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Everything posted by Bloodshot

  1. Actually yes it is, both men and women objectify each other, it's called attraction! Your response is exactly what's wrong right now, people can't separate normal sexuality from predatory behavior.
  2. Our society is completely screwed up over this stuff right now. There is obviously some awful behavior by some men, but it's not most men, and that behavior isn't acceptable to most people. But, and big but, humans are biological creatures with wants and needs, including sexually. Like all other creatures, at a certain point we have a "need" to want to procreate, thus sexuality. To pretend that men shouldn't sexualize women and vice-versa is ridiculous and ignores biology, we just need to get to a point where we separate unacceptable behavior from normal sexuality again.
  3. You're far kinder than reality IMO. I'm not sure they do care about sales anymore, they care about virtue signaling to a different audience now. There are SOME attractive models, mixed in with morbidly obese women, a trans woman, and the elderly. That's not the SI Swimsuit issue i grew up with or have any interest in. They've destroyed it.
  4. That was also when SI was interested in attractive models and actually selling issues.
  5. Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.
  6. Other than a lack of extreme photoshop touching up, she looks exactly the same.
  7. I wouldn't call it weird, her career imploded when she decided to start suing her fans.
  8. She does have a disease... a mental illness of some type that contributes to why she overeats to that level.
  9. They should be about making money, but I don't think their current direction lines up with that priority. If they do truly believe they'll make more money with a "diverse" line up, then whoever is making the decisions is delusional. Just like Playboy, the SI Swimsuit issue is in a death spiral, partially of their own making.
  10. Bloodshot

    Megan Fox

    Looks like the same bull’s head tattoo she’s had for years. Also looks like she’s in the process of having it removed.
  11. The whole concept has essentially been destroyed by MJ already, it's really sad. I'm semi-shocked to see the inclusion of Christin and Taylor since they're, well, actually attractive.
  12. Or how about none of that is ok and it's a major driver in the divisions in the US right. To quote Barak Obama... "This idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're politically woke, and all that stuff -- you should get over that quickly. The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws."
  13. There's so much wrong with the SI Swimsuit issue now that it's almost pointless to even talk about. It's just not the same product as it was even 5 years ago.
  14. People need to stop apologizing when they haven't done anything wrong. That might start to undermine the "influence" the insane woke twitter mob seems to have right now.
  15. It's not that sharing doesn't continue after it's been posted here, it's that this isn't a site that virtually any other site pulls content from, it goes the other way. You're assuming the reach of this site is much bigger than it really is.
  16. Come on, you can't possibly believe that other sites are using Bellazon for content, it's the other way around.
  17. The content was already out there, as it always is, I didn't create that imgur album. The handwringing about sharing content gets old, the same arguments have been made since the beginning of the internet, and they're as hollow now as they were then. It's up to the content creators to find a business model that works for them to make income, that onus should not fall on consumers. Also, I don't in any way feel bad for models that they have to hustle a little for their income now, like just about any other career.
  18. It's really sad what the swimsuit issue has turned into, it's a total farce now.
  19. Not only are you conflating issues, but what you're saying is a total straw man argument. Distribution of digital data is NOT the same as that of a physical product. If you give away a burger you're out the cost of the burger itself. If someone sees digital pictures that they would never have paid for to begin with, you've lost nothing. Her entire business model is offensive.
  20. I actually disagree, and I've always thought Alejandra is very hot, but Julia is the center of attention in this shoot IMO
  21. There are not "plenty" of places in LA with snow, Mammoth and Lake Tahoe are FAR from the LA area. There are plenty of places in California with snow, but LA is a very small part of California, we're a very big state. Also, the pictures she's posted in the snow are definitely not in California. The only snow here is in the upper elevations of the mountain where it's primarily pine trees. One of the pictures she posted a month or two back looked like a snowy backyard somewhere on the East coast, most likely Boston, based on her personal life.
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