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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Leda: you are entitled to have your own opinion, and me too. So, yeah, I think exactly what I wrote here.

and here another and more complete video of that commercial: find me!

Take it easy! I just asked a question... :wave:

And I just answered... :wave:

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I think Leo has this type of pattern in his relationships,

at first he's swept all of his feet and he drags his girlfriends along EVERYWHERE,

we can see a LOT of pics from Leo&Bar, Leo&Gisele at the beginning of their relationship,

and then all the sudden he gets bored and completely turns witht his public behaviour.

Although I don't like her, it seems to me that Leo DOES really like her,

otherwise he wouldn't hang around with her co-stars / friends,

and they wouldn't still be spending so much time together.

Although I don't believe the whole 'he has never felt anything like this before' and 'even his friends say this' -crap

1) His friends would NEVER comment on Leo's personal-life aka relationships

2) I think Leo has always been a very genarous (generous/genaraus??) boyfriend :)

- The story of him sending Bar flowers every day and pampering her with thing she liked

- Gisele put up diamonds worth for thousands(!) of dollars after they broke up :shock:

So I don't believe Leo's really that head-over-heels as the media says, but I do think that he might see this as longer than a fling, since this has EXACTLY the same patterns as his previous relationships. And it would also be very stupid of him to cheat on Bar with someone who attracks massive media-attention if he didn't saw this last for a long time. So I think he's serious about Blake. They are not just, getting it on :rofl: :brows: ;)

I'm just being realistic, I'm not happy about it.

What do you guys think about his intentions with Blake?

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I think Leo has this type of pattern in his relationships,

at first he's swept all of his feet and he drags his girlfriends along EVERYWHERE,

we can see a LOT of pics from Leo&Bar, Leo&Gisele at the beginning of their relationship,

and then all the sudden he gets bored and completely turns witht his public behaviour

Leo is George Clooney junior :laugh: I think he loves his bachelor lifestyle with nightclubs, his friends, his cigars ... and he does not want to marry or have children (yet).

But it is also possible that one day he finds his real love match. Blake can be the girl? they are together constantly, and Leo looks so happy.


sweet :heart:

but then again in August, he will leave for Australia for months and Blake has to stay in NY.

I do not know ... I guess it's best to wait .

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@Wijn, I totally agree with you Leo's real friends/inner circle would never ever comment publicly or anonymoulsy to a tabloid, NO WAY!!!! This just seems like the work of Blake's publicist Leslie Sloan ZZelnick, she fed the story to USWeekly.

@Leda, with LAineygossip you have to read between the lines, she is saying that someone adamantly is trying to convince her that Leo is really into Blkae, that is why I love Lainey you have to read her really carefully.

@@Fashiondream, yes that hand sign in the pic with Britney is a gang sign mean the West Coast.

I like what LAiney says that GOSSIP IS A BUFFET, you choose what you want to believe in. So all of you who want to believe that this a true love story and that they are the new HOLLYWOOD GOLDEN COUPLE, cool. But we have to also allow all those who think this is nothing more than a FLING or a PUBLICITY STUNT to raise Blake's profile to voice their opinion as well.

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Sorry if I am being rude but read between the lines??? you have to read The Times carefully but not Lainey and her blog :D !!!!!!!!

she hates Blake and she knows nothing about anything but according to her they were super cute in Verona ... who cares???

She has no credit.

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@Palmina, obviuosly when I say read between the lines I am not trying to say that Lainey is as important as the New York Times, I understand that you like the idea of Blake and Leo, I don't care either way, I am a fan of the actor not the private guy, but you do not have to be rude and dismissive to anyone who posts something that does agree with your point of view.

If you do not agree with what someone is saying IGNORE IT, you do not have to go out of your way to call the person STUPID.

And oh yeah I though that this is gossip, something that no one really takes seriously. Becuase as far as I know nobody here is friends with Leo or a part of his inner circle.

I come here because I really like most of the poeple who post here, you guys are fantastic in tems of the amount of info you find, and you seem like genuine Leo fans, you know a lot about his acting, and you think he is very gifted.

