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Status Updates posted by Lyon

  1. heehee! I'm free these 2 weeks :) Like your opposite :p :hug:

  2. Where've you been honey? :)

  3. ahaha...She must kill you :no: lol

  4. Lyon

    haha...I'm the first one to give you 5 stars :p (I'm passed by :p)

  5. hihi~ Really nice nico set :)

  6. ahaha! I thought you watched it alone :rofl:

    But I don't think it is a "game" :ermm:

  7. Don't laugh, I stopped it after she left her room :ninja:

  8. You sick, have you cried? That is scary :︳:chicken:

  9. Sorry, it keeps telling me I've inserted the wrong password :p

    And I guess ... something about horror no?

  10. What's that? I'm not going to take this risk... Tell me ;)

  11. ahaha! The 40th anniversary of "The Sound of Music" :p

  12. Nice set, Thanks TR :whistle:

  13. hee~ I'll have a tests later on, and I just finished the study 2 hours ago :p

  14. nini, what are you waiting for? :shifty:

  15. Hi~ How was the test, was it good ? :p

  16. yup.. I met a few ;) Have fun here :)

    BTW, you should comment on MY PROFILE :rofl: I thought you didn't get my message :p Nevermind :)

  17. Hello! :) I'm from China :p

  18. heehee! me too, sooo many tests, reports plus projects etc :p But everything will be better :hehe: Work it honey :kiss:

  19. I'm fine! Really :yes: What about your study? When's your holiday comes? :) :kiss:

  20. Hey! How was the Greece trip? :hehe: Did you go to zoo? :p I remember it :rofl:

  21. Hi Takka :) Do you like animes ? What animes do you like? :p

  22. Happy Birthday :)

  23. Thank you so much! :)

  24. Lyon

    wow... I see you'll become a mother? Congrats! It is an amazing thing to be a mama :) I wish you'll have a lovely healthy baby :hehe:

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