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Everything posted by Bloodshot

  1. Wow, what a strange response... Mentioning the 10 year gap was in response to someone stating they were dating/married and HS sweet hearts, which is obviously not the case. Why are you offended that I mentioned that Victor Del Toro is gay? It's not a secret, he's not in the closet. Do you have reading comprehension issues? There was nothing controversial about what I posted, it was a 100% factual response based on other's queries. Not sure what confused you.
  2. Guys, Victor Del Toro is gay and close to 10 years older than Kara, they're definitely not in a relationship and never have been. 🤣
  3. I agree, Emily's "classification" on this site is very strange, she IS a model. Just because she tries to expand the scope of what she does, mostly unsuccessfully, doesn't negate the fact that she's a model.
  4. Is every halloween costume supposed to be scary?
  5. I'm almost 100% sure that almost all of her nude shots were done at the same time a number of years ago. She's just continues to let some of it trickle out as different "sets".
  6. Nothing I said has been even slightly disrespectful or mean-spirited. I made an obvious observation about a model, it's her job to put herself out there, which also means being criticized at times. Is it mean-spirited and disrespectful if an actor is told their movie is bad? Is it mean-spirited and disrespectful if a quarterback chokes during a game and is told so? You need to join the real world where real adults get feedback on what they do.
  7. I'll comment where and when I see fit. Thanks!
  8. Michael Jordan was a shell of himself when he was on the Wizards at the end of his career and there were all sorts of articles about how he should retire to not tarnish his legacy. Steve Young was booed for sliding at the end of his career after he had a bunch of concussions. When people are paying for things they DO express opinions, sometimes they can be hard to hear.
  9. I have standards, as do many others, not everyone does obviously.
  10. She’s a model, she’s not “most people”, different standard/expectations. Just like an athlete, I don’t watch pro sports for bums to be playing.
  11. I have no idea what her personal life is like or when the pictures were taken, but that's somewhat beside the point. For a model she does NOT look good. I'll fully admit she looks a lot better in the video, but again, not the point, in the pics taken she looks totally out of shape for a model.
  12. She's getting thick, but not in a good way... 😬
  13. I agree, a lot of women look better at 33 than they did at 23.
  14. Bloodshot

    Megan Fox

    Or maybe you were just projecting who you wanted her to be before...
  15. She might have an almost insufferable personality, but physically she’s 🔥!
  16. Bloodshot

    Megan Fox

    No sense in debating with someone who's willfully misrepresenting the context of something.
  17. Bloodshot

    Megan Fox

    Way to blatantly misrepresent something. Considering his age at the time, and the actual content of the quotes, he very obviously doesn't have the tendencies you claim, context matters a lot. I also can't believe I'm actually defending someone that I do think comes off somewhat as a douche, but your claims are completely ridiculous.
  18. Bloodshot

    Megan Fox

    Haha, way to make things up. Megan is 4 years older than him, total pedophile tendencies. 🤦‍♂️
  19. Bloodshot

    Megan Fox

    I'm normally not a fan of plastic surgery, but Megan Fox in 2022 looks pretty damn amazing.
  20. Bloodshot

    Megan Fox

    Hope for what? She looks incredible for a woman with 3 young children!
  21. I totally agree that balance is hard to find, very hard. And I'm not a woman, so I don't know what it's like from their perspective at all. I just believe that until we can get "real" about the biological needs and drives and both sides, the conversation is going to be very immature and continue to degrade and hurt our society at large.
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