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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thank you girls for all the news!!! So Idris Elba is out, and Jamie Foxx is in! I really like Idris Elba, but oh well, Jamie will have to do! :)

also Palmina: a little off topic, lol, but sad thing George and Elisabeta broke up! :cry:

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@katchitup yeah I heard about Idris on deadlinhollywood.com, a very reliable source, if anyone is intersted in the biz of hollywood check that site out. But on a good note for all the Idris fans he will be starring in Guilermo del Toro's new movie (he is playing the role Tom Cruise was supposed to play so its huge!)

So sorry about the Clooney news, may be its just temporary.

I am so sorry if I was too harsh about the bashing thing, so sorry if I offended anyone and went overboard, its been a tough day!

Really sad about Jamie Foxx joining the cast, but according to deadlinehollywood.com Tarantino has not yet fully decided on Jamie so there is still hope, although let's face it I will see this movie regardless.

@Barilace, totally agree with you r analysis I think her agressive pr campaign is really hurting Blake.

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Has Quentin Tarantino Officially Cast Jamie Foxx In Lead ‘Django Unchained’ Role?

June 22, 2011 by Jordan Raup

He has been rumored as the frontrunner as of late, but it is looking like Jamie Foxx has officially been cast as the lead in Quentin Tarantino‘s upcoming spaghetti western Django Unchained. The source comes from the trustworthy Jeff Goldsmith, who let us know Leonardo DiCaprio had been cast days before anyone else. He claims that Will Smith is out and “inside sources” tell him that Tarantino “has chosen Oscar winner Jamie Foxx to play Django!” He also notes that another contender, Idris Elba, will indeed be taking part in Guillermo del Toro‘s sci-fi blockbuster Pacific Rim, as rumored.

If Foxx’s casting as ex-slave-turned-bounty hunter is indeed true, he will be joining Leonardo DiCaprio is our main villain, slave owner Calvin Candie. The great Oscar-winning Inglourious Basterds star Christoph Waltz is German bounty hunter Dr. King Schultze, who accompanies Django on the journey. Samuel L. Jackson plays Candie’s right-hand man and head house-slave Stephen.

Many people probably aren’t too happy with this choice, but I trust Tarantino and think this could be the come back Foxx needs. I can’t say much, but he has a hilarious role in the upcoming Horrible Bosses. It is minor, but he win a lot of people back with it, especially after doing such junk as Law Abiding Citizen, Valentine’s Day, The Soloist, and even his small, useless cameo in Due Date.

Django Unchained hits theaters December 25th, 2012.

What do you think about Foxx likely nabbing the lead role?


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Nanda haha yeah obviously her agent would be biased :laugh: But to be fair to Anna she is among the top ten models in the world. If you look at her resume it is very impressive... she's more successful than Bar in terms of modeling but its just Bar is more famous than her. I think Anna is stunning hehe.

If leo and her got together they would make a hot couple in my opinion :blush:

haha I've never heard about her, just like you girls,and after checking I really like her,she's so cute

mm wonder what's up between them :brows:

lol the shifty eyebrows gets me everytime :laugh: I don't think there's anything going on between those two but who knows lol...I gotta admit i'm curious how they met though :p

I didn't get the impression Nanda was bashing :blink:

Leo + blonde, young model = shit happenend :rofl:

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Hmmmm Fox in the lead role. I would have preferred Will Smith, and Idris Elba, but I will Accept Jamie. I don't think hes THAT bad! :p

also wijn: I don't think anything happened with him and the blonde. It seems it was innocent flirting, its not like they were kissing or holding hands or anything, and it does seem he is still on with Blake! :)

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Hey girls!

Tks for the news! So many news!

What about this poker scandal girls? Oh my...at least they are not being sued,but i smell something out of tabloids... <_< . But i know Leo always liked to play poker.

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In regards to this whole poker scandal.... it reminds me of some movie Leo is supposed to be trying to get made that has to do with poker/gambling.

Yeah I remember when Leo was attached in that one gambleing movie. I guess that never happened though! :D

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also wijn: I don't think anything happened with him and the blonde. It seems it was innocent flirting, its not like they were kissing or holding hands or anything, and it does seem he is still on with Blake! smile.gif

I agree with you Kat!

