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Everything posted by alexandra23

  1. Is it just me or is Gisele looking old lately? I mean, I guess she is 35, but somehow she looks older to me than she should right now.
  2. Agree 100%. Hate to speak ill of the dead, but the reality is she, her boyfriend, her father, and seemingly everyone in that circle were bad people who abused drugs. Plus, she's basically been dead for like 5 months. I just don't care.
  3. Kylie used to have some spark behind her eyes, but over the past year or so, she always looks vacant, as well. In pictures and interviews she looks totally dead behind the eyes and puts on a monotone voice. Odd how that family thinks it's "cool" to act like that.
  4. ^^^ wtf? Did she get implants since that pic or something? Was she anorexic during her adolescence that breasts never developed? That pic is shocking.
  5. ^ I get Kylie Jenner vibes from her.
  6. Completely agree. I'm not trying to be a hater just because she's a Kardashian/Jenner, but when I see ads or editorials with her in them, my first thought is always "that girl does not look like a model." A second later it'll register to me that it's Kendall. When reading Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Vogue, etc. I see her in ads, and I just think her face is plain, her nose is too wide, and her expression is positively dull. She has cool fashion sense, but that's about it IMO.
  7. jj3 - Unfortunately, I know people who act like that girl in Candice's instagram photo. I don't know anyone personally who has killed a lion (I don't think), but many in the USA like to hunt wild animals in order to have a trophy. Everyone's entitled to their opinion on the matter of course (lebron), but many can agree that when the animal isn't doing anyone any harm, you don't plan to eat it, and it's endangered, it's very selfish to kill it just so you have a trophy for your basement or whatever. In this day and age, killing big game just seems very unnecessarily cruel. At the same time, humans are designed to hunt for food, so it's unsurprising that some people enjoy the process. It's all a bit of a gray area, as I said earlier, but killing something because it's "pretty" or "exotic" or it'll make you feel powerful that you managed to get it is pretty disturbing. Doing that just makes it so in the future, that beautiful animal will be extinct. Humans are the most powerful in the animal kingdom, but we don't have to abuse that. Getting off the soap box now....
  8. It's different morally because there is an overpopulation of deer and not of lions. Also, you can eat deer meat (venison), while pretty much no one eats lion meat. Furthermore, if you kill a deer, there isn't the consequence of its children dying, as well, as is the case with lions. I can see how to you it's a bit of a blurry line. To be honest I'm not even really in favor of deer hunting. Hunting for the purpose of sustenance is the only acceptable kind in my book. The only kind of hunting I will participate in is fishing using the catch and release method (you catch it and then let it go). Oh, and pretty sure that dude was lying about the proper permit stuff. They LURED the lion out of its sanctuary knowing it had a monitoring device on it and then killed it. Even so, they didn't have a proper permit for what they did. As I said, this guy has racked up a list of hunting violations in the past - this isn't a one time occurrence for him.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_(lion) Educate yourself, lebron. The hunter killed him in a very vicious (and illegal) way. And now Cecil's pride is going to all be killed as well as a consequence of the hunter's actions. That nutjob from MN who shot Cecil had already committed numerous hunting infractions in my state. On top of it all, to pay $50,000 so you can kill a lion is just sickening. Regarding your comment about deer, there is a deer overpopulation in some states, so as a result there is a legal "hunting season" during which deer hunting is allowed.There are many rules surrounding this, including getting a permit. The idiot who shot Cecil, for example, did not have the proper permit to do what he did.
  10. Et tu, Alexandra? lebron, do you like big game hunting?! boo hoo ...no words. Hunting for sustenance or to control the animal population is one thing, but hunting endangered species whose meat we can't even eat for the purpose of having a "trophy" is cruel.
  11. Et tu, Alexandra? lebron, do you like big game hunting?!
  12. People who participate in "big game" hunting.
  13. I'm laughing at the fact that Gisele wore a burka as a disguise to the plastic surgeon's office. Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3179559/Pictured-moment-Gisele-Bundchen-donned-burqa-secretly-visit-Paris-plastic-surgeon-11-000-eye-breast-operation.html
  14. Haha, that he does. While I don't love her look, I do give Kaia props for being a seemingly smart, normal, and down-to-earth kid. Hopefully that doesn't change.
  15. To me, Kaia's got her mom's coloring and her dad's face, if that makes sense. Presley, on the other hand, has his dad's coloring and his mom's face. Kaia only looks like her mom in the sense that she has the same hair and thick eyebrows - the actual facial structure is pretty different IMO.
  16. I try to get it, I really do, but I just don't see how everyone finds her so pretty. Her brother Presley is the one who looks like a model. I do have to say that she's getting better with age. I think, with puberty, she's getting thicker eyebrows, bigger lips, more pronounced cheekbones, and longer legs. Still, I don't think Kaia looks much like Cindy, and I also don't think Kaia's face is very model-y. Then again, she kind of resembles Rachel Bilson, and I never got her appeal either. Guess it's just me.
  17. alexandra23

    I Am...

    I love biking but don't currently have a bike....my parents supposedly ordered one for me as a graduation gift. Until I get it, I'm just doing fitness classes here and there as well as long walks. I also make smoothies and eat healthy things like chia seeds If anyone has healthy eating/lifestyle tips, feel free to PM me
  18. alexandra23

    I Am...

    I've been making smoothies with fruits and vegetables and exercising more (mainly going on walks because I hate running ).
  19. alexandra23

    I Am...

    I am on a health kick.
  20. I'm interested to see how tall Kaia gets. I think she's only about 5'5" right now. And while she's only 13, she turns 14 soon, and many girls are just about done growing at 14 or 15. At the same time, however, she has very long legs, which makes me think her torso isn't done growing yet.
  21. alexandra23


    Here it is again: I am a male model. (Seriously - how many male models can you name off the top of your head?!) Clue #1: I was in a Britney Spears music video and I am not white. Answer:
  22. Broke? And I like the heat! Where I live it's only warm out a few months a year, so I love it.
  23. I, too, love America. I also recently found out that some of my ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, so I'm feeling very American today. I don't love that gory gif though, lebron!
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