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Paulina Porizkova


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Vogue Paris March 1986

Paulina on the Cover

La Mode Bouge - with Paulina, Renee Simonsen, 1 page of Tatjana Patitz, what looks like a young Suzanne Lanza and two other models I'm not sure of...

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What a beauty!Always one of the best thread in the city.Chapeau

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As much as I liked Paulina during HER modeling heyday, she really had a problem putting a sock in it. Her mouth pretty much did her in.

She was one of the first to bite the hand that has fed her so well for so long but expecting people to pay attention to her. She never seemed to understand that while she may be entitled to an opinion about aging, beauty, and other women in general; Paulina wasn't really one to talk. She never took responsibility for her opinions as to why women go under the knife in a society that still places a premium on looks, to which SHE was a beneficiary. For her to criticize how other people present themselves would be easy when everyone around you is telling you how beautiful you are.

As for her opinions on other models, at least they put an effort into what they are doing. Naomi may be unpleasant at times, but damn it the woman still represents herself well in an industry notorious for showing you the door at 25. Paulina just lucked out on looks but really did nothing worthy of herself. Her acting is mediocre, her modeling legacy while admirable, is nothing compared to Linda, Christy, Naomi, or even Janice. Tyra had more going for her than Paulina ever did. Tyra may be annoying when faced with the camera but she has enough brains and business savvy to know how to market herself to something more profitable.

Paulina may think that she has a unique position to criticize but when you look at what she has and what those women have, Paulina is very small in comparison. I detect bitter envy in her statements.

Paulina, if you ever for some reason read this....shut the hell up and deal with the fact that it was YOU who finally did yourself in. You had it easy compared to the others who paid serious dues, something you never had. Linda has alot more substance career wise than you ever did or will. Same with Naomi, Tyra, and yes even Janice....

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Yes, I agree, Janice Dickensen is really a piece of work. Did anyone see her on that show "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here"? She was TERRIBLE!!! I think she's more than just bad plastic surgery, she's a bit nuts to boot.

Anyway...I just think Paulina could be a little nicer about it is all. Here's an interview I found with her - she's still critical, but she's a little bit better about how she presents it here (I think)

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You know I am not agree with everything she said, but now, in this world the main thing is to talk "politically correct" and never say bad our negative things. Paulina said what she thinks about people she met and work with. Now it's her opinion and feelings about these persons but at least she is sincere and she is not "glorify" the wonderful world of fashion where everybody is beautiful & nice. I have more admiration for a woman like Paulina that is not talking like she is living in the care bears land when all the new generation of models (VS models not to mention them! :whistle:) have absolutely no opinions - or they have the opinion their business agent tell them to have-

I've never seen "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" but i don't need to see it to know that Janice is a complete weirdo!

She was so beautiful & it's a pity to see how fucked up (excuse my French) she is now!

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As much as I liked Paulina during HER modeling heyday, she really had a problem putting a sock in it. Her mouth pretty much did her in.

She was one of the first to bite the hand that has fed her so well for so long but expecting people to pay attention to her. She never seemed to understand that while she may be entitled to an opinion about aging, beauty, and other women in general; Paulina wasn't really one to talk. She never took responsibility for her opinions as to why women go under the knife in a society that still places a premium on looks, to which SHE was a beneficiary. For her to criticize how other people present themselves would be easy when everyone around you is telling you how beautiful you are.

As for her opinions on other models, at least they put an effort into what they are doing. Naomi may be unpleasant at times, but damn it the woman still represents herself well in an industry notorious for showing you the door at 25. Paulina just lucked out on looks but really did nothing worthy of herself. Her acting is mediocre, her modeling legacy while admirable, is nothing compared to Linda, Christy, Naomi, or even Janice. Tyra had more going for her than Paulina ever did. Tyra may be annoying when faced with the camera but she has enough brains and business savvy to know how to market herself to something more profitable.

Paulina may think that she has a unique position to criticize but when you look at what she has and what those women have, Paulina is very small in comparison. I detect bitter envy in her statements.

Paulina, if you ever for some reason read this....shut the hell up and deal with the fact that it was YOU who finally did yourself in. You had it easy compared to the others who paid serious dues, something you never had. Linda has alot more substance career wise than you ever did or will. Same with Naomi, Tyra, and yes even Janice....

Tyra, is that you? :war: :jimmy: :whistle::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Yes, I agree, Janice Dickensen is really a piece of work. Did anyone see her on that show "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here"? She was TERRIBLE!!! I think she's more than just bad plastic surgery, she's a bit nuts to boot.

Anyway...I just think Paulina could be a little nicer about it is all. Here's an interview I found with her - she's still critical, but she's a little bit better about how she presents it here (I think)

I saw this interview yesterday. She looks great! Paulina is a product of her unusual life and difficult childhood. She will probably never make it with the mainstream popcorn industry because she doesn't fit any stereotype. People like simple and that she isn't. Neither a hypocrite. That tied her hands as far as getting too far in the business.

But her beauty and smarts are unparallel. I like how she sets girls straight into what the modeling world really is. We dont need another Bimbo trying to profit from the dreams of naive girls. If you read through a lot of what she says, you'll find she is a very authentic person. I admire how loving she is with her husband and children. You can tell there is a lot of luv there...

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Hi Paulinafan! I totally agree with what you say. She has always been very honest and her point of view is refreshing in the modeling industry. My only criticism is that she points people out by name. I applaud her opinion about aging gracefully and naturally. I also applaud her candor when she speaks about her opinions. I just feel like her comments can be biting and very personal and hurtful to those she names and that is where I wish she would lighten up just a bit. There is an article in the Huffington Post that she posted within the last day or so and she expresses all the same passions but she doesn't name names (as much). I think that is a much more graceful way of making her point.


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Vogue Paris March 1986

Paulina on the Cover

La Mode Bouge - with Paulina, Renee Simonsen, 1 page of Tatjana Patitz, what looks like a young Suzanne Lanza and two other models I'm not sure of...


who wants this vogue issue.

i have it at home.

send a PM, only for shipping costs

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