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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Jonah and Leo together! :chicken:

and Kevin Connolly


leo decaprio jonah hill and kevin connolly at the club NAME DROPPING #kidding #LOL #NOT

Samantha Fraiz@SamanthaFraiz

Jonah Hill, Leo Di Caprio, and Ryan Guzman all in one night #mylifeiscomplete

Jessica Vidal@jessividal

Encontrarte a leo dicaprio, jonah hill y el pana de step up 4 en una rumba en NYC tipo casual #casual

Jessica Vidal@jessividal

RT Que nivel leo Di Caprio y Jonah Hill rumbando aca! #PHD #NYC @jessividal @maleuzcah

Pablo Muriel@Pablomurielng

#chandohuevo con leonardo dicaprio y jonah hill en PH D NYC

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Some more NYC tweets , the tweets below are in reply to the earlier tweet I posted about girl who waited on Leo yesterday in NYC


Highlight of my week seating and serving Leonardo DiCaprio

Travis Cherry@TSCHERRY

@dsfreiberg lol just the highlight of THE WEEK?


@TSCHERRY @MissRissa711 ok much bigger highlight then week, it was awesome

The tweets below are from girl who was at PH-D last night

Clea Martin@Clea93

One of the best nights of my life, partied with Leonardo dicaprio and did shots with Jonah hill... #crazyyyy

Clea Martin@Clea93

@josie_naghten yeah!! We were in the same club as them on the next table and they invited us over, can't quite believe it myself :p

Clea Martin@Clea93

@JonahHill Just met you, clea from the UK, you better remember that!

Josie Naghten@josie_naghten

@Clea93 woww were they nice? Also don't you have to be 21 to go clubbing in America? Was it a really amazing club?

ByPrincess and Calibi

Tks for all the other club tweets :)


Tks for pix especially the one of Danny Archer :p


Tks for Titanic vid :)

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New film project for Leo's Appian Way

Leonardo DiCaprio's production shingle has joined up with Canada's Team Seven to turn the Vietnam short story "Running Out of Dog" into a feature film.

TORONTO - Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way has joined up with Canadian indie producer Calum deHartog to develop "Running out of Dog," the Dennis Lehane short story being turned into a feature film.

DeHartog earlier optioned the Vietnam-era short story and tapped Canadian screenwriter Tracey Forbes (Flashpoint, The Bridge) to do the screen adaptation.

Lehane’s Southern noir "Running Out of Dog” (1999) portrays a Vietnam veteran returning home to Eden, South Carolina, and finding himself in a love triangle with a childhood friend and her husband, whose wealthy family kept him from going off to Vietnam.

The latest page-to-screen adaptation of a Lehane literary work was shopped in Los Angeles on the strength of earlier movie adaptations like Shutter Island, Mystic River, The Wire and Gone Baby Gone.

deHartog and Forbes are also behind a CBC police procedural, Cracked, from indie producer White Pines Pictures that stars Stefanie von Pfetten.

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Clea Martin@Clea93

One of the best nights of my life, partied with Leonardo dicaprio and did shots with Jonah hill... #crazyyyy

Did anyone else notice that this girl twittered that she was contacted by victoria secret casting agents and few days before? Leo sure knows how to pick his party mates.

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thanks for the tweets, but I really don't understand her disappointment, she think smoke real cigarettes is better than smoke e- cigarettes?

Maybe she thinks he has been faking smoking all these years??? Maybe she thinks its a lame way to quit smoking. Personally I would prefer someone smoking a e-cigarette than a real one.

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As to comments about ecigs , I only know, that I would prefer someone I cared about , for the sake of their health, to smoke ecigs versus reg cigs.

Also, as a non smoker I much prefer to be exposed to ecig 'water vapor' versus reg cig smoke.

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As to comments about ecigs , I only know, that I would prefer someone I cared about , for the sake of their health, to smoke ecigs versus reg cigs.

Also, as a non smoker I much prefer to be exposed to ecig 'water vapor' versus reg cig smoke.

I completely agree with you.

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Thanks Ox! :flower:

So theres a new leo biography book out..looks pretty interesting, I would love to read it!


Here are the chapters, given by a person on tumblr


chapter 1: Scumsville

chapter 2: Introducing lenny williams

chapter 3: Early rejections

chapter 4: Catching the eye

chapter 5: Making a killing

chapter 6: Following the river

chapter 7: A double tragedy

chapter 8: A modern day romeo

chapter 9: Leo rising… and falling

chapter 10: Creating a monster

chapter 11: The launch of ‘Leo- mania’

chapter 12: Losing it

chapter 13: Trouble in paradise

chapter 14: The Leo tamer

chapter 15: Owning december

chapter 16: Becoming the aviator

chapter 17: The parted

chapter 18: Best Bar none

chapter 19: Going green

chapter 20: Under fire

chapter 21: Barometer of truth

chapter 22: Are they, Are’t they?

chapter 23: Dream man

chapter 24: Looking lively

chapter 25: The most powerful man in america

chapter 26: The modeliser

I'd like to read it :nicole: wonder what's written there :laugh:

thanks for updates everyone! :wave:

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With respect to e-cigs,in my opinion I also prefer someone smoking e-cigs. In a world where we see so many celebrity addicts,at least Leo's trying to take care of his health in some way, he's a conscious guy.

Tks for updates and it's good to see Leo has produced more films than ever. :)

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Hey everyone! I'm new here. :wave: I've been reading on this forum every now and then for a while and I finally decided to join! :hehe:

Thanks everyone for posting all those great Leo pix, vids, tweets and info!Flower%20for%20you.gif

Thanks ketchitup for the news about the new Leo biography book. Looks like his biography has been updated, there hasn't been a new Leo biography book out for years that I know. Could be a nice read.

Neonntiger92, I don't think the biography is official or approved by Leo's people. I think if it were to be an official biography, it would say so somewhere on the book or in the description. But ofcourse, I could be wrong. However, the writer, Douglas Wight, has worked at The Sun and News of the World so that doesn't really sound credible to me haha ;)

About The Author

Douglas Wight has been a journalist for 18 years covering news, features, showbiz, politics and investigations. He has reported on world news events including the Dunblane massacre, the death of Michael Jackson from Los Angeles nad covered the aftermath of the World Trade Centre terrorist attacks for the New York Post. A former reporter for the Sun newspaper, he held news editor and features editor positions for the News of the World and for the last three years before its closure was the paper's Books Editor. Now a writer, Leonardo DiCaprio - The Biography is his second book.


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