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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Awwwwwwww thats sad news! They were cute while it lasted. One of Leos shorter relationships. But I wish we could here the reason for the breakup! I am guessing busy scheduals :/

Its sad :cry: I really liked Blake with Leo. But I guess it just didn't work out! I will still love them both though :wub:

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The pair "remain friends," Lively and DiCaprio's reps added.

Thats good their keeping in touch!

I am really curious what the cause of the breakup is? Probably just didn't work out and busy scheduals!

Yeah, busy schedules are usually part of it, but I'm gonna try not to speculate too much. I'm sure the tabloids will be doing more than enough of that in the coming weeks. <_< Whatever their differences, I'm glad they didn't let it drag on for years... the on - off relationships and constant rumors can take a toll on friendships (and tbh, fans).

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The pair "remain friends," Lively and DiCaprio's reps added.

Thats good their keeping in touch!

I am really curious what the cause of the breakup is? Probably just didn't work out and busy scheduals!

Yeah, busy schedules are usually part of it, but I'm gonna try not to speculate too much. I'm sure the tabloids will be doing more than enough of that in the coming weeks. <_< Whatever their differences, I'm glad they didn't let it drag on for years... the on - off relationships and constant rumors can take a toll on friendships (and tbh, fans).

Jou Jou I agree about not letting a relationship drag on for years. Although they occasionally work out, most off and on relationships are doomed. Leo and Blake were cute together and looked like they had fun. If I had to guess, their hectic schedules probably got in the way plus they both just got out of long term relationships (especially Leo). I think they had fun together while it lasted but this wasn't much more than a summer romance (and there's nothing wrong with that). Now I am just excited to see who Leo will date next, although I have to say I'd love to see him stay single for a little while anyway, unless of course it's one of us. ;)

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Aww too bad. But I don't find it surprising especially since Leo just got out of long term relationship. Also the distance of her being in LA/NYC and him being in Australia. Dude needs to be single for a while and make up his mind if he wants something serious or not. Let me plan his life though: I'd like to see him hook up with someone more his age or maybe just 5-6 years younger, who is possibly not in the business but is instead like in the environmental field of work or possibly a writer/producer. Yes, Leo, listen to my plans for you life. :laugh:

That new project sounds...interesting. But I can't see Leo as a ninja. I would die of laughter, personally. :laugh: But I see it's been said it won't be a ninja fighting wise but in others ways so that would be cool.

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Hmm, not that shocked.

Me either!

Me either!

to be honest I saw it coming since she was in boston with ryan and not with Leo in Australia


Although I didn't want to bring it up, because a lot of people liked them togheter,

and ofcourse- with Leo you never know if he's on or off, but they were apart for a pretty long time, so I started doubting.

I agree on him being single,

Maybe he just needs to have fun for a little while, he obviously doesn't want to settle yet

and then look for someone - the ONE - start a future with :wub:


Thinking back, did they sorta 'break up' ON HER BIRTHDAY? :o

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I have to be honest and say that I'am quite sad :cry: because I really thought they were so cute, and instead of you all, I'am surprised, I thought the problem was just free time but...

I agree about when he started to date Blake he just had end up a long relationship and seems that (instead of what I thought) Leo and Blake was just a summer romance, at least they enjoyed each other while they were together. But I'am sad because I really like Blake and thought they looked adorable together, but I also agree that BE SINGLE would be good for Leo now, for at least some good months and put his mind on the right place and thing what he really wants for his life and for sure it's better to end up what's not working in the beggining than after years of relationship, it is less painful.

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It's sad but like in Blake's thread every good thing comes to an end. I agree with everyone who said it's a chance for Leo to re-group and reevaluate himself.

At least something good came out of the relationship, Leo gained a new fan- me! :yes:

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Yeah and I don't think any less of Blake either. It was a fun 5 months, and they seemed happy, so I'm sure there both okay.

He came from the Bar thing so quickly, and maybe it was too soon. I kinda hope he stays single at least for a month!

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Yup it seems the schedual attributed to the breakup.

From People

Blake Lively, Leonardo DiCaprio Break Up | Blake Lively, Leonardo DiCaprio

Their summer romance is over.

Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio, linked since May at the Cannes Film Festival, are no longer dating, a source close to DiCaprio tells PEOPLE.

"It's amicable. They're friends," the source says, adding that distance and DiCaprio's work commitments contributed to the breakup.

First spotted together hugging on a yacht on the French Riviera, the pair also clocked time together at a Sydney, Australia, zoo, on bikes in New York City and on vacation in Italy over the summer.

Over the weekend, Lively, 24, was spotted in Boston with Ryan Reynolds, according to a report in the Boston Herald. The Gossip Girl star was reportedly spotted on the Acela train and, later, having dinner together at sushi restaurant, O Ya.

DiCaprio, 36, will next appear in J. Edgar, due out in November

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I was just thinking and,imho,when he likes woman,he's very excited before they start relationship,after reaching his desire,he seems very in love for the first time,but then gets bored and break up.

he could wait after break up with Bar,but he didn't,he was very excited because of Blake and everything happened very fast,seems it really was just summer romance.

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