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Status Updates posted by frenchkiki

  1. oh you do look dangerous! and i luv it!

  2. really? Thank you =)

  3. I thought u were looking real nice on your profile picture

  4. put back your picture on your profile pic! I need to drool!

  5. oh and happy sweet 18 again!!

  6. i've been having a lot of sadness in my life right now. Both my grand mother and brother are at the hospital (not for the same reasons) and it's pretty bad )=

  7. hello! I would like to ask you what font u used for your siggy? Thank you <3

  8. i am always making men beg... can't help it! i love puppies!

  9. Sexy femme I am sexy femme i will stay!

    you are back for good?

  10. was it Amber Benson playing the Vampire on the episode when they kill Eve? And if yes, what happened to her nose??????

  11. hope he is not gonna die! he is too precious for the show (just like Crowley) it's good to have a different point of view from both side (good&bad) and the show will be a tat boring if they go back to demons=bad and the Winchesters=good.

  12. how are u MY sexy thing?

  13. how about making a Supernatural team with Ophelia you and me? I LOVE that show!!!

  14. I've just watched the last episode of supernatural when Castiel "betrayed" the winchesters and now can't wait for the next episode! (May 20? Damn!) someone told me that sexy Misha said on his twitter he won't be in season 7... do u know if it's true? Because If hot Jensen was my number one reason to watch supernatural since season 1 I DON'T Want MISHA TO LEAVE

  15. i was talking about the bad boys

    <------ Here!

  16. thank you! Happy easter to u to!

  17. I know someone who only loves bad boys... + 1 for ya!

  18. we need to do a lot of "fun" to be sure i am losing those 10 pounds. Did i tell you i gained almost everything on the booty? so the booty needs the action!!

  19. oh baby! My hard drive died and i live without Internet for 20 days! I almost killed my self but chocolate saved me! I gained 10 pounds but it was the fat or the grave! How are you my sexy stud?

  20. i almost died. and i've lost so many things that were on my hard drive *sigh* don't even want to think about it *sob*

  21. my hard drive died in March and i had to wait 20 days to have my computer back... 20 day without Internet and a computer! I've started to eat my fingers bones after i ate all my nails after 3 days with no connection!

  22. How are you beautiful??

  23. yes she is lovely

  24. who is on your avatar? You?

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