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Status Updates posted by Michael*

  1. In that case, I think I feel a game of Syphon Filter or Tomb Raider coming on! It'd be very cool for Rising to incorporate the move controller, I could imagine it almost making people forgive them for using Raiden as the leading character (though I never minded him that much myself). :D

  2. Yeah, Rising looks great. I'm really curious to see what they'll do with a fast-paced action game, as opposed to the traditional stealth element. I'd read that the majority of PS2 games don't work properly on PS3 so I assumed the same thing about PS1 stuff. but I'll give it a try. :)

  3. Still got my PS1 stashed away for the occasional game of MGS1 or Crash Bandicoot :D but what I've really been glued to for the last couple of weeks is MGS4 for PS3. Highly recommended if you're a fan of the series. :)

  4. Yeah, played the Megadrive version endlessly as a kid - I was always an SF man as opposed to Mortal Kombat. Must give IV a go sometime soon - I only recently came out of console game retirement so there's a lot of catching up to do. :D

  5. Been meaning to give the PS3 one a try for a while now, though I was always happy enough with the original game. Never really got into all the sequels and Alphas and whatnot.

  6. It looks alright actually, and the little trailer on the website was pretty cool. I'm not the biggest GD fan by any stretch of the imagination but I'd check that out if the chance came along. :)

  7. Must be something to do with Green Day I guess, but I had no idea it was a musical too! :/

  8. Thanks, and I guess it goes without saying that yours is awesome too. Street Fighter fan? :)

  9. Heya Helen! How goes it? :)

  10. I like it - the name and the band!

  11. Perhaps we four-star'ers could form some kind of underground Limanati resistance group? Of course, we'll be needing a name and possibly some kind of secret handshake.

  12. You could fit what I know about musicals on the back of one of the tickets, but I'd probably go and see one out of curiosity if the chance were to come along. So what's your favourite one? :)

  13. I'm a lifetime member of the four-star club and not fussed one way or the other about Adriana. Coincidence? I think not!

  14. By the way, I keep clicking that fifth star in the hope that it might raise the average up - one of these days!

  15. From the ridiculous to the sublime - trust our boys to do everything backwards! Even at 2-0, I was was fully expecting Chelsea to score eight and for order to be restored. Definitely file under "did that really happen?" :D

  16. Oh, definitely The White Stripes, but I'm such a nerd for Jack that I loved them all. Dead Weather was just after the first album came out so it was a little short - I'd love the chance to see them again. The Raconteurs I can kind of take or leave on record, but they're all such great musicians that it still made for a good show. Do you get many bands playing in your neck of the woods?

  17. Most definitely - I'd go so far as to say they're my favourite band of all time (along with Nirvana). I've been lucky enough to see all three of Jack's bands live and I'd wholeheartedly recommend any of them!

  18. Good good, can't complain! Hey, I didn't know you were a White Stripes fan... :)

  19. Hey, how goes it? :)

  20. I've heard of that before, but never seen it. Wonder if it's worth checking out. Joe, you really have the most eclectic mix of avatars! :D

  21. Thanks Joe - it's a single cover from a current favourite band of mine, Sleigh Bells, but I think the assassin look is what they were going for. And what about yours?

  22. I think only in the 'Rumour has it' thread! Nice to meet you properly too! :)

  23. Happy birthday Rox!

  24. Happy birthday! :)

  25. Sounds amazing, I've always wanted to visit Australia and NZ! I've spent quite a bit of time in Europe and visited Holland, France and Italy a few times each, but I'm still very keen to go to Spain and Czech Republic. After that, I'd like to try and venture a little further afield, maybe America or Australia. :D

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