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Status Updates posted by katchitup

  1. Ahhhh okay! Ya see I know of her, I always see her in the VS pink ads, but I never tryed to find out her name. Shes lovely :p Also I must admit, you have realllyyy good grammer for being 4 years old! :p :D

  2. haha yeah blair is my fav. I just wanna know who the babies dady is! Hopefully we'll find out soon :)

  3. Is that megan fox in your personal pic?

  4. I LOVE YOUR NEW ABOUT ME PAGE! very,very sexy;) Also your new anna set is stunning. Gosh I want these two together SO BAD! :p

  5. TThhhanks hun! I love your barbara set as well. How are things?

  6. Hey fash, just thought I'd drop by to sayyy ..... hi!<3 :D

  7. Thanks hun! IO hope you have a very merry christmas :)

  8. hey long time, no talk. :p Whats up?

  9. Yeah I'm sure Candice can make it even better. Arggg Imagine being Anna in that commecial! :o And I love your set! :p

  10. hehe thanks hun :hug: Hope you are having a good day as well! :)

  11. I'll make sure to do so from now on. Thanks for the info ;)

  12. Really? I didn't know Canada day was July 1st. Cool! I'm sure you celebrate similar to how we do!! And also thanks about my new siggi and avi!! hehe :D And the rating!

  13. I love your set! She looks lovely!

  14. Have a very merry christmas love <3

  15. I like Pixlr for blending the images, not so much the text's and borders ect.

  16. Since I'm bored I'll just talk to you :p What are your fav brands?

  17. Yeah I liked it. I thought it was dumb though how Blair didn't open the envelope to the baby daddy. I want to know SOOO bad!

  18. Awwww Hello kitty!!!! That is soooo adorable <3 Also love all your interest's you updated ;)

  19. And you think Blairs lying? About what?

  20. ohhhhh I see :p That happens to me quite a bit as well. Also thanks for the info on the shoot! Again I love the vintagey feel. also its nice she didn't do it nude :p

  21. I used to a few years ago but then I stoped. I've been meaning to get back into watching it again! because I really liked it and there was alot of eye candy! :p

  22. Awwwwwww thanks hun! :hugs: Thanks for getting me back!! I rated you up also! 5 stars for the lovely miche! :)

  23. I'm good. And yeah I had to add Chanel in there :p you should post in her thread! I'm a regular :)

  24. Genevieve looks just like Megan. Well she is gorgeous.I can't get over her cheecks. They're gorgeous! :p <3

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