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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Yeah, I like the new video! :laugh:

Thanks for all the updates girls :grouphug:

Now I'm hoping for beach pics!


Reposting Calibi here: :flower:

Yeah I guess leo is in Hawaii with Tobey and his wife and erin. Look at this pic that erin's friend tweeted.

Emily Ward@emilyrward

@jenmeyermaguire @erinheatherton my Hawaiian lovers http://instagr.am/p/MkUL50LopG/

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Wijn & Calibi

Thanks for tweet & pix of Erin,Jennifer,Emily :)

Now, we know for sure the earlier Big Island/Hawaii tweet I posted about Leo being seen at Four Seasons there was legit .

Next, we just need our requested bathing suit pix :p

Picture tweeted by Jennifer Maguire with Emily ; can see beautiful blue water in background



Great selection of Leo pix and vid , thanks :)


Thanks for Django poster :)


Tks for reply ; our Kat is very talented !

Thanks for Oscar vid :)

As to Leo in background , I didn't notice the first time I saw it long ago, to another poster pointed it out.


Thanks for BET tweet :)

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Thanks girls for all the updates! At least we finally know of Leo's current whereabouts :laugh: ugh he's so good at hiding... thank god for twitter!

hopefully this is the first tv spot of many!

I second this! Kind of disappointed with the lack of Candie in the new tv spot ( know, I know, I should be grateful for some new stuff :laugh: ) but I'm guessing they're keeping the best for last... savouring Candie footage so that we can be blown away later in the year ;)

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Thanks Posey for the aray of pics :D Love them all :D

Thanks wijn for sharing the jennifer maguire tweet, seeming both leo and erin are in hawaii :) Wonder if Tobey tagged along?

And flyingblind: No doubt I wanted more candie as well, but maybe thats all part of Harvey's strategy :brows:

Thanks barbie for the vids as well :)

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I saw that tweet as well, but the Stone Roses are performing at present in Europe, so , since we know Leo is in Hawaii, whoever they saw wasn't Leo :)

Kat & Flyingbird

Yes, since Leo's character is not in all of the film, I'm sure Harvey doesn't want to show us too many of his scenes

For as anxious as I'm to see him each time I see a trailer, I wouldn't want to see all of his scenes via the trailer.

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Oh yes Ox, you're totally right! It's just typical of me... always hungry for more :p it's most likely due to the fact I'm so used to Leo being the main protagonist rather than a supporting character so all of his previous trailers have mostly featured him all the way through. I'm not used to this! :laugh: I'm going to have to get some patience

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Scorsese Abandons Film to Shoot in Digital

Martin Scorsese will no longer shoot on film stock and will instead shoot his next film with digital technology, a decision that has left him “depressed,” according to long-term editor Thelma Schoonmaker.

Speaking to Empire, Schoonmaker said: “It would appear that we’ve lost the battle. It’s just impossible to fight it anymore, the collapse of film. I think Marty just feels it’s unfortunately over, and there’s been no bigger champion of film than him.”

The celebrated director of Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, The Departed and Goodfellas and founder of The Film Foundation has been a vocal campaigner for the preservation and restoration of old film prints, while his support of the British Film Institute’s archival work is well documented.

Scorsese – whose career has spanned over 40-years – won an Academy Award for his first 3D film Hugo Cabret.

But his new film The Wolf of Wall Street, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a corrupt stockbroker, will be his first 2D film to be shot in digital.

With the majority of multiplexes permanently converting to digital projectors from next year onwards, and with studios increasingly willing to pressurise filmmakers into embracing digital shooting, Scorsese has bowed to the march of technology.

Based on the memoir by Jordan Belfort , The Wolf of Wall Street is based on a drug addicted stockbroker indicted for security fraud and money laundering in 1998, before serving a 22-month term in federal prison.

DiCaprio will be supported by Jonah Hill, Jean Dujardin, Kyle Chandler, Jon Bernthal, Margot Robbie. Shooting on the film is scheduled to start in August.

Schoonmaker said of the film: “It’s going to be pretty wild. Very, very wild. Very quick with a strong narration.”

The news comes as Christopher Nolan revealed he was pressured by Warner Bros. to shoot The Dark Knight Rises in digital (although held out for film stock). He recently told The Director’s Guild of America:

“For the last 10 years, I’ve felt increasing pressure to stop shooting film and start shooting video, but I’ve never understood why. It’s cheaper to work on film, it’s far better looking, it’s the technology that’s been known and understood for a hundred years, and it’s extremely reliable. I think, truthfully, it boils down to the economic interest of manufacturers and [a production] industry that makes more money through change rather than through maintaining the status quo.”

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