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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks for more explanation about what George was asked and how he responded :)

George responsed was very disdainful in his tone and reaction. That's what was irritating about the comment.

Thanks ,also, for pix of Blake and Erin, I had never seen it to Fash made me aware of it.


Thanks for all the pix including the one from your time in the monastery :)


Yes, that is one of the great things about this forum, we have so many posters working to bring the latest Leo news /pix/tweets to all :)

Yes, it is not a good sign that they've been filming Django for weeks now , and we haven't see a picture of any of the actors not even extras.

I think we might need to call Quentin and remind him we do expect to see Leo :p


Like you I love Billy Costigan , sexy with a capital S :yes: :yes:

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George's attitude is so childish,I can only call him a kid,cause he's not even an actor. He's just someone who is able to "buy" the audience.

He's only an evious guy that greatly desires to be the Leonardo. :yuckky:

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I agree with Daydreaming, is impossible to name each one the people involved in a movie and thank everyone, but still they are part of the production of the film so you should not be disrespectful with them.

Oxf how you know they've been filming at Blue Mountains??? I have missed something?? Wouldn't surprise me, I usually read between the lines :p

andrewkableAndrew Kable

Also fun convincing the security guard across the road to let us in to check out "The Great Gatsby" set in between filming days. Legend.

hace 9 horas

(now off to be Mrs. Silence for another 7billion days ;))

post-51835-0-1446082271-54767_thumb.gif I don't like that Shine

BTW: Thanks for more pics of Leo in his I'm sexy and I know it moment :laugh:

That kid born to make me smile. :D

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Because this past week I've been snuggling by the fireplace with Leo in Blue Mountains :p

Oxf how you know they've been filming at Blue Mountains???

Or I suppose I ,also, know because it was stated in the Daily Telegraph article I posted earlier this week :)

Luhrmann, who is understood to have just two weeks left to film final scenes with key cast members Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Carey Mulligan, is holed up in the Blue Mountains waiting to shoot a pivotal outdoor scene

As producers, I don't think anyone disagrees that be it producer or exec producer that all should be treated respectfully. However, to describe executive producers as the money people is a description I've seen on movie/Oscar bloggers over the years. It is not just a description used only by George.

so you should not be disrespectful with them.

Thanks for Gatsby set tweet . I'm sure if that had been you, you would have found a place to hide to the filming resumed :p

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Oxford and Princess....for the last time,why do you girls always forget me? :mad: Gotta stop this love triangle between you all! :ninja:

Oxford,that's not fair too..."Because this past week I've been snuggling by the fireplace with Leo in Blue Mountains"... watch out girl! :lullaby:


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Oxford and Princess....for the last time,why do you girls always forget me? :mad: Gotta stop this love triangle between you all! :ninja:

Oxford,that's not fair too..."Because this past week I've been snuggling by the fireplace with Leo in Blue Mountains"... watch out girl! :lullaby:

Yeah, finally!!! Female fight club!!!! :clap:

On this corner we have Pami always uninvited to our imaginary trips and in the other corner Oxford with her "fictional" snuggling with Leo. :laugh:

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Daydreaming: I see what you mean about George :)

Thanks everyone for the articles and tweets! I have not seen any tweets about Django filming, and I hope this is just for the time being, and that when leo starts up with Django, it will be news galore ;)

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Here I'm trying to protect you from ByPrincess' anger when she finds out that we were both with Leo by not mentioning your name , and you turn on me :cry: :cry:

And are you trying to tell us that you were attached to that blue string attached to front of Leo's jet ski in that picture ?

At least I was present in the hottest moments as in our last vacation


Yes, that's right, we have no Django tweets either from any of the extras ; this is not good.

We may need to send in our own team of Leo Ninjas :neo: :neo: :neo:

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Here I'm trying to protect you from ByPrincess' anger when she finds out that we were both with Leo by not mentioning your name , and you turn on me :cry::cry:

And are you trying to tell us that you were attached to that blue string attached to front of Leo's jet ski in that picture ?

At least I was present in the hottest moments as in our last vacation

That....that was...rea....really sad.... :cry2: You should have told me before.

No,actually I was in our private yacht, eagerly waiting for him back! :laugh:

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Thanks sick for the cover!

Someone mentioned Lukas H is in Vegas, probab to watch Super Bowl there - he's there with another Leo's good friend, Vincent Laresca (Actor, he was in R&J) - he has his own Mobli page and has pics of Lukas and another of himself (haha, with some woman nibbling his ears). I wonder if the little girl in the other pic is his daughter - it's news to me he was a daddy! Hey, it also seem like Kev C doesn't hang out that much with Leo's other friends anymore; wonder if there was like a riff or something??


omg, I just saw promos of the Inside Actors Studio with Clooney and he comes off so pretentious and love me, love me, love me and trying so hard to be funny and charming, urgghhhh. How come no one except us is complaining about him and Brad campaigning so hard for awards???

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