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BraeTay Brae Taylor Dowling

Leonardo Dicaprio running up Runyon Canyon

Oops fat fingers.. Leonardo Dicaprio ran past me on Runyon Canyon. Cool sighting!

7 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

runyoncanyon_la Runyon Canyon LA

Leonardo dicaprio was at Runyon Canyon yesterday! #gotakeahike I will be there in the morning! See you there!

2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

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thanks for the tweets aomg! seems he's in LA, great!

waiting for paparazzis' new work :laugh:

from DownTown magazine twitter :wub:

DownTownMag Downtown Magazine NY

The verdict is in! Here are some comments about our summer issue...

15 hours ago

DownTownMag Downtown Magazine NY

"This is great!" - Iris Carlomusto, Alex and Ani

DownTownMag Downtown Magazine NY

"OMG I love!" - Roni Hirshberg, Generation Love Clothing

DownTownMag Downtown Magazine NY

"It looks amazing!" - Kelly Grgich, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics

15 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

seems everyone likes Leo's new cover

would like them to use other pic of Leo,but that's OK :trout:

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Thank you all girls for news and pics and tweets!! Seems Leo is back in L.A which is nice. I just want the paps to find him :p

Also interesting info aOMG! I didn't know Blake kissed Armie on GossipGirl! haha how weird! :rofl:

I agree what you said here JouJou:

Personally I think Leo and Bar were ready to call it a day. It has to be difficult to spend that much time apart, with both living in different countries, and maintain a relationship. I think he was looking for fun post-split but fell for Blake. I don't think he would have entered into a relationship with another actor if didn't have real feelings for her. With all the attention those kinds of relationships get it's too much of a hassle for a good time, you know? There are a bunch of lower profile women who could have filled that role if that's all he wanted. /end speculation

True very true ;)

Thanks Sick for the Downtown magazine issue! Like you I wish they would have done a new photoshoot, but we have J.Edgar promotion to look forward for those! :D

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Thanks so much for all the Downtown mag cover , inside pages, and twitter comments.

You spoil us :)


I love the video you made ! I've never heard the song you used; I like it very much as well :)

Thanks ,also, for all the latest Leo news you posted . I really like that Fisker Karma car, it's a sexy looking car.


I didn't realize that Arnie had once been on "GG' :)

Thanks for tweets of running Leo. He would certainly motivate someone to get out of bed early.


Thanks for posting links to more Capri dancing pix :)

I hope we get to see larger versions of these pix.

I would love to see a video of his dancing.

As to "J Edgar" date, I read last week on Clint Eastwood site that the reason IMDB has the old release date (Dec) is because the site was last updated April 4th.

I love your Celebrity avatar.


Wow , so many wonderful pix, thanks so much , and a great avatar as well ! :)


I share your thoughts below.

Personally I think Leo and Bar were ready to call it a day. It has to be difficult to spend that much time apart, with both living in different countries, and maintain a relationship. I think he was looking for fun post-split but fell for Blake. I don't think he would have entered into a relationship with another actor if didn't have real feelings for her. With all the attention those kinds of relationships get it's too much of a hassle for a good time, you know? There are a bunch of lower profile women who could have filled that role if that's all he wanted. /end speculation


Thanks for link to more wedding pix. I love these pix. They remind me of Titanic Irish dancing scenes. Leo is having fun and making sure all around have fun . You can see by the male guests faces that he is entertaining all , not just their female companions. :)

Looking at him snapping pix , I sure would love to help him download his Capri pix :)

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On Hollywood 411(I know many of you don't know this show, because many of you are not american) are also reporting that blake is reortdadly living with Leo. Sounds like there still refering to what was said in the lainey article. Heres the vid, its a very short segment at the end!


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Wow,wow!!! So many news and pics and gifs!! I will swoon anytime!

Tks girls for the articles,special thanks to Sic,Wijn,Omg,Barbie! Barbie,do you want to provoke a heart attack in someone with this wonderful avi?hehe

Kat,all i can say now is that Blake is indeed a lucky girl!

Grettings to Oxford, Jou Jou ,Solange,Fash....btw,where's she been?

