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Everything posted by SympathysSilhouette

  1. Does anyone else start to find it weird that they are still styling and coiffing her to look as much as he mom as possible for these events? I mean surely she is her own person...
  2. Looks like she lost some weight too, which might happen when you are bedridden in a hospital for a while.
  3. The news for me is that she has been with men, almost all of the pictures I have seen of her with a (potential) significant other they have always been women.
  4. LOL! Some of those kids look like they are pushing thirty at this point.
  5. This isn't news is it? I mean haven't we largely seen Scarlett out and about with girls?
  6. Connery is still the character in my mind. Has the most good to great Bond films. I really only like Goldeneye from Brosnan's run.
  7. Most of the best Bond films are still the Sean Connery ones. My favorite three would be Thunderball, From Russia With Love and Dr. No. In that order. Of the subsequent ones, I didn't really care much for most of the Roger Moore era. I did like The Living Daylights (first of the Timothy Dalton ones) and Goldeneye (first of the Pierce Brosnan ones). I think Daniel Craig only made one good one, Skyfall.
  8. The thing I like about whoever does the castings for HB is not just that they find models that fit their brands, but also that they seem very adept at creating very good pairings of models.
  9. I'm not a usual proponent of "woke is broke" type thinking but I did have to laugh when I watched the X-Men '97 reboot/continuation and saw they had given Rogue a flat butt. I guess they had an actual discussion what to do with the 'Rogue butt' from the original show and their solution was to go entirely the opposite direction. Which is dumb, the change is so massive that they actually attract attention to it.
  10. Seems nice. Also seems very Bioshock. But then it's Ken Levine.
  11. I like the peek-a-boo styling they give her hair in many of these, very sexy look for Emily.
  12. She is very good in Burning and that is a good film in general.
  13. Larian Studios supposedly not interested in doing Baldur's Gate 4. Apparently they did not enjoy the process of working together with Hasbro/WotC and their next game will be their very own thing.
  14. Didn't even realize that was Jeon Jong-seo until I checked the article! Looking very different than in Burning there!
  15. Even I know about the Noel Berry leaks and I barely know anything about such things. I remember them causing quite the kerfuffle at the time.
  16. Well it's not like I will be sad if Disney loses money. But this case has implications far beyond Disney.
  17. Knowing that Disney has made live action movies for 70+ years makes one schizophrenic? Okay.
  18. They haven't been "only cartoons" since the 1940s (when they made films that were a mix of live action and animation) or 1950s (when they made their first 100% live action films).
  19. When the first rumblings came out about her possibly suing, I read some experts who claimed her lawsuit had little chance of success. It would essentially mean any actor who is dropped from a series could claim discrimination and forced to be rehired. I'm not sure how the industry is meant to work in that way.
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