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Everything posted by alexandra23

  1. Hmm...maybe pregnancy did it? I've read that happens. Looks like her first child was born in 2004.
  2. Sorry if this has already been discussed on here, but I was wondering - does anyone know when/why Heidi's boobs shrunk? They were pretty big when she was young, and now they're almost nonexistent in most photos I've seen.
  3. alexandra23

    I Am...

    Thank you very much, Candle
  4. Mood/Theme 3 Music n/a 3.5 I guess Visual Elements 3.5 Effectiveness 3.5 Likability 3 <3 Gisele
  5. Did some online shopping a couple days ago for work and graduation dresses. What was the best trip/vacation you ever went on and why?
  6. Rediscovering songs from my past that I totally forgot about. "Da Club" by Trina is bringing me back to 2005...
  7. C'est le sujet francais...donc, je t'appelle ton nom francais
  8. alexandra23

    I Am...

  9. Vous parlez tres bien francais (FYI I haven't taken a French class in over six years and I've never been to a French-speaking country, so bear with me on my French )
  10. D'ou venez-vous, 17 Moments of Spring?
  11. Mood/Theme 4.5 Music 4.5 Visual Elements 4 Effectiveness 4.5 Likability 4.5 Great! Loved this era of VS. Dislike: Selita's bangs.
  12. alexandra23

    I Am...

    ^ that sounds so ideal.
  13. Le français est le meilleure.
  14. Lyla....tu ne parles pas francais dans ce fil....pourquoi? P.S. Je ne sais pas si le mot "fil" est correct.
  15. Mood/Theme Music Visual Elements Effectiveness Likability = 2.5 for all. I don't find Lily very sexy, and her "I do" was pretty awkward.
  16. 1. I love to read fashion magazines. 2. I go on Pinterest too much. 3. I have a twin brother. 4. Yellow is my favorite color.
  17. Mood/Theme Music Visual Elements Effectiveness Likability = 4 for all. Wow, I loved that! My one complaint is that it's a bit risque for TV. But damn, I wish VS still had models that looked like that!
  18. I do remember seeing a video of Emily speaking once and thinking I didn't like her personality. Lots of models come off badly in interviews though (cough, Taylor Hill), so I didn't think a whole lot of it.
  19. 2. ? Edit: Lots of people hate tuna, so that's why I guessed that I'll come up with one soon
  20. 1. Elsa Hosk is my favorite model. 2. I am 5'8". 3. I went to Israel a month and a half ago. 4. Basketball is my favorite sport to watch.
  21. Mood/Theme Music Visual Elements Effectiveness Likability = all 2s. I love Magdalena, but her body didn't look that good in this commercial. She would not make me want to buy the bra. Also, the ending was awkward.
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