Did i miss someone?hehe

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BraeTay Brae Taylor Dowling

Leonardo Dicaprio running up Runyon Canyon

Oops fat fingers.. Leonardo Dicaprio ran past me on Runyon Canyon. Cool sighting!

7 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

runyoncanyon_la Runyon Canyon LA

Leonardo dicaprio was at Runyon Canyon yesterday! #gotakeahike I will be there in the morning! See you there!

2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

:o Ok just shoot me now. This is my hood. Three blocks over. Hike it almost every other day, usually after work. I usually take pictures of the horse and the goat and butterflies and sunsets and things like that. I would've been there last night but went out instead. Had a great time, but but... LEO WAS THERE?!?!?! RUNNING?!?!?! :banghead: Not like I would have bothered him, but damn that would have been cool to see. :p I would've got up that hill in record time! :laugh:

and finally............ :clap: :dance: :ddr:

screencapped by me :trout:

waiting for HQs to read the article :p

Wow that was fast! Thank you!!! :flower:

SimplyLeo has alot more pics of Leo dancing at the wedding. You can see Milan in the backof a majority of them, and he looks handsome, but a little bored :laugh: He probably didn't know alot of people there.


Ooh I'm gonna have to subscribe again. Need more pix to ease the pain of missing him in Runyon. :laugh: Now excuse me while I go freak out some more. :p

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BraeTay Brae Taylor Dowling

Leonardo Dicaprio running up Runyon Canyon

Oops fat fingers.. Leonardo Dicaprio ran past me on Runyon Canyon. Cool sighting!

7 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

runyoncanyon_la Runyon Canyon LA

Leonardo dicaprio was at Runyon Canyon yesterday! #gotakeahike I will be there in the morning! See you there!

2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

:o Ok just shoot me now. This is my hood. Three blocks over. Hike it almost every other day, usually after work. I usually take pictures of the horse and the goat and butterflies and sunsets and things like that. I would've been there last night but went out instead. Had a great time, but but... LEO WAS THERE?!?!?! RUNNING?!?!?! :banghead: Not like I would have bothered him, but damn that would have been cool to see. :p I would've got up that hill in record time! :laugh:

and finally............ :clap: :dance: :ddr:

screencapped by me :trout:

waiting for HQs to read the article :p

Wow that was fast! Thank you!!! :flower:

SimplyLeo has alot more pics of Leo dancing at the wedding. You can see Milan in the backof a majority of them, and he looks handsome, but a little bored :laugh: He probably didn't know alot of people there.


Ooh I'm gonna have to subscribe again. Need more pix to ease the pain of missing him in Runyon. :laugh: Now excuse me while I go freak out some more. :p

Oh my Gee Jou Jou! How could you miss Leo running? :cry::laugh:

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The Runyon Community is excited as well about Leo's jogging there :)

Leonardo DiCaprio Spotted at Runyon Canyo

Another Runyon Canyon Celebrity Sighting

What do mega celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio do when they aren't making movies, wowing fans, walking down the red carpet or living a posh lifestyle? They work out at Runyon Canyon of course. That's right, Leonardo DiCaprio was spotted at Runyon Canyon yesterday day running as fast as his legs would carry him up and down the dusty hills of Runyon Canyon with the rest of us. Wearing only shorts, a t-shirt and his usual baseball hat, Leonardo DiCaprio was working up a major sweat at Runyon Canyon in the mid afternoon hours yesterday at Runyon Canyon by himself. Leonardo DiCaprio isn't your usual mega celebrity who is escorted around by security and constantly out of sight of fans and the cameras. DiCaprio is always spotted at Hollywood restaurants, clubs and other hot spots including Runyon Canyon which he uses to stay in shape for his upcoming movies. Although he has been going to Runyon Canyon for quite some time, this was my first time getting to see him in real-life as he whipped right past me on my way up Hero's Peak. I'veve always been a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio but I love him even more now that I know he is a Runyon Canyon super fan just like me.

