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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. 5 stars for you!

  2. Seriously about over the base levels ... on BZ. I love you too girly

  3. Hey hun! I've been ok, super busy though. What's been going on with you?

  4. Lurking back atcha! ;p How ya doing hun?

  5. Amen to that, 5 stars!!

  6. GHOST FOOT!!!! lol love it.

  7. btw some of the people on this forum take stupid to a whole new level. QQ

  8. Thanks for the visit. No hellos?

  9. lol your name is awesome

  10. Rubber Red Jolly Rancher! omg I haven't laughed so hard in awhile. Thank you for thinking of me! Poor basket *roflz*

  11. Pokes! Where ya been?

  12. God dammit Baron! I sooo blame you. I have zero safe haven anymore.... Just when I think we can't get anymore jibbers.... we do!!

  13. Happy New Years babe! Have a great 2011 :)

  14. Happy New Years hun!. God what's it been 6 years or so we've known each other?

  15. Happy Years! Keeping fingers crossed 2011 will be an even better year for you and your family then 2010!

  16. Merry Christmas hun! btw I've been wanting to ask you this.... Do you know what's going on with Janeta Samp? Is she working still?

  17. Yay! I made it under your sig *kisses*

  18. I'm going to go ahead and add you to the real id list later tonight. Sorry it hasn't happened sooner but I've been really busy!

  19. rofl! Which model said that? Please tell me it was Candice!!!

  20. I have both horde and alliance now. Just got a transfer to horde with my shadow priest... btw tomorrow the world blows up!

  21. Because I ran across a video on Youtube of characters Lu and you have played. Pheno and I have been rp'ing Vampire The Masquerade, Demon the Falls, Mage and a bunch of other systems for 15 years, so when I thought you and lu might rp I was thrilled to see we weren't alone. :)

  22. Question, do you Role Play? If so have you ever checked out the systems White Wolf puts out?

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