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Hilary Rhoda


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Hilary is growin' so much on me lately ... I love her eyes & her classic/sexy/cute/elegant look :laugh: ... & her candid style is always perfect from head to toe, & her work for Estee Lauder it's just amazing :heart:

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Hilary Rhoda

Roses, the Other Hillary and Orszag's Sex Appeal

[Option_A_Left_Column]With Valentine's Day on the horizon, we could all use a bit of...encouragement. Stimulus, even. For such a tall order, we went local—and international, all at once—in the form of SI swimsuit model and Chevy Chase native Hilary Rhoda. The nearly 6-foot brunette and owner of the world's most talked-about eyebrows chatted with us about her favorite DC haunts, what it's like on an SI shoot and...Peter Orszag.

UD: You've left us for New York. We think you owe DC an apology.

HR: I've heard you're not a New Yorker until you have lived here 12 years, so if we're going by the book, I'm a Washingtonian that resides in New York City.

UD: Very political answer... Are you more into that than most models?

HR: I do have more knowledge than most...given that a lot of my friends are in that field.

UD: Does that mean you hang out at political dives?

HR: I like Kitchen in Glover Park, and Rio Grande in Bethesda. I cannot resist the queso and swirls.

UD: So, not so much. Any chance you'll run for office?

HR: No.

UD: But you're only two letters away from "Hillary Rodham."

HR: Nice observation. My mom always points out that she named me before Hillary was in the picture...

UD: Then what's next for you?

HR: Acting is definitely in the cards. It'd be cool to be a sports broadcaster like Erin Andrews.

UD: So Valentine's Day is coming up. Roses: essential or cliché?

HR: Essential.

UD: So what type of guy do you like? Are you into the nerdy Peter Orszag type?

HR: I didn't know this Peter Orszag guy was ruffling feathers. He definitely has a unique look. Fashion advice: don't dress like Peter Orszag unless you're man enough to dress like Peter Orszag.

UD: Any politicians you would put on the cover of a magazine?

HR: Bill Clinton.

UD: Naturally. If you were in the Cabinet, you'd be Secretary of...

HR: State. Why not just go for #1?

Read more: http://www.urbandaddy.com/dc/profiles/8724...C#ixzz0e6r0Ehlh

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