You may not watch TV and movies but Leonardo DiCaprio is a household name and super big deal in Hollywood. He has been in a million movies and has been making excellent movies since he was just a little kid. Leonardo DiCaprio is a California resident and grew up here in Hollywood, mostly on the movie sets. You may Leonardo DiCaprio from such movies as Titanic with Kate Winslet, Gangs of New York with Daniel Day-Lewis, Inception with Joseph Gordon-Levitt or my favorite the Departed with Matt Damon and Jack Nicolson. You may or may not be a super big Leonardo DiCaprio fan like me but maybe you will like him a little more when you see him running around up at Runyon Canyon with you the next time you go hiking.

You will be able to check out Leonardo DiCaprio in some of his upcoming work like Django Unchained, The Great Gatsby or J. Edgar which are all in pre-production now.

As much as we love Leonardo DiCaprio, it would have been nice to see him working out at Runyon Canyon with one of his co-stars like Matt Damon. Although Jack Nicholson probably wouldn

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It was about time before another Leo and Blake story came out. They've been dating for 2 months and their already on wedding watch! :laugh: Oh the press.... :rofl:

Blake Lively & Leonardo DiCaprio On Wedding Watch? ‘She Wants To Land Leo As A Husband’ Says Report!

Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio have only been an item since May, but according to a new report, the “Green Lantern” actress already has a plan: To marry Leo!

“She wants to land Leo as a husband,” a source claims to Life & Style magazine. “Everything Blake tells me says Leo is serious. They are making plans together and acting like a serious couple.”

In fact, Blake is so smitten with her new beau, says Life & Style, that she’s decided to rent a house “a couple of blocks away” from his Hollywood Hills home. “She needed a place in L.A. and decided to live as close to Leo as she could,” a source tells Life & Style. “I don’t think she could have gotten a place any closer. She’s jumping in feet first.”

And Blake is so determined to keep Leo, that she’s just trying to keep off the weight she lost for “Green Lantern,” reports Life & Style. “If you look at the other girls Leo dated, like Gisele [bundchen] and Bar [Refaeli], it’s clear he likes his ladies in great shape. Blake is very aware of that.” For “Green Lantern,” Blake enlisted celeb trainer Bobby Strom to help her lose 14 pounds and two dresses sizes.

While Blake and Leo have stepped out together, making no secret of their romance, don’t expect it to end: “Blake is really into Leo,” says the Life & Style source, “and is making it obvious.”


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thanks that nice article oxford. JouJou: don't miss Leo next time.

oh, kat: the gossips are already talking about wedding, every week have new stories about Leo and Blake, funny to read at least. Now, wedding diet is laughable, when Leo would care about her weight, so non sense.

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I close my eyes and just imagine Leo running with those big shoulders,those sunglasses,all sweaty!! :drool:

If I had seen him i would ask: "Do you come here often?" LOL Just kidding... :laugh:

Does Blake really want to tie up Leo? The press...oh the press! :whistle:

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Thanks for 411 video, TMZ video ( funny and so true there's not a guy who wouldn't love to walk in his shoes and have the reaction he gets from women for one day)

Also,thanks, for latest creative writing Leo & Blake story. I just know that all the media outlets and me would love to see a new pix of the duo. :heart:

And, yes, it would be great to see some jogging pix.


Girl, you need to setup your tripod and pitch your tent pronto ! :)

Hike it almost every other day, usually after work


Judging by your other comments, I suspect that you would be offering to wipe the sweat off of him :p

I close my eyes and just imagine Leo running with those big shoulders,those sunglasses,all sweaty!! dribble.gif

If I had seen him i would ask: "Do you come here often?" LOL Just kidding...

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Also,thanks, for latest creative writing Leo & Blake story. I just know that all the media outlets and me would love to see a new pix of the duo. :heart:

And, yes, it would be great to see some jogging pix.

Haha, too funny

about the creative writing! Actually it is more like recycled writing as they seemed to have written the same type of stories about his past GFs.

Runyon Canyon - i wonder if that's the same place that Ive seen pics of Giz and Leo walking their dogs from when they were together.

Wow, Leo's working out for GG! He hates to work out, too, from what I read. Hope he is givin up the ciggis and the cigars too :laugh:

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