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Candice Swanepoel


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9 hours ago, l'etoile said:

Now it's turned into Pietro is not impressive after you called him "feminine" earlier?


UCL is actually a great university and highly regarded. Just because people fawn over Ivy League schools or Oxford/Cambridge more because of their name prestige, it doesn't mean it's not a good school. Also using Bezos, Zuckerberg and Spiegel when they are scandal plagued with political, extra-marital cheating and needing to turn over profits? Poor choice by naming them in this non-argument.


Back to the real point, Candice. I think she can decide whoever she wants to see. Yeah she's a single mom but she's also Candice Swanepoel. No guy would want to turn that down. For example: look at Natalia Vodianova and Miranda Kerr.


She's having fun again from my perspective. I see her thriving by working, casually seeing someone (or not) and living it up.  Her mom even commented she's looking happier on one of the Candice fan accounts through Instagram before deleting it.


The Jason Wu dress was a little meh to be honest, but I think she looked beautiful.

I still think he’s feminine and the reason I stated I was not impress is because they brought his Ph.D into the conversion. Trying spending one day as a Harvard Student and let’s see if you still believe it’s because “their name prestige.” Also, when I brought Zuckerberg, Spiegel, and Bezos I was taking back before they became Billionaires(didn’t need no Ph.D), but I agree with you today they are greedy.

Back to Candice, she has the right to decide who she wants in her life and more importantly in the life of her children. it’s not about “no guy would turn that down” Of course they will not turn that down but can they handle being in third place because she has a business and children. 

I also agree with you she’s just having fun.

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:boxing: seems like a rumble, but yeah it's not even that deep LOL.


I find Pietro very attractive. Yes he's a "pretty boy" but the term feminine is a poor choice wording. He certainly got Candice's attention. She should be enjoying herself, regardless of whatever they're doing. No one is saying they're going to get married, they look hot.


Candice looks so pretty at the CFDA! I'm actually glad to see her out and about more.

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