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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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In regard to Satellite Awards , as Fash mentioned, they aren't considered an Oscar precursor as say the BFCA nods are, but, anytime any group makes the point to acknowledge Leo's terrific performance in J Edgar is a good sign and to be celebrated :)

As to Oscar/BP . I totally agree about going back to original 5 . As the moment they don't give a picture's director a director nomination, then most no longer consider it a true BP contender.

Years ago it was claimed they enlarged the # of nods to try to increase their viewing audience . That more people would tune in if they thought their fave film might win BP . However, no matter how popular Inception was with the masses , the moment we all saw that Nolan didn't receive a director's nod, we knew it really wasn't a 'true' BP contender.

This year will be the 84th Oscar ceremony, and if I recall correctly in all that time only 3 times has a winning film not had it's director win.

Oh, thanks Oxford. There isn't a very important award, but I think it's very good he is remembered on any prizes from now... in addition to having his work recognized, it helps to define the nominees for main awards.

Thanks girls for all tweets, pics and videos :hug:.

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Since theres no news really, I thought of this little game. You are going to pick who YOU would like to see Leo with next as his girlfriend. She can be a model, actress, singer, whoever YOU would like to see him with! ONE RULE: she has to be single!

You must state her age, her profession, why YOU like her, and why you want to see her with leo.


Hmmm... great idea, Kat. But it's really hard, everybody knows why :laugh:. Unfortunately, your rule to be a single women eliminates my option to choose Penelope Cruz or Natalie Portman (I think both beautiful, friendly and talented). Charlize Theron would be a good choice, she's intelligent and everything else... but there's something about her that I dislike, I'm not sure what it is, lol. It seems a sad woman, incomplete... when I look at her seems to be missing something, and she has a wonderful life (so far as we know)... perhaps the lack of a true love, that complete her as person. But she's wonderful, no doubt about it.

My choice...

MILA KUNIS (actress)

AGE: 28

WHY I LIKE HER: She's very pretty, she's a good actress and seems a funny girl.

WHY I WOULD LIKE HER WITH LEO: She's incredibly beautiful and sexy, seems to be a fun person to have around and, particularly, it is very different from the kind of woman he usually choose. She has an exotic beauty and, like Leo, deserves find a person who makes her happy. I think the two could have a great time together.

As for Leo and Kate :wub:... I don't have any illusion that one day they can be together, as a couple. I even kept that hope for a while (years ago), until I woke up... it was a dream :laugh:. I always thought they're cute together... but you know what makes them so beautiful together? The friendship and true love that they feel for each other. I hate the idea that if one day they started a relationship and the things didn't work it would be weird between them. I don't say it would completely ruin their friendship, but it sure would never be the same... I know very well :blush:.

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found another pic of Leo and stacy keibler:


Hope sometime soon read this headline, but next time for REAL: this one is old gossip from 2007.


this pics are for you Pami, my avi is for you too, haha





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Nanda: I know, Leo and Kate are friends but still we can dream... and the way they look at each other, is just priceless.


Yeah, I know. We can dream... :laugh:.

Thanks for the pics and videos, Barbie.

For God sake! December 7 does one month that Leo doesn't use the Twitter :cry:. I bet he's busy with other things :laugh:.

Some funny tweets...

If you want to pick up chicks, try being Leonardo DiCaprio. I bet that would work.
:laugh: For sure!
My mom asked what I wanted for Christmas and I said, "Leonardo DiCaprio. If you can't get him, I guess Ryan Gosling will have to do."
I enjoy that my phone's auto-correct dictionary knows about Leonardo DiCaprio.
It's settle I will settle for no less than Leonardo dicaprio
Leornado Dicaprio is the best white actor. He's like the Denzel.of.the white acting world.
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For God sake! December 7 does one month that Leo doesn't use the Twitter :cry:. I bet he's busy with other things :laugh:.

lol true :laugh: I mean he's never been a twitter freak, but he usually doesn't go more than a week without tweeting. Though I totally understand... he's busy filming and when he gets breaks i'm sure there are so many other things he wants to experience. Heck his twitter is pretty much work itself.

Anyways this just makes me anticipate his next tweet even more lol :p

Thanks Nanda!

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hmmm, my thoughts are Kate and Leo will never be a romantic couple - I mean they know each other for 10+ years now - if it was ever gonna happen, it would have happened by now. Also, they get along as friends but won't work as a couple - Kate herself said she is very different from Leo in that she doesn't like going out clubbing and going out like Leo. Also, there was a quote by her saying they actually considered whether they should have an affair (this was during Titanic filming) but decided against it cause they realized they couldn't take it serious like, cause they like each other too much as friends. I don't see any of the people suggested especially Charlize since she is like best friends with Kristen Zang (or was). I think is next girlfriend will be someone not well known, someone like Bar who no one outside of Israel really knew about before Leo.