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MGM just posted what they say are exclusive pics of leo from The Man In The Iron Mask filming. He looks adorable in all the pics but In the seventh pic his face in particular looks sooo angelic!!

post-40197-0-1446088393-00992_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088393-54499_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088393-90435_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088394-34028_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088394-83452_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088395-39695_thumb.jpg th_bce6f8137640569.jpg/monthly_06_2011/post-40197-0-1446088395-75567_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3822103" alt="post-40197-0-1446088395-75567_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="66.67"> post-40197-0-1446088396-3464_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088396-71236_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088397-02468_thumb.jpg post-40197-0-1446088397-08071_thumb.jpg


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Thanks for welcome


Thanks for "Django" article. As I mentioned earlier I'm not familiar with Idris Elba's work. I would have liked to see "Hurt Locker's " Anthony Mackie to have been considered. But , at same time, since Leo's role is not a major one, I can understand the studio suits wanting to have a more known actor as the main character versus Elba or Mackie.

I just hope that soon we get some official word that Leo has signed on dotted line :)


Thanks for "Iron" assorted pix :)

I'm glad Leo had the chance to work with such a fine group of older actors : Depardieu, Irons, and Malkovich.

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I just hope that soon we get some official word that Leo has signed on dotted line :)

I hear ya Oxford!! There's just been so many rumoured projects regarding Leo that haven't all fell through.... so its always a pleasure knowing for certain if he's attached to a movie or not :p

Kat Yup I guess things haven't worked out yet.. if ever for that movie :p

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I have to admit that since leo break up with bar I don't like this behiavour I mean I like hm as an actor but since he is with blake not really. He is alawys on tabloids...I prefer the serious leo. In my opinion leo made things too fast... broke up and just one week after dated another girl who is not a big actress and who like fame and that her PR put him on the magazine no for his movies or environemnt actions but for his private life.

I prefer when leo was with bar becaause we could have pictures of them but without make them on the cover of the tabloids. For me all this things could affect his credibility and image. Hope that this story will blake stops :yuckky:

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I have to admit that since leo break up with bar I don't like this behiavour I mean I like hm as an actor but since he is with blake not really. He is alawys on tabloids...I prefer the serious leo. In my opinion leo made things too fast... broke up and just one week after dated another girl who is not a big actress and who like fame and that her PR put him on the magazine no for his movies or environemnt actions but for his private life.

I prefer when leo was with bar becaause we could have pictures of them but without make them on the cover of the tabloids. For me all this things could affect his credibility and image. Hope that this story will blake stops :yuckky:

The answer to this is simple. The reason he is on the cover of more tabloids than he was with Bar, is because Blake is more famous than Bar. Bar was not nearly as famous as Blake is, and its not like hes getting on those magazines on purpose. Its not like it will afect his credibility as an actor or anything, who he dates is completely seperate from his acting. Its not like its going to make people think negativily about him. Its his choice to date Blake, he is dating blake, and I believe it will not affect his credibility as an actor either. Its never shown to affect actors in the past, and I personally believe the the Academy and critics don't really give a rats a** who he dates!

But this is just my opinion! and I respect yours! :)

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I have to admit that since leo break up with bar I don't like this behiavour I mean I like hm as an actor but since he is with blake not really. He is alawys on tabloids...I prefer the serious leo. In my opinion leo made things too fast... broke up and just one week after dated another girl who is not a big actress and who like fame and that her PR put him on the magazine no for his movies or environemnt actions but for his private life.

I prefer when leo was with bar becaause we could have pictures of them but without make them on the cover of the tabloids. For me all this things could affect his credibility and image. Hope that this story will blake stops :yuckky:

I agree with you in some points regarding tabloids,but i think in the beggining everything is that way,it was the same thing when he started dating Bar after his breakup with Gisele. And actually i think no matter who he will date or flirt,he will always be on tabloids,i'm not saying that's good,of course not,but i cant say it's his fault at the same time. I think just time will tell us about his situation with Blake. :wave:

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I agree with your comment below :

And I definitely agree with your comment about the Academy and who an actor dates. Jack Nicholson has always been known as a playboy, however, that has not kept the Academy from bestowing him with 13 nominations and 3 Oscar statuettes

At 36 Leo is one of the most highly respected actors of his generation. He has earned that ranking based on his performances not based on who he does or doesn't date. He will continue to be a highly respected actor as long as he delivers when the lights go dark in a theater.

The answer to this is simple. The reason he is on the cover of more tabloids than he was with Bar, is because Blake is more famous than Bar. Bar was not nearly as famous as Blake is, and its not like hes getting on those magazines on purpose. Its not like it will afect his credibility as an actor or anything, who he dates is completely separate from his acting. Its not like its going to make people think negativily about him. Its his choice to date Blake, and I believe it will not affect his credibility as an actor either. Its never shown to affect actors in the past, and I personally believe the the Academy and critics don't really give a rats a** who he dates!

But this is just my opinion! and I respect yours! smile

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