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IMHO Lainey is not gossip, is only gratuitous insult and speculation.

You are really wrong with me, it is not about the idea of Blake and Leo or Leo-Gisele, or Leo-Bar being loved by me.

and really I loved Leo with Bar.

It is about not prejudging his choices / decisions. I like the idea of Leo being happy.

If he is happy with her , for me it is great! :wave:

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@Palmina, LaineyGossip.com is gossip. Here is the definition of gossip from the oxford dictionary:

conversation or reports about other people's private lives which might be unkind, disapproving or not true

Wheather Leo is happy or not, I have no clue, what makes Leo happy? again no clue. USWeekly is just as reliable as LAineyGossip.com, but for some reason you take everything that USWeekly writes and procalim it to be true. Really, when did USWeekly get to be the official spokesperson for LEo and his most inner feeling and thoughts. Just asking?

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Blake Lively's secret to hooking Leonardo DiCaprio? Playing hard to get!

Blake's dating rule has landed her the biggest A-list fish: Leonardo DiCaprio

Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio have been heating up the European mainland since they were spied getting cosy at Cannes last month and friends of the 36-year-old Titanic actor say he's smitten with the Gossip Girl star.

She's the face of Chanel Mademoiselle handbags and he's the über-hot

commitment phobe who, according to pals, has met the woman of his


‘They started flirting at a dinner party in New York last autumn but only started seeing each other at the beginning of May,' reveals our source.

‘It's been an incredible whirlwind for them. Leo wanted Blake and has been pursuing her ever since they met.'

So just how did the girl who used to have pictures of Leo on her bedroom wall snag the eligible bachelor?

‘Blake loves dating book The Rules and has been following it to the letter,' reveals a friend of the 23-year-old star.

‘She's been denying him sex and wouldn't even give him her number for the first three months.

'She knew Leo could have any girl he wanted and she figured she had to stand out from the crowd.'

The savvy 5ft 10in actress also made sure Leo - who'd been dating model Bar Refaeli - was single before anything happened between them.

‘Blake told him he had to break up with Bar before she'd even go on a date with him, so he did,' reveals our insider.

‘I'm not even sure they've slept together yet.

'Blake's only ever slept with three guys, so she doesn't jump into bed with just anyone.

'She's making him work for it - and he's fallen hard for her.'

After Cannes, the new couple went to Italy and were snapped holding hands in Monte Carlo, where Leo's wooed her with all his might and money.

‘He took her on private yachts, helicopter rides and out for amazing meals at some of the world's best restaurants,' confides the friend.

‘And last week he started introducing her as his girlfriend.

'She looks totally love struck and he never lets her out of his sight.

'It's really sweet.'

What a Titanic catch, eh?


These "sources"? I agree with you... I don't think that true friends would talk about his personal life.

Yesterday I read about a new film that Leo could participate, with Ridley Scott. But then I tried to post the link here

and not found. I think it was in the Hollywood Reporter, but not sure. Does anyone know anything about it?

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Leonardo DiCaprio: Phone Call in NYC

Leonardo DiCaprio makes a phone call as he steps out of his hotel in New York City on Monday (June 13).

The 36-year-old actor went incognito in his favorite baseball cap.

Leo is back in the U.S. after spending time overseas with his rumored girlfriend, Blake Lively.

The two were spotted holding hands in Monte Carlo, Monaco, and went sightseeing together in Verona, Italy.

Leo is rumored to be joining the cast of Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming film Django Unchained.

He’d play a nasty plantation owner, while Christoph Waltz would play a bounty hunter who helps a freed slave rescue his wife.





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Okay moving on!!

^WOw that sounds really interesting about the Ridley Scott movie, could it be that Ridley will direct "The Wolf of Wallstreet"?

"The Wolf of Wall Street" not, was another. The movie was for 2013!

Breaking: DiCaprio and Ridley Scott teaming up

‎Hollywood Reporter

EXCLUSIVE: Leonardo Dicaprio and Ridley Scott are teaming up for a dark thriller called "The Low Dwellers".

The link was removed... I think the news was wrong.

Sorry, everybody. I should have posted before, but my internet is terrible these days. :(

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