I saw The Descendants and really liked the movie BUT I felt like the role Clooney played could have been acted by lots of other actors just as well as he did.

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Anyways this just makes me anticipate his next tweet even more lol :p

Thanks Nanda!

Me too, Fash :laugh:.

I saw The Descendants and really liked the movie BUT I felt like the role Clooney played could have been acted by lots of other actors just as well as he did.

This is music to my ears... :laugh:.

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I think is next girlfriend will be someone not well known, someone like Bar who no one outside of Israel really knew about before Leo. Interesting thought, solange.

yeah, a not well known girl would be good for Leo, way less interest to press fuss in his private life.

As for Leo and Kate, I love them together but at this point is just my WISHFUL THINKING, and I also don't think they will have something, unfortunatelly, but I love their friendship anyway because I know is very genuine.

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Solange, couldn't agree more on your opinion regarding both Bar and Kate (Y) (Y)

Nanda, thank you so much for finding that pics! :clap:

And thank you Pami, for trying! :hug:

And yes, Nanda, Mila Kunis would be my first choice too, like I said :)

I think she would be strong enough to handle him :p

I don't know if this is means it's on AGAIN or just an old article..

Leonardo DiCaprio and Shah Rukh to team up for film on underworld!

Shah Rukh Khan is likely to make his way to Hollywood. Yeah, you read that right. If all works well, SRK may team up with the Hollywood heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio for Paul Schrader's Xtreme City.

The film is said to be based on Mumbai's underworld and is being produced by Martin Scorsese.

Sources said that the script of the film, which is mainly to be shot in Mumbai, has caught the attention of Leonardo, who has shown a keen interest in it.

SRK is believed not only to be a part of the film as an actor, but he might also contribute in the making of the underworld thriller in the production sense.

If sources are to be believed, Shah Rukh has a pivotal role in the flick. He is likely to play a Don, while the Inception actor Leonardo will be play an FBI agent.

Hope the story is not vaguely inspired on the life of Mumbai's notorious underworld don Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar and his company.

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Wow Thanks barbie for the pics and vids!! I hope to see that headline FOR REAL sometime soon also :p

Thanks wijn, but I believe its a repetition of an old article :flower:

Nice Choice Nanda! I love Mila, I think she is sooo pretty, and is funny and a very talented actress.

I wonder if Leo will be in Cabo this year for New Years? Hes gone almost every year for the past couple of years. Its always been a him and bar thing, so I wonder if he'll still do it this year?

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Thanks for all the photo links ; I'm sure Pami appreciates your wonderful Danny's shoulders avatar :)


Thanks for tweets :)

When I read some of them, my first thought is that person needs to be posting here with us (Y)


Thanks for article , but as Kat mentioned I think it is just repeat of old article :)


As to Cabo, I'm just hoping that Leo is able to be home for Christmas :)

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hmmm, my thoughts are Kate and Leo will never be a romantic couple - I mean they know each other for 10+ years now - if it was ever gonna happen, it would have happened by now. Also, they get along as friends but won't work as a couple - Kate herself said she is very different from Leo in that she doesn't like going out clubbing and going out like Leo. Also, there was a quote by her saying they actually considered whether they should have an affair (this was during Titanic filming) but decided against it cause they realized they couldn't take it serious like, cause they like each other too much as friends. I don't see any of the people suggested especially Charlize since she is like best friends with Kristen Zang (or was). I think is next girlfriend will be someone not well known, someone like Bar who no one outside of Israel really knew about before Leo.

My god women! you have to always kill our dreams :laugh:


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Thanks for clearing that up, Kat :)

EDIT: Since there's no real news, I was watching really old video's with my friends today, and this was one of my favorite songs when I was younger :p

This was really popular, and take a look to the guy at the right on 1:06 :rofl:

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Wow Thanks barbie for the pics and vids!! I hope to see that headline FOR REAL sometime soon also :p

Thanks wijn, but I believe its a repetition of an old article :flower:

Nice Choice Nanda! I love Mila, I think she is sooo pretty, and is funny and a very talented actress.

I wonder if Leo will be in Cabo this year for New Years? Hes gone almost every year for the past couple of years. Its always been a him and bar thing, so I wonder if he'll still do it this year?

Who knows kat, maybe we'll have a suprise and she will be there with him.... :wub:

lol.... just kidding, I wish!

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