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Harry Potter

Guest Lullaby

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:laugh: I didn't get sorted into Slytherin for no reason. And Meghan. Which I think I put in my thread but I can't remember.

I know I'm going to be sitting through the fourth movie mourning the loss of Bill. The actor refused to grow a ponytail and just...ugh long rant about that one. I realize that Bill is no Brad Pitt, but he's the COOL BROTHER damnit :|

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Guest Lullaby
boy you really like to drill home the screw, don't you avada ;) Whats your name anyway's, dear?


That's my woman you're calling dear. :angry:

:laugh: :laugh: :ninja:

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Recently, during a question and answer session with the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, a woman asked him what he thought of the Harry Potter books' impact on children's literacy as well as the people who were critical of them. He replied:

"The Harry Potter brief in my file is somewhat thin, which only shows that my officials' sense of importance is not what it should be. I was told by someone, however, that in the first chapter of the new book, the Minister of Magic comes out of a fireplace to confront the Prime Minister. I am still searching for the Minister."

Taked from mugglenet.com

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In reference to this thread, here's a thing on Arithmancy.

Arithmancy (from the Greek arithmo, meaning "number", and mancy, meaning "prophecy") has been used by magicians and wizards for mroe than two thousand years to help people analyze and develop their strengths and talents, overcome obstacles, and chart their future paths. Also known as "numerology", arthimancy is based on two very old ideas. The first is that a person's name contains important clues to their character and destiny. The second, advanced more than 2,500 years ago by the Greek sage Pythagoras, is that each of the numbers between 1 and 9 has a unique meaning that can contribute these two ideas and, over the centuries, developed many complex systems for converting names into numbers and analyzing the results. One of the most widely used systems involves extracting three key numbers from a person's name-the Character Number, the Heart Number, and the Social Number-and interpreting the outcome according to a set of extablished meanings. This system (which we suspect is the one taught at Hogwarts) was widely known by the Middle Ages and is still used today. All it requires is a pencil, paper, and the ability to add and spell.

The first step in analyzing a name is to conver it to a set of numbers. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a numerical value between 1 and 9, according to the following chart:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




As should be clear, the letters A, J, and S have the value of "1," B, K, and T have the value of "2," and so forth. To analyze any name, write it down, and beneath each letter enter the corresponding numerical value. As an example, we'll analyze the name Nicholas Flamel, the medieval alchemist who was reputed to have the Sorcerer's Stone:


5 9 3 8 6 3 1 1 6 3 1 4 5 3

When you have all the numbers writeen down, add them up. In this case, the result is 58. According to the procedures of arithmancy, when a total exceeds 9-which it usually does-it must be "reduced" to a single digitby adding the component numbers together, more than once, if necessary. Thus, 58 reduces to 13 (5 + 8 = 13), which reduces to 4 (1 + 3 = 4). The final result-the reduced number of all the values in the name-is known as the Character Number. This number indicates the general personality type of the individual, according to a system of interpretations to be presented shortly.

The next number to be derived is the Heart Number, which refers to the individuals's inner life and is said to indicate desires and fears hidden from others. The Heart Number is the total of all the vowels in the name, reduced to a single digit.


9 6 1 1 5

These numbers equal 22, which reduces to 4(2 + 2 = 4). In this instance, the Heart Number and the Character Number are identical, but this will not always be the case.

The third number to be derived is the Social Number, which refers to the outer personality, the face an individual shows to the outside world. The social number is determined by adding up the value of the consonants in the name:


5 3 8 3 1 6 3 4 3

In this case the total is 36, which reduces to 9 (3 + 6 = 9).

With the Character, Heart, and Social numbers in mind (4, 4, 9) it is now possible to sketch out a portrait of the subject using a set of positive and negative personality traits traditionally associated with each number. These traits are based partly on the ideas of Pythagoras, but were also influenced by many others.

The Meaning of the Numbers

One: This is the number of the individual. Ones are independent, forcused, single-minded, and determined. They set a goal and stick to it. They are leaders and inventors. Ones find it difficult to work with others and don't like to take orders. They can be self-centered, egotistical, and domineering. They are often loners.

Two: Two represents interaction, two-way communication, cooperation, and balance. Twos are imaginative, creative, and sweet natured. Peace, harmony, commitment, loyalty, and fairness are characteris. But two also introduces the idea of conflict, opposing forces, and the contrasting sides of things: night and day, good and evil. Twos can be withdrawn, mood, self-consious, and indecisive.

