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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Mostly about Yao but we know Leo is very serious about this cause as well..

Though a few weeks earlier it was reported that a ban has been taken into effect in California.. it is nice to see efforts have been made internationally as well. :)

Yao Ming: Ban Shark Fin Soup!

Yao Ming calls for a ban on shark fin soup during an event in Shanghai, China on Thursday (September 22).

“When demand happens, the buying happens and the killing happens,” the 31-year-old recently retired Chinese basketball star said at the event organized by the international conservation group, WildAid.

Yao, who was joined by Virgin founder Richard Branson, committed to stop eating shark fin soup in 2006 after learning of the cruel and wasteful practice of “‘finning”’ and the threat of extinction facing many shark populations as a result of demand for their fins.

7-foot-6 Yao, along with Leonardo DiCaprio, Ian Somerhalder, Edward Norton, Rosario Dawson, director James Cameron, and dozens of other stars, just sent a letter to Governor Brown supporting the ban, acknowledging the “importance of the continued existence of shark species in maintaining a healthy ocean ecosystem.”

Join Yao in lending your support at Wildaid.org

Source:Just Jared

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I don't know what the status of their relationship was like the coming months before the break up was announced... but all I know is that i'm happy they broke up now. Blake seems like a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better fit for him and i'm glad he moved on with her.. they seem quite happy together :)

I fully agree I follow Blake for some time and never saw her so happy. Although at first was very skeptical of this relationship. I loved Blake and Penn. But now realize that maybe Leo is the right person for her.

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You are a different teen and as you like Leo, I must say you have a great taste!

Thank you Pami, thank you :p I'm different that I like Men. Like REAL MEN! :D Like Leo, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler. guys with muscle, and look like they could just save you!

I don't know why people like to say Leo wants an Oscar badly. He's so chill I don't think he cares either way, he just turns in excellent work each time. Honestly, I think we fans want it a lot more than him.

Totally agree with you aOMG! Leo just wants to make good movies. The reason I think fans want him to get it so badly because I feel like he just DESERVES it. Oscar is a recognition for a good performance, Leos never gotten one, even though all his performances are fantastic.

Thanks for another J.Edgar pic also ;)

And yes fash, I also feel like we'll get some Leo and Blake stuff soon. She just wrapped, and I bet she was on the first flight to Australia the next day! (or I hope she was :p ) Savages wrapped on, I think, Thursday, so if she took a flight to Australia on Friday it would put her in Australia now if not very soon :D

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Thanks for GG clip :)


Thanks for Enquirer creative writing article :)

Also, thanks, for red carpet pix with Kristen and Gisele and video clip


Thanks for latest Sydney sightings :)


Thanks for article about selecting possible dates for Pippa :)

Also, thanks, for latest weekend box office news and Oscar chart from HR.


Thanks for great new J Edgar photo from Leo's twitter :)

Regarding your comment below about Leo and Oscars

I think it happens because movie wise people connect movies that are serious dramas with Oscar contenders. Whereas they don't view super hero movies, romance, comedy films, etc with being Oscar contenders.

Thus some then try to connect that since Leo mainly does serious dramas and not the other type of movies , it must be because he wants to win an Oscar . Rather than realizing it is the appeal of the subject matter covered in serious drama versus the other type of movie genre that causes him to be gravitate toward them not the fact that they are usually the types of films that are Oscar contenders.

I don't know why people like to say Leo wants an Oscar badly.
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thanks for the J.Edgar new pic, aomg. But hey, how this thread moved, not? 2 pages already while I was out. Thanks all for the entertaining read, I love it.

I really hope Blake can be there in Australia with Leo, I want new pics of them.

And where is solange, nanda and halo?

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hi everybody!

Read all the current past posts really quickly - so much too read and comment on.wow, everybody sure posts a lot! :laugh:

The trailer - hmmm, I have to say I don't like it too much- for some reason some of the scenes in the trailer remind me too much of The Aviator. Like the shot of him as a kid with his mother - same as Aviator. Like the shot in the courtroom - much like Aviator. And aside from that, that scene where they show Armie Hammer smiling back at J Edgar - it seemed a little corny for some reason, with Armie's eyes all twinkly and all. I just hope, hope the movie is MUCH better!

Someone mentioned Charlize being friends with Leo - I guess they are friendly but actually Charlize is great friends with his ex -Kristen Zang - they were roommates in LA when they were in their early early20's, before Charlize got famous. They were rooming with another gal, who was dating a famous musician, forgot the name who wrote a book and wrote about Kristen and Charlize.

Brad Pitt?I actually think he is not a bad actor but I hated Tree of Life...I could not finish watching it on DVD..not cuz of his acting or anything but the movie itself - so I can't understand why some critics are saying it is a great movie -shaking head in disbelief.

Taylor Lautner - I don't see people comparing him to Leo as far as acting. They compare Taylor to Tom Cruise as in maybe becoming the next action star like Cruise -Jimmy Fallon even said that when he had Taylor on his show last week.

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Thanks for the news, pix and tweets! :flower:

Funny tweet exchange from the Gatsby set...


byrnesh 38 minutes ago

On location @celebrityapprentrice and hit star spot jackpot - Leo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire on Gatsby set next door #tallerthaniimagined

awebstar1 36 minutes ago

@byrnesh Did Leo have his usual expression: like he'd drunk a schooner of nails?

byrnesh 35 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

@awebstar1 he was happily chatting then scooted off on a vintage bike. Only cause for concern was the socks sandals combo he was working

[me: :rofl:]

awebstar1 16 minutes ago

@byrnesh Socks and sandles? How Urunga Primary School, circa 1982.

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^LOL thats funny! Thanks JouJou for those :D

Fash, I love your new Barbara set :heart:

And thanks Ox for another tweet!

And anyone else notice that 35,000 dollar bracelete story wasn't denied? Just saying, they denied that Prius story pretty quickly, but GossipCop had nothing to say about this one. Maybe its true? :wub:

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^ Aw those are precious! :wub: Thanks killabunnies! :flower: It's hard to believe he was 17 or 18 years old there, he looks like such a baby. :heart:

So Music Rooms just reported on the bicycle story.... so was the National Enquirer story recent then?? Don't see why now all of a sudden they'll bring it up again. Though for me personally today was the first time hearing about this story.


It was a short blurb in the Enquirer's gossip column a couple weeks ago. I didn't bother posting it because it wasn't online and I didn't want to mangle an already questionable story from a questionable source (how long has it been since they've been in in NY?) by trying to go from memory. I think the sites posting it now are not based in the U.S., which would explain the delay and the different variations as things get lost in translation. :p

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