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Sweet Lu

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Everything posted by Sweet Lu

  1. just makes me want to SPANK it (her butt that is....well maybe other thigns too, lol).

    can't wait to see her strut her stuff at the vsfs

  2. awww thanks hun. i do lvoe my Dita (i am working on a new vid of her as we speak). and i hope you do register. we would love to have you

  3. but of course. time to party hardy

  4. thank you big time for my new set!!!!!!! it is awesome!!!! dita is such a goddess

  5. now that is one fine ass that behati has

  6. hey hot stuff. ready for the weekend my lovely?

  7. Sweet Lu

    Monica Bellucci

    woah momma. damn she is looking fine
  8. i'm sure the haters will still tryh and drag her down and call her pudgy and fat, but in these she is totally hawt
  9. my oh my droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  10. yes it is true. i jsut looked it up. not a clue why they are doing this. Sophia is going to be 60 years old when they find her at this rate
  11. who knows. probably becsause we share a pc, which alot of married people do as well as people who live in the same house. maybe all those should be banned too.
  12. and they banned my wife for what reason? this pisses me off

  13. why the bloody hell my wife's profile got banned when she never did anything to anyone. she made it so she could view pictures and such and wouldn't even say boo to anyone but me and our mutual friend. and granted she did not use it much, but this makes no sense at all and is such a load!
  14. TOP 10 METALLICA SONGS: 1 Four Horsemen 2 Seek and Destroy 3 Sanitarium 4 Master of Puppets 5 Fade to Black 6 For Whom The Bell Tolls 7 One 8 And Justice For All 9 Creeping Death 10 King Nothing
  15. totally agree kiki my hun. but we know they are gonna drag out the search for her til the end of the season and than be like "we found ehr" i mean she would probably be starving to death by now, i mean how many days has it been??? and i don't think it is his family, but i think he beleives he can save them somehow and turn them back into human.
  16. i know. clay needs to die a horrible slow death. he has passed the point of no return
  17. is missing his nba i am taking
  18. you are quite welcome hun. jsut being honest after all. and thank you for my new sig and default. it looks super wicked pissah awesome

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