Three: Three represents the idea of completeness or wholeness, as in the trios "past-present-future" and "mind-body-spirit". The Pythagoreans considered three to be the first "compelte" number because, like three peblles laid out in a row, it has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Three indicates talent, energy, an artistic nature, humor, and social ease. Threes are often luck, easygoing, rich, and highly successful, but they can also be unfocused, easily offended, and superficial.

Four: Like a table that rests solidly on four legs, four indicates stability and firmness. Fours enjoy hard work. They are practical, reliable, and down to earth; they prefer logic and reason to flights of fancy. They are good at organization and getting things done. Like the cycle of the four seasons, they are also predictable. They can be stubborn, suspicious, overly practical, and prone to angry outburts. The conflicts with "two" are doubled in four.

Five: Five is the number of instability and imbalance, indicating change and uncertainty. Fives are drawn to many things at once but commit to none. They are adventurous, energetic, and willing to take risks. They enjoy travel and meeting new people but may not stay in one place very long. Fives can be conceited, irresponsible, quick-tempered and impaitent.

Six: Six represents harmony, friendship, and family life. Sixes are loyal, reliable, and loving. They adapt easily. They do well in teaching and the arts, but are often unsuccessful in business. They are sometimes prone to gossip and complacency. The Pythagoreans regarded six as the perfect number because it was divisible by both two and thre,e and was the sum as well as the produc of the first three digits ( 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 ).

Seven: Perceptive, understanding, and bright, sevens enjoy hard work and challenges. They are often serious, scholarly, and interested in all things mysterious. Originality and imagination are more important than money and material possesions. Sevens can also be pessimistic, sarcastic, and insecure. Seven is sometimes considered a mystical or magical number because of it's associations with the biblical seven days of creation, and the seven heavenly bodies of ancient astronomy (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter).

Eight: Eight indicates the possibility of great success in bussiness, finance, and politics. Eights are practical, ambitious, committed, and hardworking. They can also be jealous, greedy, domineering, and power hungry. Eight is said to be the most unpredictable of numbers and can indicate the pinnacle of success or the depths of failure; the potential to go either way is present from the beginning.

Nine: Nine represents completion and achievement to the fullest degree, as it is the "complete" number, three, expressed three times ( 3 x 3 - 9). Nines dedicate themselves to the service of others, often as teachers, scientists, and humanitarians. Strongly determined, they work tirelessly and are an inspiration to others. However, they can also be arrogant and conceited when things don't go their way.

According to these interpretations, we can now say that Nicholas Flamel (4, 4, 9) is a hardworking, down-to-earth person. He takes a practical approach to solving problems. He is emotionally stable, but may have some inner anger and suspicious; however, the face he shows to the world is that of a kind and generous humanitarian. Finally, we can add a few finishing touches to this portrait by returning to the original array of numbers, to see if any digits occure more frequently than others. In this case, the numbers 3 and 1 occur most often, indicating that, in addition to what we already know, Flamel is someone who seeks perfection, has the ability to make money easily, and goes about things with single-minded focus. Most of this, amazingly, seems to be true of the famous alchemist. As with most systems of divination, however, the more you know about the subject beforehand, the easier it is to pick the best of the many possible interpretations. The real challange is to create a portrait of an individual without benefit of hindsight.

Like astrology, arithmancy also claims to be a system for determining lucky and unlucky days. As a general rule, favorable days are those that correspond to an individual's character number. An "eight" personality, for example, would be advised to schedule important events like starting a usiness or getting married so that they occur on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of the month (each of which reduces to 8). Since any name or word can be converted to a number, arithmancyis also used to reveal "hidden kinships" among people, places, and things-the theory being that words and names that share the same numerical value are realted and naturally go together. Thus a six will be best off driving a car that reduces to 6, such as a Honda or a Toyota, whereas a seven would be happier driving a Ford. A two will be most romantically compatible with another two. Fives should consider living in a city that reduces to 5 (such as Tokyo or Pittsburgh), and so forth. Although we don't recommend it, virtually all of life's decisions can be made "according to the numbers," from the friends one associates with to the foods on the breakfast table (eggs = 2, toast - 3, corn flakes = 4)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Serenity mastermind who many Potter fans have said they'd love to see direct a Potter film) - recently took part in a chat with Empire Online in which he addresses the question (transcript on the Australian Serenity site):

Iaamond: Joss, what can a Browncoat do to get you directing a Harry Potter movie?

Joss: ihaamond, awesome question, as I was just thinking about this last night...They would have to wait until all the books come out, as I refuse to see any Potter film till I've read them all, because she writes better movies tha[n] anybody shoots. When she's done, I'll go back and watch them and wait for the call to direct number seven.

From : The Leaky Cauldron

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