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Status Updates posted by AnaBBarrosFan

  1. Kathy Griffin, haha.

  2. Keep her, lol. I just said I would do her. xD

  3. LMAO! Too funny, man.

  4. lol My bad! Also: Adele is flawless. ;)

  5. Love it when you treat me! Hehe

  6. LOVE that ep. Btw, your a big fan of VSFS 06, huh?

  7. Magic Mike can have all my money.

  8. Making your set/s as I type this. <3

  9. Mamoncillo overdose... Pretty sure I've got one.

  10. Migraines are fixed with natural white cheddar cheetos.

    1. Jennka


      Where the hell have you been???

  11. Morning.... although it's 2pm and I was asleep till like 20mins ago... xD

  12. Much love, hun. :hug:

  13. My biggest qualm about the book is that after the first 2 horcruxes were found (which took forever, with good reason) the book randomly sped up and we were given less detail (something her books are obviously known for, and I grew used to) and that just didn't fly with me. It started reading like really good fanfiction, rather than JK's wonderful storytelling. I also have an issue with the

  14. My heart will always belong to 05. But 06 should be given more credit, I think it was a great show. The worst of all is 07, that was just a train-wreck from beginning to end.

  15. Nah! You came off as a cute/sweet as could be. <3

  16. necrophilia? What do you mean?

  17. Nice to see YOU around again!

  18. No I didn't??!?!?!?!?!

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