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Barbara Meier


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Okay, it will be fixed for you^^

Thank you, thank you: identified the mysterious pic (from GNTM, the walk where she was not chosen for the catwalk but she was the most beautiful one, definitely)

Yap, it is still disgusting for me that Talbot/Runhof chose Fiona instead of Barbara.. :x

And that could be interesting for us in a negative way:

I am checking the Alice Burdeu Forum at the fashion spot from time to time and she had no real work for months ( I expected the opposite for a D&G Girl). Then a fan asked an assistent from the New York fashion week and he said that the fashion world has now noticed that she is a winner of Australias next Topmodel and do not want to work with her anymore although she would be the perfect model for some big brands.

That is really sad and frustates me..

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I don't think we have to worry about Barbara!

That is the good thing e.g. about the New York agency: They make it obvious where she comes from. It is better to be open about that.

And her career so far is really 'individual' I say, lacking for a better word. It is not a normal model carreer and I think that is for the best.

Barbara has more success with time which is also good, she has found many clients and photographers who want to work with her. I don't think we have to worry. She has found her niche, I think.

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I don't think we have to worry about Barbara!

That is the good thing e.g. about the New York agency: They make it obvious where she comes from. It is better to be open about that.

And her carreer so far is really 'individual' I say, lacking for a better word. It is not a normal model carreer and I think that is for the best.

Barbara has more success with time which is also good, she has found many clients and photographers who want to work with her. I don't think we have to worry. She has found her niche, I think.

I hope so :blink: :blush:

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And I read in the Alice FS thread: some people just think fashion is fickle which is a far more likely explanation after her vogue cover and after e.g. D&G (campaign?). I am impressed - didn't follow her career - but not astonished: after all she is tall, skinny, special looking .

But I think Barbara is the editorial model, unbeaten :whistle:

This doesn't seem the moment to tell this: But this evening Barbara's London IMG portfolio vanished again :blink:

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Did you noticed that Barbara was put in "Development" at IMG London?

At first sight I thought : ohh..no..

But now I think it is good. Maybe they support her more and she can truly more "develop" and it is a sign that they will longer work with her because they see real potencial and put some work in her?!

Your thoughts?

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Gosh, I am happy and relieved (Zotti thank you, I nearly had a heart attack after your depressing thoughts concerning GNTM etc. winners and then that shock): I couldn't believe my eyes when I didn't find the portfolio!

No idea whether that is good or bad.... Perhaps they move it after she was in London and got jobs there...

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Gosh, I am happy / releived: I couldn't believe my eyes when I didn't find the portfolio! No idea whether that is good or bad....

I had the shock moment too :laugh: :wave:

(Waer ja sonst ein Hammer gewesen, wenn sie Barbara so schnell wieder fallen lassen.. da ist ja noch ne Rothaarige in der selben Reihe..verdammt :whistle: :D )

But I think it is logical. She will be a new face in London, so..

But I also hope like PlainJane that she will be back in "woman" because of huge campaigns and striking editorials :yes:

Update: some freaky person spams on Barbara's official forum. He/she often writes mean things when Barbara does not write every step of her life on her homepage..that is odd..

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I don't think anybody is interested in her title anyway if you go for international. Look at Suvi Koponen and Ksenia Kahnovich, they've won the top model contest in their countries and became very successful nevertheless. And Alice Burdeau is a contestant too, if I remember that correctly.

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I didn't even know there was a votiing :p ^^'

I'm not always super happy with her dress choices either, but it's not about me or anybody else, t's about Barbara. She has to feel good and comfortable, and if she does, I'm happy :)

You're right, Zotti - who cares

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I don't think that there will a problem with Barbaras past and the GNTM title. She will show her qualities and the world will love her :hug:

But at the moment I would like to here some news, some projects for example. I hate it to wait :angry: ;)

Was it ahpe who said she will try never to be impatient again: om.

Well I think so all the time and then I practically start dancing with impatience :laugh:

And now with all the things pending I get more and more curious and more and more impatient. A nice editorial as a distraction would be welcome. Some projects would be nice also.

And by the way: I like that Barbara has her own style and that she quite obvious has color and style favorites (it helps that I share the penchant for turquoise I suppose). She has to feel good. She is special and that is good, I think.

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