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Everything posted by redxv

  1. Yes! Bridget over Behati any day.
  2. New to the Marloes fan club, but happy to be here. Thanks for the adds. Agree, pic one is sweet.
  3. Wow! Just when you thought she couldn't get any better. Those first for shots are amazing. Lily is taking over VS. Move over Candy.
  4. Looks like it's gonna be a good VS day. Thanks for the adds.
  5. The title says "short models"I would take Catalina over 90 percent of runway high fashion models any day.
  6. If she wants to sleep with a woman or pleasure herself in an airplane bathroom that is all well and good. Fine with me. Does the whole world really need to know?
  7. I sometimes think some of these stories in these magazines are fictional. She doesn't kiss a guy she is dating until six months in, but she needs to "take care of herself" on an airplane apparently. Those two actions don't seem like they come from the same person. I could be wrong.
  8. Pretty girl. She reminds me of actress Amanda Peet. She should do well.
  9. Don't get me wrong. She is not old. Hell, she is younger than me. Yeah, she is beautiful. Any man would thrilled to be walking around with her on their arm.
  10. She does look good, though. Nice butt. The pictures are really all she needed. The stuff in the article she could have done without.
  11. Izabel all the way. Nothing against Ale, but Izabel is in insanely good shape.
  12. I think this is some things we don't need to know, I don't want to know ! She said that she had some ridiculous proposals and now she's saying this ? Oh god Too much information most likely. Don't know why she needs that publicity.
  13. Time. She isn't in her early twenties anymore. She is a mom of two. Still very attractive though she is probably winding down the modeling.
  14. Got to respect the dedication and work she puts into being in amazing shape. I know it is a bit easier when you are rich and a model as opposed to an everyday Joe, but still.
  15. She always had an incredibly sexy butt. Is she still working? We don't see much from her.
  16. Could be. Fantastic picture either way.
  17. Yeah, she may not be too popular here in the states. She was in playboy though.
  18. Too bad in her day the SI swimsuit issue didn't have as many pics as it does now. We could of had way more Kathy pics.
  19. Not by me. I rate her rather high.
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