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Everything posted by Limerlight

  1. The fuck... No more reading instagram comments for me
  2. We have never gone off topic in a thread ever other than this one. I dare you to find one time we have. /s
  3. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?
  4. FeelsBadMan. Bring in them amateur college girls for a better look.
  5. Recycling good for the environment, bad for business Unless we bring back models that are a bit bigger Then that's a great thing
  6. I can't leave BZ cause Pretty won't let me
  7. @Stormbringer @Prettyphile @HitchcockBlonde It was -27 today with wind chill -35. -35 overnight with wind of -39. Come play Stormy, it's gonna be worse tomorrow Says -32 without wind,-40 with windfor the high and -29 high for friday (-26F & -20F for Pretty)
  8. @Prettyphile can do mine if not done by when she counts votes if she so pleases. Esti 2 Edita 1 1.5 Shiloh 3 Miller 3 1.5 1.5
  9. @Sunshiine @RebelleFleur Either of you have any more of her, that you've seen wandering around? Liked her for a long time she's gorgeous
  10. Does this mean we can download the episodes aka torrent them, then hop on skype share audio/screen and watch together?
  11. $uicideboy$ for the next VSFS, just do dark angel or a variety of it again, these guy'll kill it and yes, you've mentioned the love more than a few times Also, get the fuck back to sleep with the pills
  12. Sounds like $uicideboy$..... Need to be more wasted to enjoy that... and you know it not while soberish
  13. You, poke me later as you said after we both sleep again, I have 'splaining to do
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