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Ed Westwick: Leonardo DiCaprio's Biographer in 'J. Edgar'

Ed Westwick will play the role of Agent Smith in the upcoming biopic J. Edgar, which will star Leonardo DiCaprio as President Hoover, according to Deadline.

The 23-year-old Gossip Girl actor will play a clean cut operative with writing skill who Hoover hires to write his biography, until the agent gets a little too close to the truth.

Leo and Ed will be joined by the previously announced Armie Hammer as Hoover’s secret lover.

While Charlize Theron was rumored to join the cast, she dropped out and director Clint Eastwood is looking at Amy Adams and Naomi Watts for the role.

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obviously the haters will have something to say... obviously they know eachother from the Gatsby stuff so its no wonder they were talking to eachother. We all know the haters will completely ignore this part of the article lol:

There was no sign of DiCaprio's model girlfriend, Bar Refaeli, who was believed to be working. But a pal told us he and Lively "are just friends and Leo left with Kevin Connolly."

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/leo_enjoys...P#ixzz1AhoE62Xh

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Ed Westwick: Leonardo DiCaprio's Biographer in 'J. Edgar'

Ed Westwick will play the role of Agent Smith in the upcoming biopic J. Edgar, which will star Leonardo DiCaprio as President Hoover, according to Deadline.

The 23-year-old Gossip Girl actor will play a clean cut operative with writing skill who Hoover hires to write his biography, until the agent gets a little too close to the truth.

Leo and Ed will be joined by the previously announced Armie Hammer as Hoover’s secret lover.

While Charlize Theron was rumored to join the cast, she dropped out and director Clint Eastwood is looking at Amy Adams and Naomi Watts for the role.

I'm glad Ed Westwick is in cast

I like him a lot :)

thanks :wave:

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I am soooo happpy to see new pics of the too! If you notice in the pics of them paddleing, Leo takes a flower out of the water and sets it on Bars board :wub::blush: So sweet :blush:


And thanks for the info about ed westwick being in the movie! it should be very interesting :)

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I am soooo happpy to see new pics of the too! If you notice in the pics of them paddleing, Leo takes a flower out of the water and sets it on Bars board :wub::blush: So sweet :blush:


And thanks for the info about ed westwick being in the movie! it should be very interesting :)

awwwww ya the flower thing was sooo sweet :heart: They are just so adorable! :wub:

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I am soooo happpy to see new pics of the too! If you notice in the pics of them paddleing, Leo takes a flower out of the water and sets it on Bars board :wub::blush: So sweet :blush:


And thanks for the info about ed westwick being in the movie! it should be very interesting :)

this is so sweet touch :heart:

he's so sweet boy :D

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This new video I found of Leo on Growing Pains. I thought I has seen all the parts where leos on the show, but I haven't seen this one.


He was also a gerta actor when he was a kid!!

thanks katch :wave:

I've never seen this episode,he's really talented since childhood :heart:

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Thanks Katchitup! Little Leo is soo adorable, and i agree he's always been a great actor. I'm curious have you guys seen the episodes that he did for his first ever tv show "Parenthood"? I remember i always wanted to see those vids but i could never find them and then recently i saw it on youtube. So i was curiious if you had..it'skind of hard to find on there i was trying to find it again on youtube but its not under his name.

Anyways regarding the pics of leo in Hawaii.. the ones where he is sitting next to Bar is the ones i'm talking about. I don't think anyone spotted Tobey however in one of the pics there is a guy with dark hair in a red shirt who i swear could be Tobey. Not a big deal but i was just looking at the pics again.

Anyways again with the pics it was soo cute seeing leo in that headband again. He used to wear it all the time when he was younger... i'm curious does anyone have pics when he was younger when he's wearing it. I have a hard time finding those because i guess back in those days the internet was not as popular as it is now and i don't think he was botheredas much by the paps before 1997.

And yes those rumours are silly seeing as how they know eachother because of the Gatsby thing soo big deal. ALSO, the tabloids have been trying to fix up Blake with countless other male celebs as well lately because she's popular in the tabloids. And if you notice even the gossip sights when you read their articles don't really believe the stories are true and they did the same thing with Kevin Connolly and Scarlett trying to match them up. I remember when leo was younger he said its annoying how he can't have female friends lol.

They are always trying to match hot celebs together because it gets people interested. However, that's all i'll say on that... it was already brought up so i thought i'd say my bit lol. :p

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Here it is a fan made video of Leo and Kate, you have to watch the whole video because have them both talking about each other, it's really cute! I have sure the person who made the video have the wishful thinking of see Leo and Kate as a real couple, but REALLY I can't blame her, they are too cute together but I totally respect their friendship and I think they are just good friends, (I don't want to start nothing), I just think they had made amazing couples on screen and have a great chemistry!

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