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Status Updates posted by Ange

  1. Yessers! I left you a comment on youtube.. ahaha hopefully that's you. I'm scubadivee!

  2. Hamlet? Interesting, I do not read Shakespeare by volunteer, I am forced to read by my wonderful English teacher Mrs. Sneyd. What a doll she is and I am not being sarcastic, she really she the best! Is it any good?

  3. Elle is good, and so is Cosmo, but I dunno sometimes I rarely find the time to finish one magazine. My sister adores Cosmo, I'll just stick to my Numero & Vogue. :p So how is life on a Monday morning?

  4. Aha ok cookie, you're fucking awesome & da God, I'm a devious Dieu. Weeeeeeeeee! Send a postcard will you?

  5. Oh I forget to mention, I absolutely adore your avatar Alexis, stunning!

  6. hey Yannick! What's up DJ?

  7. Aha i had to google him because I didn't know who he was. By looks, I think he's cute, it's the eyes. mesmerizing. But he's not my type. :flower: Why, is he your love interest ? :laugh:

  8. *fingers crossed* lol.

  9. LEXOOOOOOO! I'm back & bringing sexy w/ me ! lol I love that name, I'm naming my kid that! LOL

  10. My Easter is going to be spent with all of my family coming over to my house bc it's spacious so you know. Did the Easter bunny come visit you yet? lol

  11. Bahaha! Hey you randomer! What you doingggg?

  12. I'm good good. Thanks for asking.

    AHhaahah no, it's short. My name is Angelica ;)

  13. Today I'm cold. Make me some hot chocolat please and thanks. It's snowing flurries here ugh. Weather is terrible for this weekend. We're in April I have snow?! I need to snuggle to be warm lol. Like that I'm goood, what else can I say life's a joke, relax and sleep now. Where's Bella? I miss you, I don't see you in her thread anymore why? Did you guys break up or so

  14. I'll be definetly checking them out :) Ahahahha well whenev you don't feel lazy, just post em :P

  15. Ange

    thank you! Hopefully the Easter bunny will come visit you!

  16. whaaa? Why is Cyp a doctor? I though she was a surgeon?! Que?

  17. Awwwe thanks a bunch! Any plans for Easter?

  18. Aha obviously not naked, check your email ;)

  19. It's awesome! Best time ever, whenev you'd like to visit you'll have tons of FUN in TO! Official Invitation lol. Lots of snow though (n) boo to snow, well good for snowboarding, see you can never win! How's it in Belgium? EU represent! lol :P almost 1 am?

  20. oh I got a boxer's fracture, but like that it's cool. Awesome! Which mountains? Ski or board?

  21. Awee :hug: but if I did everything safe that ppl told me I would have no fun :p Don't I'll be cautious :pinch:

  22. Baklavi! mmmMMM. Liked DG show?

  23. ahahah um.. good evening you know? silly its the same time here! LOL just different provinces! What are you smoking :P

  24. What's up Mike? How's lifee?

  25. I know! 15 more dayssss!

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