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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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thanks kat for that hopeful news!

hope he'll get the nomination

to tell you the truth I'd like him to take an Oscar for Shutter,cuz he did much strong and difficult role.

his past nominations were for Gilbert Grape in 1994,The Aviator 2005 ant Blood Diamond 2007

Gilbert Grape and Aviator was just amazing roles and deserved to get an Oscar,now I want him to take an Oscar for deserve

you know it doesn't matter for me,if he ever takes an Oscar or not!,I respect him and know how talented he is! that's number one for me and don't care what that critics say about him and if Academy Awards decides to give him an Oscar or not!

I agree. I also think that if he gets nominated I think it should be more for Shutter Island rather than Inception. Don't get me wrong I loved Inception, But I think Leos performance in Shutter Island was stronger and more challenging. :)

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I do not want Leo to be nominated THIS YEAR :yuckky: ... why? he will not win :evil:

Leo is so great I don't think that not having a "stupid" Oscar is something that will lower his value.

He will get an Oscar, but this is not his year ... Leo will have another chance with his new role, Hoover looks like a great performance :wave:

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I agree, Lara! Leo is a great actor and have two amazing peformances in 2010 he could win, YES, if the academy wanted to recogize his work, in fact he could have one for Gilbert Grape, The Aviator, Blood Diamond, Revolutionary Road (he was totally snubbed) and there goes, is not the fact that he don't have an Oscar that will change something, will not change his talent, or the respect for him as an actor, but he DESERVES, that's all!

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sad comment of Leo, academy and all this awards are so unfair! Let's see what happen in tuesday...

But changing of subject, someone know who's the actress that will play Hoover's secretary in the movie? Because Charlize give up, and it was said Naomi Watts or Amy Adams will play the character but until now I don't see anything new about this.

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sad comment of Leo, academy and all this awards are so unfair! Let's see what happen in tuesday...

But changing of subject, someone know who's the actress that will play Hoover's secretary in the movie? Because Charlize give up, and it was said Naomi Watts or Amy Adams will play the character but until now I don't see anything new about this.

I don't know. I tryed looking it up but I couldn't find anything :(

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OIt... Naomi Cambell and Cameron Diaz were just spotted together at WHiskey Mist in London. Leo is good friends with them and I think it's so cool how they all seem close. So naturally I wonder if we'll get a sighting of Leo but not yet... Judging from a tweet Leo appears to be still in Miami.. Anyways Leo is supposed to be at the Santa Barbara film festival soon!! I hope we get some kind of pics from that :) :)

hmmm .... I wonder who the female role will go to too!! Strange that nothing has been confirmed yet!!!

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funny this thing about hair, thanks palmina! I think Leo's hair is beautiful but I'am with you I don't like when he put his hair back with a lot of gel, I prefer when his hair is short and more natural!

I like this hairstyle too:


And Leo go see your girl, man!

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Thanks for the article fashiondream! And your right, it seems like they took 2010 off to be together, and it seems like they planned for them to both be working in 2011! Bar is incredibly beautiful and Leo is so lucky to have her. Oh, and Bar is very lucky to have Leo too. They are like the most beautful couple ever :wub:

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If you guys noticed last year leo and Bar seemed to both take a little break from their careers now this year they are busy beavers again! It seems like they might have planned it that way :p

It's about Bar but i think its Cute how some of the people are congratulating leo because he has Bar for his girlfriend!

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