genuine curiosity here...why would you feel secondhand embarrassment over leo playing sinatra?

It's the fact that I don't think I could take seeing him lip sync etc etc. Lol. Also Frank is such a polarizing figure that I think he'd be ripped to shreds if he even got near it - since he does not in any way resemble Frank. Still, I'd love to see him play a co-starring role in a Scorsese movie about Frank S. But Frank himself? Eh. No. I don't see it at all really. :/

But lbr, if he did do it...I'd go see it in a second. Lol. But I'd still want to die of second hand embarrassment watching Leo play a singer.

Also he never seems to be really into the Sinatra thing. When it's brought up he always says: I'll do whatever Marty wants me to do. But I don't really feel that he's into into it. AND OMG PLEASE DON'T LEO. :x I'm sorry...but omg I can't see it. :rofl:

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Gossip Cop sets the record straight on our latest tabloid fodder from National Enquirer

Robert Pattinson Invited On “Guys Getaway” By Leonardo DiCaprio?



Robert Pattinsons love life is looking up — thanks to new buddy Leonardo DiCaprio,” begins a piece from the National Enquirer.

How so?

The supermarket tabloid reports that DiCaprio invited the Cosmopolis star “on a guys’ getaway” after Kristen Stewart admitted to straying with Rupert Sanders.

According to a source for the mag, “Leo has been one of Rob’s role models for years, and Rob was totally taken by surprise when Leo called him.”

Yes, that is quite surprising, as he and DiCaprio are not friends.

Anyhow, the tab’s insider reveals, “Leo invited Rob along on a getaway he’s planning when he’s in Puerto Rico for the wrap party of the movie he’s producing, Runner, Runner.”

The Titanic star supposedly “wants to book a mansion at a secret location so he and his pals can party in private.”

The mag’s source goes on to explain, “With everything that’s going on in Rob’s personal life, Leo figured it would be great for him to hang out with a bunch of laid-back guys.”

“Leo joked they could compare baseball cap collections — and told Rob before he knew it, he’d be dating a model, just like him!”

Wow, that may just be the lamest quote made up by a gossip rag… ever.

And of course, just like that inane statement, every single word of this story is completely FALSE.

A source close to DiCaprio tells Gossip Cop it’s absolutely “not true” that he invited Pattinson on any sort of trip.

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This Australian paper claims that the reason for delay of Gatsby is that Tobey has to reshoot some scenes

The great hold-up

The West AustralianAugust 15, 2012, 10:35 am

The $127 million Baz Luhrmann epic The Great Gatsby has reportedly been delayed because one of its stars is required to return to Sydney for a reshoot.

According to newspaper reporters, Tobey Maguire who plays narrator Nick Carraway, is needed back in Australia after the production team reviewed the footage and "found some gaps".

Last week, distributor Warner Bros announced it had moved the release date from Boxing Day to "mid 2013".

The film officially wrapped in January. The delay will make The Great Gatsby ineligible for next year's Academy Awards, where it was expected to be a major contender


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Leo DiCaprio: Secret Engagement with Erin?

Leonardo's model girlfriend Erin Heatherton spotted with bling on the ring finger.

Wedding alarm in Hollywood! Leonardo DiCaprio's beautiful girlfriend, Erin Heatherton was spotted while shopping with a prominent rock on her left ring finger: Now just about every rumor in the Film Factory: It looks as if Leo made ​​his model to marry him. And that would be a real sensation!


Because of the Titanic star is known for his commitment phobia. His relations with Gisele Bundchen, Bar Refaeli and Blake Lively have failed all of Leo's infamous relationship disability. However, with the charming wife Erin is now already out of fear keeps a long time and it might actually be that the blonde DiCaprio has finally tamed. Because for many, her diamond ring with yellow gold version of nothing else than an engagement ring! Officially, the application has not been confirmed, but not denied.

Family man

"Leo is contrary to expectations very domesticated. He wants his own family, but rather old fashioned and want to get married first before he sets out into the world children. He knows that for him it is the highest railway, finally to decide for a woman "revealed a friend of the actor recently against a U.S. magazine. And who knows? At 37 years old Leo would certainly be enough to finally walk down the aisle!

Source: http://translate.goo...t-Erin/75408332

Thanks Francis, I believe the article is not confirmed. Some are speculating that it was planted by his EX for some reason. Get Erin in trouble? People know that Erin doesn't plant Leo stories. She respects his dignity. LOL...looks like not everyone does though. That's unfortunate. Meanwhile, Leo wants to double the number of the world's tigers! That would be one hell of an achievement.
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With respect to Sinatra movie,well...in my opinion it can be good...or not. When I say not,I mean that it would be another biopic in his career,but on the other hand I think Leo will experience one of his best performances as he always surprises us. :)

Amandine,tks for this wonderful pic...I only have eyes for his shoulders.... :p

Tks for everything girls!

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It's a girl who was with Leo in this moment ! you are welcome :D

what do you mean> I'm confused.... :p a girl who was with leo took this pic? I'm sorry I am confused :p

Don't worry :D I don't know if the girl took the pic or if it's her on the pic with Leo ...

In better quality :D


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