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Elsa Hosk


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From Harper's Bazaar


Harper's BAZAAR: What's your favorite workout?

Elsa Hosk: I'm obsessed with boxing. I go to Kwame at Mendez Boxing NYC, he is amazing and we have made some serious progress in the last couple of years. I love it because you are learning something new every time, and that keeps me coming back for more. I'm really into fast paced, high energy workouts, but I do mix it up with barre classes at Flywheel Sports, and I love 30/60/90 classes at Equinox. Those are insane!

HB: How do you workout when you're traveling away from home?

EH: It can be hard to find time sometimes, but it's all about motivating yourself. I do whatever I can whenever I can. It doesn't have to be grueling, most of the time I bring a jump rope and find a peaceful place and skip to music. I also always travel with gliders, for some leg and glute exercises. I just left a trip in Turks and Caicos with Victoria's Secret, and all the girls in the team got together and did bootcamp classes at lunch break. That was a fun way to get workouts in. Everybody brought different exercises on different days. We had yoga, barre, pool aerobics and body weight training.

HB: What gets you motivated to work out on days when you're not feeling the gym?

EH: It's ok to skip a day or two, but I'm careful to not make it a habit. I'm happier, stronger and more balanced if I do something everyday, and it's mostly that feeling that motivates me. When I work out, I make healthier choices in all areas of life, and when I don't I tend to slack on other things too, so I like to keep a good routine going.

HB: What's your favorite sport bra to wear and why?

EH: I love the Victoria's Secret Knockout Front-close Strappy-back Sport Bra, after a strenuous and sweaty workout I don't have to pull it over my head to take it off. The front close makes it very convenient and easy, and the strappy back is super sexy!

HB: Do you have "cheat" days? Or do you generally let yourself eat whatever you want?

EH: I generally always eat what I want. I think when you work out a lot, you can afford to eat more because your body's metabolism is higher. I like healthy food and prefer that anyways, but if I want pizza or a can of Coca-Cola every once in a while I'm going to have it. I just try to have a few slices and that's it.

HB: What's your favorite food indulgence?

EH: Pizza! And bacon…

HB: What food items do you always have stocked in your apartment?

EH: Not much since I'm always traveling and food goes bad quick. But I try to have all the ingredients to make Spanish gazpacho which is my go-to at home—I'm obsessed with tomatoes.

HB: Are there any models that you look up to?

EH: Many! A lot of girls that work really hard and have had long careers, and stay grounded. I love Carolyn Murphy, she is gorgeous. All the VS Angels! They work super hard and have the sweetest personalities.

HB: How did you feel when you found out that you graduated from a VS Pink girl to an Angel? Did you do anything to celebrate?

EH: I did celebrate! I was so stoked, happy and excited. I felt so welcomed by everyone and it's really been a cool journey.

HB: What are some of your go-to beauty products right now?

EH: Josie Maran anything! Love her products, especially the argan sun block moisturizer, and RMS beauty anything, always. Her eye polish colors are insane. I also always keep an Eau So Sexy rollerball by Victoria's Secret in my bag.

HB: Any fun summer plans?

EH: I have a bit too much planned this summer I think. I never really take time off but I thought this would be the summer, so I'm trying to squeeze in vacations all over in between work. I'm going to the islands in the archipelago of Stockholm, to Rome (where I've never been), to friends houese in Marbella and Mallorca in Spain, and to one of my favorite cities, Tokyo!

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