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Status Updates posted by ILUVAdrianaLima

  1. Now that sounds like an absolutely good time there, nothing to worry about other then if u have made enough room for dessert =)

    As for me just trying to relax and work out what ever bug hit me.

  2. Finally Friday T, i can safely say your in 'hellz ya" mode eh?

  3. Chicken soup or any would be great at this moment. But im craving french toast funny enough. LOL and i can go with the nurse outfit....but i prefer the birthday suite for some reason LOL

  4. Party like its 1999 :D

    Nope not better here, feel like crap at the moment but luckily its not the baddest bug I've dealt with. Work from home for me today, gotta love tech :S

  5. Oh no worries hun, glad your having a good time :) LOL as for me just enjoying being sick. I'm thankful i came down today then during the holiday. Still went to work though, luckily im not hunched over puking sick. Just minor fever thru out the day and those lovely body aches :(

  6. LOL oh jeez...fav meal, thats opening a Pandora's box there. I just love all food in general but im a big fan of pasta dishes :)

    Oh and i had a wonderful New Years here. It was a pajama themed party at my best friends house. Smart idea considering u had your nightwear on just in case u had to stay in that night :D

  7. LoL they were fairly baggy but i took it fairly easy on the drinks considering the time :) What about u, was T living the vida loca? :O

  8. Hey T, happy New Years as well here. Hope u had a dam good time over there in sunny Florida :)

    We had a good time over here, went to my best buddies pajama themed party. What a comfy idea too. Best part, only close freinds were invited, ahhh parties :D

  9. Hey there a somewhat late Happy New years here, hope u enjoyed the festivities :)

  10. Happy Birthday hun, best wish for u this coming year =)

  11. Happy New Year bud, hope to see u around soon again :)

  12. Happy New Year as well and bet wishes for you and all your family this 2012 =)

  13. Thx hun and happy New Year to u as well =)

  14. Happy New year sweetie =)

  15. Happy New year as well =)

  16. Happy New Year as well =)

  17. A bit late but better then never. Happy New Years Rox :D

  18. Have a great New Years bud and easy on the party juice :D

  19. Oh sounds like a good time indeed. So nice to hear that u get along with the in-laws so well. Looks like its time to store up on some liquor to ring in the New Year :D

  20. Oh she actually does, its called "Ours". And so far New Year plans are looking like they will be at a buds house, but still not 100% here. How about u T?

  21. Oh mhmm agreed, but im waiting for another premiere or event so i can get more pics, i want to change up my 'about me' page already :)

  22. Her complexion is beyond amazement, why i just feel in love with that commercial and just her over all :D

    And its actually been running for a bit, seen it on TV a few times. Her scenes make for some amazing gifs don't they ;D

  23. LOL of course, i should never question that again :) Well, at least not now ;D

    And my godness just 2 days left and its sayonara 2011 and hello 2012 :D

  24. Gluttony sure is a wonderful sin :) And i honestly agree that January tends to feel somewhat depressing. Considering that many are back to work off from there vacations after all those wonderful past holidays. Oh well, back to the 9-5 grind, well for many others that is :0

  25. Ready for New Years amigo?

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