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Status Updates posted by Nightlife

  1. nice additions to your profile!

  2. i see. Makes me chuckle

  3. If i were to go to the furtherest point of the east of England and stick my head out as far as i could would i be considered in that group lol

  4. haha, no idea mate, it's freaking me out. I think they might be stuck there!

  5. yeah im glad im back too! i just managed to catch up with everything. im doing well! So where do you think you will go on holiday?

  6. i was actually referring to guessing where you live;)

  7. good luck with that one

  8. ah cheers, i'll take a look at that when i get the chance

  9. Where everyone posts there pics of themselves ofcourse: Bellazon post pics of yrself or somthing to that effect:P

  10. haha yeah, for me it's the f1 and the tennis! how im gonna juggle wimbledon and the WC is beyoned me lol

  11. Very true, but can't that be said for most models?

  12. how you been anyways? up to much?

  13. i know, i kinda feel the same tbh, i'm looking for a job at the moment and there is nothing at all to be had. It sucks!! I'll send it to you and you see how it goes...lol

  14. all done! if you get anything else be sure to let me know

  15. hey dude, long time no hear..whats going on?

  16. again very true, seems we are on the same page. Just curious tho, what prompted the question in the first place?

  17. So is it official you have a foot fetish lol

  18. thanks, i know i kinda deserted this place, just been to busy sorting things out. Plus i find the politics of this place a little tiresome now

  19. Im thinking the reason you don't like her is because she is becoming more popular? - Not quite sure why but Elsa Hosk doesn't really do it for me

  20. indeed! i guess we have to be grateful for having BZ to break up the day...thankfully for that at least

  21. Did you get my pm with those pics?

  22. okay, well will talk about it tonight. pm me when your ready

  23. totally had great night sleep also, should never be taken fot granted! lol What about yourself?

  24. hey you, how you doing?

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