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Status Updates posted by Ophelia_Immortal

  1. Thanks Baron! I'm sure it was the Lima fans =O

  2. Thanks Darling. Daivd Bowie is the love of my life. I had a crush on him since I was 4 :)

  3. Thanks lol. Maybe I'll make another thread for it.

  4. Thanks so much for the awesome comment in my thread, love! You are the best! <3

  5. Thanks SO much! =D

  6. Thanks! Her name is Hwang Mi Hee!

  7. Thanks! I love it! Lyon is a master set maker! :D

  8. Thanks! I love yours too! :D

    and omg...happy late birthday! x.x

  9. Thanks! I think he is 10x better then Bill! Jessica and Eric are the vampires who should have their own show! =D

  10. Thanks! Isen't he dreamy? I hate male models as a whole....but I just want to cuddle with man and brush his hair :D lol

  11. Thanks! Mona is really shining lately =D

  12. Thanks! Yeah I have about 7 of them saved and it took me a week to choose which one to use as my ave. Even then I wasn't happy - I wanted them all! so I just put a couple in my About Me. Would have put more but I didn't want to freeze someones computer lol

  13. Thanks!

    Piro does some really amazing shoots :)

  14. Thanks...I love Nat Poly! :D

  15. That and I'm sure he has no idea what chapstick is haha. And those big beautiful lips need alot I'm sure xD

  16. That sounds like an awesome dream Joe! I totally wish we could have shared it! =D

  17. That video of Nozomi-chan just sent me into a squee fest! LOVE it!

  18. That's Cintia Dicker =O! And I have a zillion statements about freckles since I have a zillion of them myself haha. I'm from Chicago. You? =D

  19. The beautiful, Chantal Stafford-Abbott. =)

  20. The facebook thread haha xD

  21. The video was really cute! I had tears from laughing so hard from it! They are so flippin' adorable it's not fair! haha

  22. There are 7 books in the original series. Anne Rice then wrote the "Tales of the New Vampires" which there are 3 more. The Mayfair series is separate until the last 2 books in the VC. Anne Rice combines them. It's amazing!

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