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"UK defence minister says China working to supply lethal aid to Russia"


UK defence minister says China working to supply lethal aid to Russia | Reuters


If this is true, the funny thing is what if China becomes the 'Arsenal of non-Western states' so to speak as relations of the world continue to decline vs. the West.  


A few months ago I saw how they were showing off their new factories that could produce so many missiles that they easily dwarf Russia & NATO combined. 



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🇬🇧 Rishi Sunak has vowed to bring back National Service for 18-year-olds to create a “renewed sense of pride in our country” in his first major policy announcement of the election campaign.


Rishi Sunak: I will bring back National Service (telegraph.co.uk)


Ah, yes, getting the shambolic British Army ready for WW3...

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5/29/24 Ukraine:


1. Zelensky claimed that the Russians are preparing another limited offensive NW of Kharkiv in order to further overstretch and put pressure on the ground force.  Previous to that some open sources claimed some 10,000 troops in the area and this grouping is expanding in size.


2. A new wonder-weapon crusade- this time Ukraine is lobbying to get the USA to allow them to attack targets inside of Russia with US missiles in the northern front.  Sweden will send a large arsenal of APCs to Ukraine .


3. Battle lines are now positional again and Russia accomplished its objective- Ukraine sent in numerous formations from their reserves or other fronts, including the NATO trained units that were burned out and were undergoing rebuilding.  Russian army has not escalated the offensive and is opting for a war of position again.


 Some estimate that Ukraine has 20,000 troops in the area and now heavily outnumber the Russian ground force that made the attack.  New Russian formations have also arrived in second echelon but are not attacking. 


4.  A very real possibility is that Russia does what Ukraine claims and re-open the Sumy front with a similar local offensive, forcing another dispersion of Ukrainian resources and troops.

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- Apparently it appears that the claims of 'Sumy offensive' was part of Western MIC- NATO-Ukraine's propaganda lobbying to get US approval to strike targets in Russia (Belgorod region).  They got approval to use HIMARS rockets but not missiles.


-Russia gave passports to re-occupied citizens of Kharkiv Oblast.  Kharkiv Oblast is a heavily Russian-speaking and more pro-Russian region and it is possibly an area that Putin will annex in the future.


-Reflecting on Western claims that Russia received 5 million heavy artillery rounds and massively outproducing US-NATO combined over the past year- while impressive I am wondering if this is another lie by the Pentagon.  If this was true why haven't the Russians quickly blow up city after city like they did in 2022?  They were using millions of rounds then, up to 1.5 million a month.  Chasiv Yar hasn't been blown up, neither has Vochansk. 


If the Russians were determined to use these 5 million rounds they are supposed to have they could just steamroll the remaining Donbass cities and blow them up one by one but they haven't.  The other possibility is that this is not a Pentagon lie and these rounds are being stored for future offensive use.

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