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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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. If U think about it, the bodyguard would have to be someone trustworthy cuz not only are they guarding your life but also he has so much access to his private life and all. It really seems like they've become close friends too and not just star/bodyguard - Jay seems like a really cool guy.

So true :yes: Well said!

Also thanks for the pics Solange!!

Barbie I'm madly in love with your avi!!!!! That smile is killing me (in a good way lol)! :wub2:

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Ted Cazablanca, Gossip guru on E Online:

ear Ted:

I have a funny feeling that now since Blake Lively is gone, Leonardo DiCaprio is going to get back together with boring Bar Refaeli. Only god knows how many times they've been on and off. I actually wished Gisele Bündchen wasn't married with children because I think Leo seemed the happiest with her. They were hot together and she is the only girl he walked the red carpet with and was affectionate with since his Titanic days. What happened between them? Was it the ol' she wanted to get married and start a family?

—Forever stuck in 2005

Dear On-Again:

Leo certainly loves his models, there is no doubt about that. Gisele certainly settled down after she and Leo ended their relaysh, so maybe that had to do with the breakup. Since Blake, Leo has been having some fun with his usual type Down Under and no one is shocked. I suspect Leo will keep bedding models, and who knows, Bar could be one of them soon.

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/news/the_awful_trut...0#ixzz1d5DgYjpe


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Thanks for all of the postings and pics ladies, he looks soooooo good!

I don't think Leo will get back with Bar, and Ted has become pretty unreliable since he's been at odds with E!.

About braceletgate, I just looked, and Leo normally wears a watch on his left arm, not his right, and since the bracelet has come around he's been wearing his watch on his right arm. So I think the bracelet must have some significance as a good luck charm, and that's why he's made the switch. Just a guess.

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The ABC Nightline video clip. Hopefully this is just part of a LONGER interview



Gosh, I'll have to go back and look at clip, I don't remember :)

As to Ted , to me, he always tries to come across as he has 'inside' information , but when you read between the lines, he makes generalities and repeats gossip we all read in Aussie papers.


Glad to see you joining our Green Bracelet Investigative Team :)

As I stated earlier, I , too, wondered if maybe it was some type of lucky charm for him, but when I looked at pix of him from previous premieres pix, I found none with him wearing the bracelet.

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About braceletgate, I just looked, and Leo normally wears a watch on his left arm, not his right, and since the bracelet has come around he's been wearing his watch on his right arm. So I think the bracelet must have some significance as a good luck charm, and that's why he's made the switch. Just a guess.

Great observation Lauren!!!!! (Y)

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Maybe his lady gave him the green bracelet for luck or as a gift? And that's why he's only wearing it now. :rofl: I love how this has become such an investigation. HE NEEDS TO MAKE A STATEMENT TO THE PRESS - aka us - ABOUT WHAT IT MEANS/WHY HE'S WEARING IT. Lol.

I am dying at that tweet about the "fat black lady" telling Leo to stop smoking his electro cig. Oh god. I want to see that happen in real life.

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About braceletgate, I just looked, and Leo normally wears a watch on his left arm, not his right, and since the bracelet has come around he's been wearing his watch on his right arm. So I think the bracelet must have some significance as a good luck charm, and that's why he's made the switch. Just a guess.

:shock: Damn Lauren you're Good. Definitely we must include in our research team :gocho:

:morning: your specialty: Good eye. We have all afternoon investigating and none of us had noticed that :huh:



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IDK either! If Leo gave her a look like "gurl please" or if he actually said that to her. There should be a little camera that follows him around to let us know these details when we want to know them. HAHAHA. Stalker camera! :x

ETA: Solange, I think Robin tried to lean in to "kiss" or like "embrace" Leo. She was just being funny. But the audience started laughing and she was like: I had to take a chance. And Leo laughed too.

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IDK either! If Leo gave her a look like "gurl please" or if he actually said that to her. There should be a little camera that follows him around to let us know these details when we want to know them. HAHAHA. Stalker camera! :x

Haha thanks for your opinion!

:rofl: at stalker camera... your too funny!

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Remember our discussion on this matter :rofl:
Dankwa Brooks is watching ABC News Nightline

#nw Eastwood & DiCaprio interview. Clint you're doing a national interview w/ the star of your picture, comb your f*cking hair!

smileyvault-cute-big-smiley-animated-060.gif Seriously, it's to hard for him brush his hair? he doesn't have much hair, so don't will take you much time :idk:

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Some more J Edgar tv alerts :

Eastwood is on Daily Show tonight, can catch rerun if you missed it.

Arnie Hammer is on Jimmy Fallon tonight.


I was watching the entire interview, Leo has lots of great smiles in it , while be interviewed, plus the bits they show from behind the scenes filming of J Edgar

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