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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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It's happening !
Clint's screening for J. Edgar is packed! Great turnout.

1 minute ago

Good Ox, tks.

@TedNapolitano Ted Napolitano

2night seeing the US premiere of #J. Edgar- directed by #ClintEastwood. I'm very excited for this!

@greezyy_ Tom Green

so i saw Leo Dicaprio last night finally in sydney at this bar. totally blamin it on goose

What's that? blamin it on goose? :idk:

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Ok, we have to remember these people and go back to their Twitter pages to see if they post anything after it's over... I'll include links for that purpose :D





TedNapolitano 5 min ago

2night seeing the US premiere of #J. Edgar- directed by #ClintEastwood. I'm very excited for this!

ETA: D'oh! Already posted -- thanks oxford! :flower:

oh my fault was gelling that said that, not you jou, so sorry!

Ohh ok, yeah, I read back and I guess she was talking about what the tabs are saying. Tbh, I wouldn't know the extent of what is being said regarding Leo's personal life because I don't read past the headline anymore. :p

Nanda, I'm guessing that would be Grey Goose (vodka) unless they have random geese roaming around the bar. :p

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so, we done by princess, we are together in the whole thing but it's ok, we have the right to say what we think and to post everything that is related with Leo since here is the Leo's thread.

oh my it's close for we to know something in regards to J.Edgar, I'am soooooo nervous. thanks ox and jou for the tweets.

fash: I answered your other pm's.

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As a Leo fan I must say I just want him to be happy and I wish the same for Blake. But at the same time I cant say whether she dumped Leo for Ryan or not. I can only say that... if that was really true, it was a bad choice! :p But Blake fans can feel welcome whenever they want to share information about Leo. :)

You didnt start anything Barbie,so dont worry! :wave:

I'm soooo waiting to watch J.Edgar!!!

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Interesting discussion regarding the possibilty of Gatsby & Django possibly being released same day.

I agree it will be interesting to see what happens , and for sure, I always like the idea a lot of 'Leo presence' anytime of year :)

Next Christmas, though, an even more bizarre head-to-head match-up is on the books, and I can't imagine it actually plays out the way it looks on paper right now, because one of the studios involved will have to blink and figure out a new date. We can't really be getting two new Leonardo DiCaprio movies on the same day, can we?

Earlier today, word broke that "The Great Gatsby" is now set for a Christmas Day release. This is the Baz Luhrmann version where DiCaprio reunites with his "Romeo + Juliet" director for a 3D version of the Fitzgerald story that has so far seemed difficult to adapt to film. And I think I'm being kind when I say "difficult." The best-known version so far, the 1974 adaptation starring Robert Redford and Mia Farrow, may have been written by Francis Ford Coppola, but it's still a stiff, a pretty but empty version of the story. There was a version of the film made in the '20s, and another in the '40s, as well as a live version for TV in the '50s starring Robert Ryan. Fitzgerald's novel almost defiantly resists adaptation, so I'm curious to see how Luhrmann and his co-writer Craig Pearce plan to handle it.

One thing's for sure: they've got a great cast. Along with DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton, Isla Fisher, Tobey Maguire, and Gemma Ward are all onboard, and I'm going to guess this will be just as supercharged as a film as Luhrmann's other movies are. They're well underway at this point, so they should have no trouble finishing the film for Christmas.

Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained," which had already claimed that Christmas day release, is also starting to put together a really interesting and eclectic cast, a given when you're talking about a Tarantino film. DiCaprio is set to play Calvin Candie, a truly disgusting human being and the film's biggest bad guy. He's a slave owner who runs a plantation that revolves around prostitution and pit fighting, and he's going to go head-to-head with Jamie Foxx as Django and Christoph Waltz as Dr. King Schultz, bounty hunters who are searching for Django's wife so they can free her. They'll be joined by Kurt Russell, Don Johnson, Tom Savini, Samuel L. Jackson, and more, and this may the most sprawling and ambitious thing that Tarantino's ever attempted.

The thing is, when you're talking about which audience you're selling a film to, both "Django Unchained" and "The Great Gatsby" are aimed directly at adult cineastes, people who are drawn to director-driven cinema, people looking for something more than just a cinematic cheeseburger. Both films will also trade heavily on the casting of DiCaprio, one of the biggest name movie stars in either movie. I'm sure he'll feature prominently in the marketing of both films.

When you back Harvey Weinstein into a corner, he fights dirty, and since he already had the date, I'm guessing he's not going to want to back off. This is the big holiday release that The Weinstein Company is building their 2012 schedule around, and it's crucial to them. For Warner Bros., "Gatsby" is a big expensive gamble, and they're going to want to make the biggest splash they can during the holidays.

This is going to be a fascinating game between two major studios, and no matter what, DiCaprio's going to be a huge presence during the Christmas 2012 season, and crucial to the success of these movies. We'll definitely be watching to see how this unfolds.


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You have to win this , then you could send me a plane ticket , and I'll come be one of your 50 friends to see J Edgar ! :p

@WhiskyLIVEUSA Oct.21 LA show to award screening of "J. Edgar" to winner & 50 friends + private tasting. http://bit.ly/ojg8Mf disc:save25

Haha that would be fun... But I would have to buy a $100+ ticket to drink scotch to get a chance to win, and frankly they'd have to pay me $100+ to drink scotch because that stuff tastes horrible. :laugh: My dad loves it, though... I will mention it to him. ;) Thanks oxford! :flower:

Another tweeter to keep on eye on, but for next week... this means press screenings should be starting up soon...


K7RTI5H0093R Kurtis Hooper

May be seeing J. Edgar a little early next Tuesday if anyone wants a review or a tid bit of info.

46 minutes ago

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carmelfilmfestCarmel Art and Film


@filmlover1919 only 1 award given tonight: Clint chooses who gets his award & this year he chose Dusting Lance Black for J. Edgar


Oh, not a fan of scotch either, but do tell your Dad if he goes and wins, I'll toast him with a big glass of scotch :Dinah:

Thanks for tweet :)


Thanks for YouTube clip :)

I always loved Oma .

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I guess each year Clint presents an award to someone involved in a film screening at fest, and this year he presented it to J Edgar screenplay writer Black.

Speaking of J Edgarre posting the J Edgar tv spot :)


I hope you don't have to wait too long in 2013 to see Django and Gastsby :)

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That means there was some problem with the film, and they may have had to stop the film in the final minutes, which is unfortunate, as it 'breaks the mood' ; takes one out of the moment.

But if it truly was happening the final two mintues of the film, it's been at least 10 minutes since I posted the tweet, so the film should be over by now.

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