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Toni Garrn


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#25DaysofGiving: Toni Garrn


In the true spirit of the holidays, The Society and our talents are giving back through #ToysforTots to gift children with brand new toys so all kids can enjoy a happy holiday season. From Dec. 1st to the 25th, we have featured individual talents daily on our Instagram with what they’ve chosen for gifting, with posts highlighting a few for our blog as well! Check out who we’ve featured so far here.


Our sixth and final highlighted talent and generous giver is Toni Garrn, who works closely with Plan International to promote the importance of gender equality and education for young girls in underdeveloped countries. Click on the slideshow to learn more about her #TSMforTots story.


Thank you all for following along our #25DaysofGiving story here and on social media, and we hope that this series has helped inspire you in one way or another to give back as well. Happy Holidays!



"I can’t imagine little kids without anything to snuggle with at night - whether it be a stuffed animal, a sibling or a parent. So I hope whoever gets this little monkey will feel warmth and love. However, I do think there are a lot of brand new toys being thrown out nowadays, and I feel it’s equally important to support recycling old or broken toys so that while we do good, we aren’t creating extra waste either."



"Any charity I partake in is always going to be based around children - they are the future and we need to take great care of them starting from now. I’m most involved with Plan International and I work on young women education and gender equality. I’m currently sponsoring four little girls who I've also given gifts to!"


"There’s also a handicapped home near my hometown in Germany that I support greatly. It’s absolutely amazing because it’s just this one couple whose kid is also handicapped taking care of 50 kids - it’s such a huge relief for the parents of these kids. The home however has very limited funding and I’d love to help raise money for them in whatever way possible."



"For the new year, I wish happiness and love for every single child in this world. There are many many wonderful kids I’ve visited in the past who had absolutely nothing and were sleeping and playing on the ground - but they were still so grateful and happy. So I think happiness is definitely the best thing that could happen to a child."





:fun::fun::fun:Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!:fun::fun::fun:



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