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Posts posted by k_dub


    Looks like the Dodgers are in that situation for a while. Gagne is on the 15 day DL. :cry: So, we need the rest of the bullpen to step up, at least till Gagne gets back. GO BLUE!!!

  1. Ya knowm I think it should be called the road to the top 2. After all, it really comes down to top 2 teams, not the final four. Anyway, I'm not sure who to root for. However, since my hometown Lakers are as weak as hell this year, we should get a good draft pick, so the i'll be watching the point guards and centers closely in the championship game. :fun:

  2. Now, this should be considered the year of the upsets!!! :yes: DUKE GOT KNOCKED OUT BY THE SPARTANS!!! When is the last time duke got knocked out in the SWEET 16?! :o :huh: :ninja: Not to mention that UNC survived a close call!!! :ermm:


    Yea I know... It just sucks because having a player out can ruin a whole season... Just ask Billy Wagner... I guess the best teams are the ones that can find a way to win with their best players injured...

    :blink: You know of a team like that?! Cause most teams that have their best players injured tend to lose a lot, not win a lot.

  3. thanks soooooo much.   tyra has put on some weight, but i think she looks absolutely amaaaaaaazing.  so sexy.  and her chest . :o  :o  :o  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  

    she's the bomb!!   but she must be getting a little self-concious about her weight cause she was all about pulling that shirt down.  lol.

    Maybe she is getting a little self-concious about her weight. Like she said, she is at least 30 pounds heavier than the other models, which is both a blessing and a curse. The fact that she has more of a normal body helps her popularity with the female crowd(having her own show probably helps her as well). ;) The flip side of that coin is that she that she will not be able to do as many fashion shows as the skinnier models do. :/

  4. To elaborate on my previous post...this isn't directed at the members here, rather at the educated idiots at my university.

    I said I sympathized with the people who have friends or relatives over in Iraq...it's one thing to be concerned about them...but I'm sick of these cockbiting fucktards that are like, "OMFG I DON GET TO SEE MY BF FOR 6 MOS AND I HOPE BUSH GETS ASSASSINATED I HATE THE WAR I HATE BUSH EVERYTHING IS HIS FAULT"...I'm sorry but they.  signed.  up.  for.  it.  They should be pissing and moaning that their boy toys chose to enlist in the army, not tearing into the president. That's almost like, if your significant other chose to drink himself to death, and going to the liquor store clerk and bitching him out.  Or if he OD'd and you yelled at the drug dealer.  Um derrr..how dense can you be?  And really fuck these flip floppers who changed their mind about the war when things got nasty...like we were going to go over there, sit the terrorists down, wag our fingers and say, "Aww you bad bad man, you killed thousands of people and raped children, now you go sit in your naughty circle and think about what you did."  I'm sorry we don't live in a magical happy land where no countries ever come into conflict with each other, war is a necessary evil, get over it.  Those points have been reiterated a billion times over to liberals who live in their little bubbles of ignorance and are so oblivious they're borderline retarded.

    I get what you are saying, but try to put yourself in their shoes. Yeah, war is a neccessary evil, but this is, without a doubt, an UNESSESSARY WAR!!! Iraq had no WMD'S, and had nothing to do with 9-11, so this war has been a waste of time. Bin Laden is still out there. Yeah, our men and women in the military did sign up, but I think we shouldn't send them into harm's way UNLESS WE ABSOLUTELY HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE!!! WWI, WWII, even the Korean War was justified wars. Vietnam, I'm not so sure. My dad fought in the Vietnam war, and he did enlist, and even though he had seen some horrible things, he said he wouldn't trade his experiences for anything in the world. I won't go into the reason why he chose to enlist, but he really didn't understand what exactly he was fighting for. He just did what the army told him to do, no questions asked. As for your comparisions to drinking and drug use to the current war, I don't think that's fair. The curcimstances don't add up. Again I'm not dissing you, I just asking you to look at the other side of the table, so to speak.

  5. SoCal got hit with another rain storm!!! <_< Blackouts happened it was so bad. :( There was a blackout on my street, and the cable was all fucked up as well. And get this, we were one of the lucky ones. We eventually got our electicity back on for most of the night. The other side of my street was blacked out all night long, and so my homeboy's place, who only live two blocks away from me. It looks like we have another storm coming. :cry:

  6. i live right near lake ontario, sooo yea.  i dont get to the beach very often, thus i am not a surfer, thsu i cannot attract surfer chicks :(

    Hmm . . . that's right, West New York and Toronto are near lake Ontario, which is fresh water, not salt, and there are no beaches. So, in actuality, you guys can't really claim east coast, now can ya?! :laugh:

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